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    • Dia 32

      LPR - laryngopharyngeal reflux

      6 de novembro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      One afternoon I was in a panic thinking I had Esophageal CA! My symptoms' were increasing and nothing seemed to help. A few days later they were some what better and I happened to see an article on 'Silent Reflux' and a light bulb went on.

      Symptoms of Silent Reflux
      - LPR usually does not cause chest-burning symptoms, but if symptoms do appear, they include:

      - Asthma
      - Bitter taste in the throat
      - Chronic cough or excessive throat clearing
      - Difficulty swallowing
      - Hoarseness
      - Postnasal drip
      - Sensation of a lump in the throat
      - Sore or burning sensation in the throat

      I'd started taking a PPI but was still having issues and hence I decided it was CA. But I had run out of Prilosec and was trying a different PPI. I hate taking them long term cause I believe one needs some acid to digest one's food properly. But this article mentioned Alginate therapy. Even with all my years as a GI nurse, I'd never heard of it. But it sounds like just what I need!

      Also I am so relieved to not have Esophageal CA as I was already contemplating treatment options and.....etc....

      Alginate Therapy is also called a Reflux Raft. Alginates are medications that work through an alternative mechanism by displacing the postprandial gastric acid pocket.…

      Although Gaviscon contains and alginate, there is a newer interesting compound that comes from seaweed. "The three active ingredients of the most effective products are sodium (Na) alginate (Laminaria hyperborea stem), Na bicarbonate (HCO3) and calcium (Ca) carbonate (CO3). These substances interact to form a strong, coherent, voluminous, buoyant alginate raft when they are introduced to the acidic gastric environment. The raft is responsible for suppressing reflux and relieving the symptoms of heartburn and GERD."…

      So.....I have ordered a product from Amazon and eagerly await it's arrival!
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