  • Hari 15


    18 April 2017, Yunani ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We slept in again :)
    Our clothes aren't dry so we have left them hanging up. In our next hostel we have an ensuite so we will do the rest when we get there - don't want to carry around wet clothes.
    Will wants me to tell everyone he hasn't seen a single Subaru.
    Fascinating I know.
    We facetimed Jess and then after a lot of pleading from me, we went to TGI Friday's again ! Wool woop.
    We then went to the center square and bought bird food for 1 euro each to feed the pigeons. There was this annoying little kid who kept running and scaring the birds - granted I would find it fun if i was 7 too. So I moved away from her and made my own little bird club :) there was a dove pigeon too :)
    We caught the taxi up the mountain to Heptapyrgion Castle which unfortunately was closed but we still enjoyed walking around it and sitting on some of the old wall. As we were sitting though Will noticed that there was lots of little red bugs. I've never seen anything like them before, it was flea sized but it's entire body was Fluro red. Once we noticed them we naturally started to feel itchy and moved on.
    I find the walls really interesting with all the rocks just mashed together. Collecting and transporting them would have been a bitch.
    I desperately needed to wee but there wasn't a toilet in sight so we walked quickly down the hill In The direction of the Vlatadon monastery which hopefully had a toilet - we came across a cafe with an spectacular view of Thessaloniki and toilets so we decided to get a drink here to gain access to the loo. The toilet was ridiculous, if you had longer legs then me then you wouldn't be able to close the door - my knees were touching the door when sitting...
    we then popped over to the monastery but it too was closed but we admired the beautiful artistry on the outside of the building.
    We've now walked home.
    Clothes still not dry -.-
    Will is off to the Gym while I pretend I'm packing but will probably watch a cartoon.

    Well, I started to watch land before time.. I told Will to take the key but he said no he will just knock when we comes back but now I've realized that he won't be able to get into the building at all without the first set of keys so his knocking plan won't work. So, I've popped over to the grocery store across the street with the aim of buying toilet paper and sunscreen but they didn't have either? Thy didn't even sell tissues. I ended up buying coke and a snickers hahahah I always have good intentions but it never goes well for me lol.
    I got through check out without mentioning I didn't speak Greek once. She rambled on to me and I just paid silently. So proud.
    So now I'm sitting at the bottom of the stairs just inside the front door waiting for Will to come back. He could be 10 minutes, he could be 3 hours :\ I was hoping it would be closed cause it would mean he should be back by now, but alas, he is not.
    The coke isn't even cold so I can't drink it. Poo.

    It's been 40 minutes.. still waiting.

    There is a buzzer outside that he could press which would let me know when he was back..
    but as I'm the one that pressed it on day one, I'm not sure if he knows which one to press and I'm not willing to take the risk, because if he doesn't know then I won't hear the end of it.
    BUT I just know that because I'm sitting here being a good human he is going to come home and be like "uhm I could have just pressed the buzzer"
    We will see.

    So what happens?
    A man opens the front door and Will waltzes on in with a small "thankyou" to him.
    Gah! Waste of time.
    Will stunk so he had a shower while I packed and had a little iddy biddy baby whinge. I AM SO PROUD HE SAID HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE KEY.
    This is a real personal growth moment.
    As an I'm 'sorry' to me ( not an apologize cause he didn't do anything wrong but rather sorry because I had to sit on the stairs due to circumstances ) he said I could get some sweet chili Doritos :D they are so good.
    We went to dinner at the place we found on TripAdvisor with terrific ratings that's been closed since we arrived - it's worth the hoo-ha.
    Fantastic atmosphere, fast service, yummy food, and super friendly waiters. First time we have tipped in ages.
    One guy asked us where we were from so we said Sydney. And he repeated back "Melbourne city" so happily and walked off.
    He returned later to say woooo Melbourne city and added a fist pump hahah.
    Because it was our last night in Greece we agreed we would both try an Olive.
    Will had a bite and then spat it out.
    I thought it was a slightly melodramatic reaction until it was my turn and spat mine out too. It was atrocious! So bitter and yuck! Blehh!
    I bought my Doritos for our bus trip tomorrow and we have basically packed. Only our toiletries are out.
    I've liked Thessaloniki- granted I'm quite bored with it but it does have its beauty. The atmosphere tonight helped me see that.
    I'm happy to change countries though - so much still to explore!
    Thessaloniki, with a fresh coat of paint, really could be beautiful.
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