USA Tour - Philadelphia
November 28, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C
So today I went on a huge tour of the city. Started out by visiting the first Bank of America, moving onto Benjamin Franklin’s home. I also went to see independence hall, the liberty bell and the constitution museum.
After I did all the history stuff I went to paddy’s bar which if you’ve seen ‘it’s always sunny in Philadelphia’ this is the bar it’s based on. Looks nothing like the programme however. I also got talking to the barmaid who works there who told me to get a Philly taco - which is a cheesesteak hoagie wrapped in a slice of pizza.... sounds awesome however I skipped it as I didn’t want to die of a heart attack.
I also had a venture though Chinatown which was cool, although I would say Boston’s Chinatown was slightly better. But just off Chinatown is a place clued reading food market which takes up like 2 city blocks. All kinds of food you imagine, I went for a jambalaya as I’d never had one before.... unreal.
After stuffing my face I walked to the other side of town to the museum of art - which is where the iconic scene in rocky is filmed where he climbs the steps... rocky climbed those steps so, so did I!! Also FaceTimed my brother from the top as he’s a huge rocky fan!
I managed to find a pub with the Liverpool game on only managed to grab the second half. Poor performance all round really. But a guy came into the pub after the game had finished with a very British accent. We ended up talking and his name was sandy from Paddington in London, he works over here and has done for 15 years! Turns out he’s a spurs fan so he was happy. After about 30 mins or so another guy walks in who sits next to us at the bar, I can’t remember his name but he was a Russian living in Texas in Philadelphia for work. We all spent about 3 hours in the pub drinking before we all had to go our separate ways - it was a brilliant night though!
Bed early tonight as I am up to get to Atlantic City in the morning...Read more