Worldschooling Year

August 2022 - June 2023
we're hoping to immerse as much as possible into local cultures to understand how other families live around the world while exploring interesting cultures and histories. Read more
  • 102footprints
  • 29countries
  • 299days
  • 686photos
  • 18videos
  • 69.9kmiles
  • 57.2kmiles
  • Day 103

    Worldschooling Hub in Luxor, Egypt

    November 28, 2022 in Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    We came to Egypt after a soul-filling week in Morocco to join a worldschooling hub. A hub is a small community of worldschoolers who come together for a period of time for the kids (and adults) to socialize. The Luxor Worldschooling Hub is run by a lovely family where the husband is from Luxor and has a family farm. The hub kids take a van to the farm to spend 4-5hrs each morning doing project based learning activities (NOT school), which the parents have the morning free to socialize, visit temples & tombs without the “how much longer"s, take crafts and cooking classes, and just have some adult time, which is incredible!

    This month’s theme is food for thought, so the kids have planted and tended gardens, cooked Egyptian foods, made smoothies with a bicycle powered blender, learned about different crops on the farm, taken care of animals and even volunteered at the local animal shelter. They also put together a family café where they sold foods and crafts and raised money to donate to the animal shelter. It’s a very crunchy, kid-driven, participation optional, but both our very different kids LOVED it!

    The coolest part of being at a hub has been the people we met. We’ve all had the opportunity to get to know a Scottish doctor and education consultant and their 11 & 9yo boys who are traveling for 6 months; a British family of teachers with 6&9yo girls who were living in Brunei for the last 5 years and are heading to Sri Lanka; a Kansas City homeschooling family where the dad decided being a lawyer was boring and went into the foreign service, first in China before and during COVID and now in Honduras where they live with 3 of their 5 kids, the other two at boarding schools; and an American dad and German mom, who left their conventional life in Boulder to travel indefinitely with their 9yo son.

    While the first week in the hub was probably our hardest week of the trip (due to a variety of reasons, including us arriving a week late in a 4 week hub and the other families already having bonded, our kids figuring out how to be part of a group, us trying to get used to new foods, new culture, new language, new stores with different products, etc…), we all were valuably reminded that it takes time to adjust to new places! The first week in most places we have traveled has been hard, but by week 2, it gets easier. By week 2 in Luxor, we had a routine down, the kids had made friends, we had made friends, and things became quite enjoyable and relaxed. We leave Luxor on Thursday (last day of the November hub) and we are all quite sad to be leaving, but excited to meet up with another worldschooling family with 7&9yo boys to overland in Namibia together for December!
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  • Day 105

    Egypt (by Andrew)

    November 30, 2022 in Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    I went to Luxor and went to something called Hub. Hub is something that you go to for kids to play with other kids while traveling. I love Hub because I do not have any friends (except Lewis) while I travel and I made friends at Hub. Hub went on a trip to an ancient temple, had dinner together and went to an animal shelter. I miss my friends at Hub.😭.Read more

  • Day 105

    Egyptian Pyramids and Tombs (by Andrew)

    November 30, 2022 in Egypt ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

    I went to Egypt and went to the Pyramids of Giza. It is very cool because they are old but still strong. I also saw the Sphinx, which was also awesome. I love it in Egypt. I also went to the Valley of the Kings/Valley of the Kids and got to see King Tut's mummy. It is a little scary because you got to see his head and feet which are over 3000 years old! There are so many cool old things to see in Egypt that it was hard to choose a favorite.Read more

  • Day 111

    Ethiopia (by Andrew)

    December 6, 2022 in Ethiopia ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    I went to Ethiopia and the people were really kind. I also went to Dr. Rick Hodes’ house and met him and some of the orphans that live with Dr. Rick. The orphans really liked playing soccer, especially the older ones, and they let me play with them! In Ethiopia there is really good ice cream, but I didn’t like the food. We got to go swimming at the Hilton pool, and guess what? It was heated by the earth! We walked around the city a lot and felt safe. I enjoyed being in Addis Ababa and meeting Dr. Rick.Read more

  • Day 115

    Namibia (by Andrew)

    December 10, 2022 in Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    Earlier this week, we flew from Ethiopia to Namibia and got to meet our new friends, the Benwells. They have two sons named Knox & Cruz. I like them. We got to play Pokémon together, which I enjoyed. We also got to go swimming and play with a rugby ball in the pool. Then we went camping at a camp site in the Namib Desert. To get here, we drove in an off-roading truck on dirt roads that had lots of bumps. It was nauseating. We got to sleep in tents on top of the truck. It was hard to sleep because of the noise of the other people camping. It’s really hot here; tomorrow we are driving to a hotel that is a little cooler.Read more

  • Day 118

    You Should Go to Israel (by Lewis)

    December 13, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    I'm only 9 years old but I've been to 19 different countries. If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to Israel. Israel has impressive hiking, warm waters which are great for swimming, and amazing food. You should travel to Israel.

    You should visit Israel because there are great mountains to hike. En Gedi has impressive waterfalls and is one of the only lush places in the desert. Mt Masada is also in the desert. Mt Masada is an archeological site of ancient Jewish ruins, has a great view at the top and you can also (if you're there at the right time) see the sunrise. Another summit you might want to climb is Mt Bental. Mt Bental is in the Golan Heights and has cool bunkers at the top. There are bunkers at the top because there was a war there: the Yom Kippur war of 1973. Also, in northern Israel, you can find Mt Carmel. Haifa is on Mt Carmel and the Bahai gardens are also there. There is always fun stuff at the top of the peaks. We can therefore see that you should go to Israel because there are great mountains to hike.

    You should travel to Israel because there are a lot of opportunities to swim. For example, you can go swimming at Banana Beach. It has GIANT waves, which are good for boogie-boarding and surfing. You can find Banana Beach in Tel Aviv. Similar to beaches, there are deep pools, which are great for diving. You can visit lots of places that have pools, like the Merom Golan Kibbutz and the Kalia Kibbutz. In addition to pools and beaches, there is also the Dead Sea, which is just awesome. You can float in the water, without trying to float or even treading! Plus, you can paint yourself in mud. It is clear that you should go to Israel because there are a lot of places to go swimming.

    You should visit Israel because the food is yummy. There are tasty proteins. The chicken schnitzel is flavorful and there's amazing sea-bream. Smashburger has some of the best burgers in Tel Aviv. My preferred burger is the Double Smash with french fries on top. Smashburger also sells lemonade, freshly made with lemon juice, water and some sugar. Equally important to proteins, the soil in Israel produces healthy vegetables, like broccoli. Because the Israeli weather is great for growing things, they get four seasons of cucumbers and tomatoes. Once you're done with your veggies, it's time for dessert. Israel has yummy chocolate rugelach. Additionally, there are candy shops. My preferred candy is the red licorice spiral. There are also smoothes: Mr. Juice smoothies are my favorite. As a result, you should go to Israel because the food is mouthwatering.

    I'm absolutely certain that you should travel to Israel. You must agree that hiking to cool places, tons of swimming opportunities, and a lot of good food sounds pretty great. Wouldn't you want to go to Israel?
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  • Day 118

    Sandboarding and Quad Biking (by Andrew)

    December 13, 2022 in Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    I went to Swakopmund and went quad biking!!! I got to drive!!! When we went quad biking we also went sand boarding. I love sand boarding. We sand boarded down a very steep mountain. How you sand board is you get a board and lie on it face first. Then the guide pushes you down and you close your eyes because sand gets in your eyes(trust me). It was “not” scary. You should try sand boarding also.Read more

  • Day 122

    A Trip to a Himba Village (by Lewis)

    December 17, 2022 in Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 93 °F

    We went to a Himba village near Opuwo, Namibia. Their houses are quite simple and very different from modern US houses. Inside their houses, the Himba people sleep on a sack or animal skin instead of beds. Right outside the house, they cook their food in an ash pile on the ground. Similar to the kids in the United States, the kids in the Himba village like playing pass with the soccer ball. The effects of global warming are much worse there than in the United States. Global warming there means lack of rain and water, which leads to lack of food, which leads to hungry people & animals, which leads to starving people and animals, and that leads to death. If I had a wish, I would wish that global warming would stop because it is literally killing the earth and its inhabitants, like the Himba people.Read more

  • Day 125

    Etosha National Park (by Lewis)

    December 20, 2022 in Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

    I went to Etosha National Park. I wrote two animal reports, the first one was about lions. Lions have no non-human predators. Did you know lion poo is so big, the length of their poop can be around 15 in.! The lion's lifespan is very short compared to a human. In addition to lions, I also researched ostriches. Did you know that they not only live in Africa, but they also live in Australia? When an ostrich senses danger and can’t run away, it will flop to the ground and remain still, trying to blend in with the terrain, which means the “ostriches stick their head into the sand when they sense danger” thingamajiggy is a myth. Did you know that ostriches are omnivores? There are lots of things to learn about the animals of Namibia.Read more

  • Day 126

    Leopards & Hyenas of Africa (by Andrew)

    December 21, 2022 in Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 95 °F

    I went to Namibia and went on 2 game drives. I did a project on the leopard. Did you know that the leopard can jump 10 ft up and 20 ft in a leap? A leopard can run at up to 58 km/h. I also did a project on the hyena. Did you know a hyena can count? They have powerful jaws also. Seeing these animals in the wild was pretty cool.Read more