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  • Day 21

    A Day in Porto

    June 20, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    How nice to have a day of just rambling!

    After arriving at the bus station, we've taken the metro to the hotel, and set out again. The Metro system here is excellent, efficient and cheap!

    First back to the train station, I'm not able to reserve the train for tomorrow out to Pinhao, and I have a sinking suspicion why.... Sure enough, the train strike hits home.

    It's considered one of the most beautiful train rides in the world, but it seems we'll be doing it by rental car instead. Ok, reset, maybe even better!

    First stop, the famed Livrio Lello. This library with a stunning winding central staircase was JK Rowlings inspiration for a setting in her Harry Potter novels. It really is beautiful, but the crowding is more than I can take. Like so much of Europe right now, it's a victim of it's own success. Over tourism is a significant issue, and I'm not unaware of the irony of being a tourist complaining about all the others. We generally prefer lesser known, but some sights/sites really are must see. This one I would have adored at a more peaceful time, but since I doubt that ever happens I'd advise enjoy the photos online and skip the crowds.

    Porto is a lovely setting for a wander! Down to the river we go, cross the bridge, and meet a fellow pilgrim to share a table with for a port tasting. This is a spirit of unparalleled depth and complexity, the golden 10 years aged in oak is a superbly enjoyable nightcap.

    And we are reinvigorated, as we view the many, many steps back up to the hotel. Although we agree that those stairs are far, far easier than they would have been three weeks ago!
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