United States
Hughes Ridge

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    • Day 17

      Pecks Corner Shelter 217.1

      May 20, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This morning we were woken up to the most delicious smell you can imagine. Freshly brewed tasty hot coffee. Daniel was our trail angel this morning and even gave us a pack of instant mashed potatoes :)
      After 5 miles into the trail we met our friends from Florida again - Jacob and Walter - at Newfound Gap. A super busy hiker spot, especially on a Saturday afternoon. First we found some free stuff, Rice and a gas canister. And afterwards we met a friendly AT companion who is planning to finish his thru hike next year. He was just there with his family and gave us food and his number, in case we needed anything when we are in Hot Springs. There we also crossed the state line from North Carolina to Tennessee but we keep switching between those two states still for a while.
      For an easy hike after the 19 miler, the 15 miles today were pretty good. The feet and legs are getting more and more used to it. Maybe we'll shoot for another 19 miler tomorrow depending on the weather as a thunderstorm is forecasted.
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