Repubblica Ceca

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 7

      Bergauf, bergab in die Goldene Stadt

      4 luglio 2022, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Howdy, liebe Follower,

      es ist wieder an der Zeit, euch von meinem wilden Ritt durch die Natur zu berichten. Ich, der GravelCowboyKev, habe die siebte Etappe meiner epischen Fahrradreise von der Ostsee bis zur Adria gemeistert. Und ich sag euch, es war ein Ritt voller Herausforderungen, Abenteuer und spiritueller Momente, die einem das Herz aufgehen lassen.

      Als ich mich von Königstein an der Elbe aufmachte und nur noch ein kurzes Stückchen in Deutschland zurückließ, spürte ich bereits die raue Einsamkeit der tschechischen Grenze vor mir. Doch nichts konnte mich aufhalten. Erster Stopp: Decin. Ein kleiner Ort, wo ich mein Geld wechselte und mich dann weiter auf den Weg machte.

      Entlang der majestätischen Elbe radelte ich, mein treuer Drahtesel unter mir, bis nach Velke Brezno. Dort machte ich halt, um in einem kleinen Laden ein paar Getränke zu besorgen. Dann folgte ich einer örtlichen Fahrradroute hinauf in die Berge. Die Straßen waren kaum befahren, die Dörfer klein und verträumt. Doch ich gab nicht auf. Nachdem ich den höchsten Punkt erklommen hatte, genoss ich die rasante Abfahrt und machte Halt in einem urigen Gasthof. Die Sprache war mir fremd, die Speisekarte ein Rätsel, aber das hielt mich nicht davon ab, etwas zu bestellen und gestärkt weiterzuziehen.

      Immer dem Fluss entlang, mal an der Elbe, mal an der Moldau, kämpfte ich mich durch die malerische Landschaft. In Roudnice verließ ich den Fluss, um eine Abkürzung zu nehmen, und erreichte schließlich Straskov-Vodochody. Dort überraschte mich ein Hinweisschild mit der Nachricht, dass die Straße, die ich nehmen wollte, gesperrt sei. Doch als waschechter Cowboy lasse ich mich von ein paar Kilometern Umweg nicht abschrecken. Ich sattelte mein Bike, schob es durch die Baustelle und setzte meinen Weg unbeirrt fort.

      Und so ging es weiter, immer weiter, bis ich nach 140 abenteuerlichen Kilometern schließlich in Prag einritt. Der Campingplatz lag vor der Stadt, nah am Ufer der Moldau, und ich konnte es kaum erwarten, meine müden Knochen auszuruhen. Doch bevor ich mich dem verdienten Schlaf hingab, stärkte ich mich in einem nahegelegenen italienischen Restaurant.

      Morgen werde ich einen Ruhetag einlegen, die Schönheit von Prag erkunden und mich auf das nächste Abenteuer vorbereiten. Denn der GravelCowboyKev ruht nie lange, seine Seele ist stets auf der Suche nach neuen Horizonten.

      Bis zum nächsten Mal, ihr Abenteurer!

      Euer GravelCowboyKev
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    • Giorno 22

      Rest Day: Struppen

      17 luglio 2022, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Well that didn’t go to plan! We started the day with a little bit of admin and washing, before heading over the border to the Czech Republic to see the bikers cave or Pekelne Doly. The ride over there was about 1.5hrs through some beautiful, alpine style villages and views, many along the river Elbe. The cave itself, however, was a dark, crowded and uninviting place. It was an amazing spectacle to see bikes being ridden around a cave but it didn’t feel welcoming. I had been feeling a little off all morning after losing my infinity bracelet, which I felt was my lucky charm, but either way, the place got my hackles up a little, so we didn’t stay long.

      On the way back out of the country Vex and I had a bit of a bump, ok we crashed, very slowly. Someone rolled back into us on a slight hill and broke the front mudguard. It was nothing spectacular (thank god) and we’re both absolutely fine, I was just a little shaken up. After dealing with the driver and exchanging details, I tested her brakes, front suspension and ‘tracking’, all of which felt perfect and rode her slowly back to the campsite, where I promptly had a snooze. Luckily, the day finished off nicely with a lovely walk around the local area and a lovely sunset.

      The plan for tomorrow has now has to alter so she can be checked over and we can hopefully walk some of the Saxon Switzerland that we missed today. Then back into an uninviting Czech Republic.

      HIGHLIGHTS - walk through the beautiful surroundings at sunset, getting some washing done
      LOW POINTS - crashing
      ROADS - none of note
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    • Giorno 11

      Decin (Tetschen-Bodenbach)

      25 luglio 2023, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Nach 310 km, 6 Std, kurz vor dem Regen, trockenen Reifens in Decin, kurz vor der Deutschen Grenze, südl. Von Dresden gut angekommen. Leider ist das Hotel ein Griff ins Klo. Es sieht aus, wie aus der Rocky Horror Picture Show und riecht auch so (der Muff der 60er Jahre ist hier hängen geblieben) Ich glaube kaum, dass ich auf das Angebot des "Restaurants" eingehen kann und lieber bei Regen in die Stadt gehe. Es sei denn, es werden am Eingang Nasenklammern und Augenbinden verteilt.
      Morgen nochmal 440 km Autobahn, dann sind wir wieder zu Hause.
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    • Giorno 12

      Decin Day 3

      22 settembre 2023, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had set out to have an easy day visiting the Museum and Castle and sitting for a long lunch as it was forecasted to rain.

      What we ended up with was quite the contrary.

      When we got to the museum it wasn't open yet so we decided to head to the castle. On the way, we chanced on a bike rental place. We had a change of plan and decided to cycle instead.

      We ended up cycling all the way to Königstein in Germany and back. A total of 54 km. We had lunch at Kaffehaus, the first food place we came upon as we were ravenous. The portions were a quarter the size of what we're used to this side of the Czech border, and it costs 3 times more. Ruby was so hungry and depleted she pushed her bike up the last 2 tiny hills. When we returned our bikes, the young lady there recommended a local Czech pub for our dinner. 300g grilled pork neck and deep fried gouda cheese with potatoes made us much happier. Interestingly, the menus here have weight beside each menu item. As the menu was only in Czech, I just looked down the weight column and ordered the dish that gave the most.

      At one of our many rest stops on the way back, we met 2 young boys who are cycling and camping from Dresden to Prague. One of them also does mountain climbing. He says that most of the climbing accidents do not occur whilst climbing, but in the rest periods. Many have fallen off after climbing up a tall column of rock, sitting at the top unsecured, just relaxing.

      Our legs weren't accustomed to cycling, though the terrain was flat it was exhausting not to mention the pain from the bike seat. The scenery, the views and cake from Kaffehaus compensated for it.

      We reckon that Right to Adequate Suspension on Bicycle Seat has to be in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After Right to Equality, Right to Freedom of Belief and Religion, Right to Education, etc, we need to protect the delicate areas of our body.

      Cycled 54,3km
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    • Giorno 11

      Decin Day 2

      21 settembre 2023, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      We were not at all taken to Decin the first evening. We missed the turn from the railway station shown on the walking map our host sent us and ended up walking on the main road past a long row of stinky bins. We also went to what we thought was the budget bigger supermarket, Lindl, for our groceries, amongst a dreary bunch of tired people. Did not help that we stayed in a budget Airbnb apartment near the train station for ease of transfers to and from hikes. You really get what you pay for.

      The sun rose on everything this morning. We enjoyed a nice bath last night, slept well, walked to the train station via the correct route, amongst rowdy happy school kids, and pretty colourful buildings. No stinky bins. The day was looking much better. We even waited at the correct bus stop and caught the correct bus, after Grace asked about 5 people, just to be sure, to be sure, to be really really sure.

      The first hike up to Pravčická brána passed the burnt area from the fires of 2022. We passed one man clearing the logs from a steep face, and another taking the cut logs down in a small tractor. It looked like moving a beach, cup by cup. We met a young Indian couple who had just finished their Masters in Germany and are celebrating with this trip. They are planning to work in Germany for a few years before returning to India. People return home after being away for various reasons. Our waiter yesterday worked in the UK for 2 years as a barmaid (what he said) and returned home as he missed his mummy's cooking.

      Lunch was 1.5km off track at U Fořta Mezní Louka, a restaurant that had been in the same family for 4 generations. We had to purchase water whilst dining in the restaurant, but they happily refilled our water bottle. We had Moravian Sparrow, a pork stew with pickled cabbage and dumplings, and boar cutlet on a bed of mash. I had to confirm the the former dish was really not from the feathered boney species as I was really not in the mood for lunch with effort. Picking my way through rocks and uneven paths up steep inclines and declines was enough for me to want to be able to just shovel food into my mouth, least effort. Dessert was chocolate cake with as much ganache as cake. Surprisingly, Czech desserts are not sweet nor rich.

      There is a significant Vietnamese presence in Czech Republic. They own most of the small grocery shops, bitsy sundry shops and Vietnamese restaurants. We overheard a tour guide explain to her group that they were invited here by the Czechoslovakia communist regime to fulfil a need for cheap labour. However, with their value on hard work and emphasis on education, the second generation Vietnamese are mostly university graduates with professional careers.

      Afternoon hike included a 15 minute boat ride along the Kamenice River at Wild Gorge. We reached a sign that said 1.5km to the boat ride. It was a steep 1km descent and 0.5 km flat along the river banks to the boat. Our boat man missed his calling as an entertainer. The boat was his stage. He was animated in his Czech tour of the gorge with English words interspersed. It was czech blah blah czech czech, Albert Einstein, ..... River..... Gorge czech blah blah czech czech I speaka no English czech blah blah czech czech Titanic Leonardo DiCaprio as he pointed out the sculpture of a boy helping a girl up from the river. Then he swooned the Titanic theme song on his harmonica. I laughed for the whole 15 minutes scenic boat ride.

      Grace very graciously took a long time looking at the map at the bottom of the ascent so we were the last to leave the gorge. I think she wanted to save me the embarrassment of being overtaken by everyone. I pufff like an emphysematous smoker on ascent and had to take it slowly. This ascent was so steep I felt my heels trying to break from the heel of my boots despite tightening the laces at the mid foot and ankle. Finishing the last of our snack halfway up gave us a nice quiet break as everyone else was probably on their second beer at the pub. We even saw a squirrel scampering across a few fallen trees. It's my first sighting of a European squirrel, and it's much smaller than I'd imagined, and a very bushy tail almost bigger than its body.

      It was rather busy in the track today, but not noisy. Even the kids were well behaved. Grace and I are finding that Czech kids are really lovely. We sat amongst teenage school boys for the an hour on the train to Decin yesterday, and it was a very pleasant experience. They chatted quietly amongst each other, and happily helped us open our window.

      Blistering 23.2 km today.
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    • ᴘʟᴀɴʟᴏs ɴᴀᴄʜ Děčɪɴ 🤔

      26 giugno 2023, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Auch heute gab es (zu Beginn) wieder einige Herausforderungen in Sachen Orientierung ... aufgrund verwirrender Wegweiser bzw. schlicht nicht vorhandener Beschilderungen! Das bescherte uns zusätzliche 300 Höhenmeter quer durch den schwül-heißen Wald. Unser Plan - wir wollen mit den Rädern über die Landesgrenze ins tschechische Städtchen 'Děčin'.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10

      Testing border crossing in Corona times

      8 giugno 2020, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After some days rest with birthday celebrations we started our next stretch this morning. As the German - Czech border opened last week, we decided to test border crossing in Corona times on our way to Bavaria.
      So we cycled through the "Oberland" region towards the border. Before crossing, we had a lunch stop at the spring of the river Spree in a small town called Ebersbach. Afterwards, we headed straight to the Czech Republic. No border, no controls - exactly as it should be in the Schengen area :)
      The following 60km of riding were absolutely beautiful. We rode through Bohemian Switzerland with forests and valleys, saw cows with giant horns, and arrived at river Elbe. We crossed the river by ferry to get to the bike path on the other side and continued to Tetschen where we found a centrally located campground. After a shower and dinner we went for a walk to explore this interesting town. There were lots of really cool old buildings right next to ugly buildings from the 70s. We also saw many young people in the streets and parks - a bit of a difference compared to the last towns and villages we passed.
      What Corona is concerned, the Czechs seem to be relatively relaxed. They wear face masks in the supermarkets, but are pretty bad in handling the masks - same as us Germans 😉 People sit in bars and restaurants without masks and don't even wear it when entering a bar or ordering. Next to our campground, a fair with rides visited by quite some people was on as well - so this doesn't seem to be a problem either.
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    • Giorno 9

      Letztes Abendessen in der Laube

      24 agosto 2019, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Letzter Abend in Tschechien: Ein selbstgekochtes Essen lassen wir uns in der untergehenden Sonne schmecken.

      Wenn wir auf die letzten Tage zurückblicken war das ein ganz toller, erlebnis- und abwechslungsreicher sowie auch entspannter Urlaub.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 3

      Schlösser und Schaltprobleme..

      3 luglio 2019, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Tag drei begann für mich heute Nachts um eins, als die Kälte mich weckte, weil mein Schlafsack von meiner Schulter rutschte..Dank lautem Geraschel meiner Isomatte zwangsläufig dann auch für Maria..😅..bis wir heute morgen unsere sieben Sachen gepackt hatten, war es dann auch schon fast Zehn..
      Schleppend ging es über die ersten Hügel Richtung Dresden und wir durften beide beweisen, dass wir es beherrschen unsere Ketten wieder aufzulegen..Schalten will gelernt sein..
      Die verlorene Zeit haben wir schnell wieder Schatten von Marias winzigem Rücken jagten wir Familienväter und Rennräder..
      Die Elbe wurde immer breiter, die weiten Wiesen wurden zu steinigen Waldklippen und die Häuschen verwandelten sich in pompöse Villen und Weingüter..
      Ein wahrhaft malerischer Anblick..
      Nach 100km machten wir uns langsam auf die Suche nach einem geeigneten Schlafplatz für die Nacht und auf einmal waren wir dann an der Grenze..😅
      Die Nacht verbringen wir heute also in Tschechien..auf einem Spielplatz..😊..
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    • Giorno 1

      Tag 1 - Decin

      15 luglio 2019, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      60 km / 60 km - 5 / 5 Stunden


      0 € / 5 € Transport (Fähre, etc.)
      0 € / 0 € Lebensmittel
      0 € / 0 € Unterkunft

      0 € / 5 € Gesamt

      Am ersten Tag habe ich Decin erreicht.
      In Bad Schandau gab es noch Pizza mit den Freunden.
      Jetzt falle ich in mein Bettlager auf dem Balkon unter freiem Himmel.
      Aber hier her war es nicht leicht, wie auf dem letzten Bild zu sehen. Fahren ging nicht und schieben nur unter größtem Aufwand.

      Song des Tages:
      (If You Want the Smoke) Be the Fire - MaidaVale
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