  • Day 238


    November 27, 2017 in Italy โ‹… ๐ŸŒ™ 3 ยฐC

    Made the free breakfast again โœŒ๐ŸผโœŒ๐ŸผโœŒ๐ŸผโœŒ๐Ÿผ

    We packed and then checked out.
    We had to pay 5€ for the lost key card *grumble grumble*
    Walked to the metro, bought tickets and went down to the platform.
    It was about a 20 minute journey to the station we needed.
    We got out and waited at the bus stop.
    I got a memo this morning saying the bus would be 30 minute late. Handy, or else I would have been freaking out "WHERE IS IT" hahah
    Got on the bus and stole the front seats and Will actually fit ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ it was a 3 hour ish journey. Not much to see on the way.
    Our driver kept doing really long blinks which was giving me real anxiety lol. I made Will put his seatbelt on just in case.

    Arrived in Venice woohoo.

    We got lost ๐Ÿ˜“ the map took us to the wrong terminal and then we couldn't find the right one. By this time the sun had set which I hateeeee because being lost in the dark is so much worse.
    I asked for help and found the boat terminal. It needs better signage.
    BLOODY HELL ITS SO EXPENSIVE with what they are charging they should have flashing neon flights with big arrows.

    7.50€ for one ride of 20€ for 24 hours ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ
    We had to pay the 40€ because we will have to go back to the mainland and then back to our hostel again tomorrow.
    What a rip!

    Side note Jaxon for his Santa photos yesterday and I think it's so funny it's now my new screen saver.

    The boat ride went for agessss. So many ports.
    Will was freezing and so miserable.

    Jumped off at some place and walked a bit to find out hostel. The reception was great. Well really everything is great except location.
    We got upgraded from a 16 bed dorm to a 4 bed so thats coool. We have our own toilet and shower. Us and another girl who isn't very friendly lol.

    We went out to dinner down the road - it was run by asian. It was weird to hear them speak fluent Italian. I wonder if they also have such nasel accents in Italian too๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

    The portions were shot so we went back to our hostel and Will got another pizza there.

    Am now in bed. Trying to stay awake so I sleep through the night.

    Sooo i fell asleep and now it's 12:30 ๐Ÿ™„
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