United States
Lower Paxton Township

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    • Day 22

      End of Day 22 - Harrisburg, PA

      July 8, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Day 22 Miles: 436.3
      Total Miles: 5,348.5
      States: 18
      Countries: 2

      We drove through five states today, but have already counted them in our total on the way out. They were Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania. So our state total stays at 18. Tomorrow will bring a few more.

      No great picture for this post. The Clarion Inn (part of the Choice network, the Comfort Inn probably being the most recognizable name) was unremarkable.

      There was baseball going on somewhere nearby. The place was crawling with what looked like 8-10 year olds. I don't think they were 12's or part of the Little League World Series. Williamsport is around an hour and a half away.

      Harrisburg is also a bit unremarkable, but that is not uncommon for a state capital. Boston is an example of a state capital that has panache. Harrisburg seems more like Sacramento. No matter, time to rest. 😊
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    • Day 23

      Day 23 - A Long Drive Day

      July 9, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      We don't have much planned for today. Our goal is to get close to The Great Smoky Mountain National Park and then head to Nashville. The closer we get, the more time we have.

      I thought The Clarion Inn was crappy. Jenn thinks I am being to harsh, and I probably am. It was like a bad copy of a decent budget-ish hotel, like The Comfort Inn. Things were not terrible, but everything just seemed off. The WiFi sucked (not uncommon), it seemed a little dirtier, didn't smell fresh (but nothing bad) and breakfast was subpar. All first world problems, to be sure. The coffee was burned. Enough said. 😉

      We stopped at Starbucks before we hit the road. Thank goodness. ☕️
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    • Bay, Lakes & Mountains Rally Day 1

      August 16, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Today was the first riding day of the Bay, Lakes, and Mountains HOG Touring Rally, and it was a good one. Five of us left Waldorf, Maryland, just after 07:00 this morning and took the toll bridge over Chesapeake Bay. The sunlight was stunning as we rode over the long metal bridge.

      We finally ditched the traffic as we rode into Delaware, where we stopped at the gate for the Air Mobility Command Museum on Dover Air Force Base for a couple of folks to get their 50 Rides, 1 Nation photos.

      We stopped at Old Swedes Church in Wilmington so I could get a National Park System passport stamp for Delaware...but it was closed 😭. Oh well.

      A quick bite at Arby's and several dealerships later, we arrived at our hotel in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, then had burgers and dogs at the host HD.

      At dinner, a lady asked me to take something to Texas for her, a little frog attached to a lily pad that is a scavenger hunt of sorts in remembrance of her grandson. Read his story here: https://christopherslilypadlegacy.weebly.com/ch….

      Now, I've filled my gas tank, picked up food for breakfast, taken my shower, and am in bed ready for tomorrow's ride to New York. Yippee!

      So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

      Today's mileage: 309.5 (total 9446.0 + 10552 Hoka Hey + 24568.7 pre-Hoka Hey)
      HD Dealerships: 5 (total I don't know)
      National Parks: 0 (total 54 in 33 states)
      10 Rides for 2022: 0 (total 8 of 10)
      MCGTTX Stops: 0 (total 23 of 50)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Township of Lower Paxton, Lower Paxton Township

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