  • Hari 269


    28 Disember 2017, Republik Czech ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    I am sick 😔
    Boogers everrrrywherrreee.
    I slept with tissues up my nose to try not piss off my roommates with my constant sniffing.

    It's 2:53 and we are about to get lunch and then I plan not to leave bed again.
    Disappointed because I really want to explore Prague. Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow.

    My neck also got smashed by bed bugs 😑😑😑😑

    The little bugger must be in our bags. We only get bitten when our bags are near us and when we are on bottom bunks.
    They go in the locker tonight 🖕🏼🖕🏼

    We will boil the bags when in Budapest haha

    Went to TGIFridays again. Good food.
    All I want in life is a fruit salad. But no.

    Back to the hostel where I am dying. So agitated by everything.
    I had a shower which improved me a little but I still just want everyone to get out of my space and let me die in peace lol.

    Fell asleep around 7. Didn't mean to. I only shut my eyes so I didn't have to make conversation with the Brazilian girls in our room and I just never re opened them lol.

    I woke up at 10 and was hungry. It took me about an hour to motivate myself to actually get out of bed and go get food.
    Everything was shut so I got another cheeseburger.

    Back home reading my book.

    Neck and chest is so itchy.

    5/6 photos are from tomorrow.
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