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  • Day 8

    Restless rest day in BA

    February 5 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Yesterday we arrived in Buenos Aires after the long bus from Puerto Iguazu. The journey felt shorter this time, but they had the AC on full blast mode and we got really cold, despite our extra layers.
    We were meant to have a nice rest day, but booked a last minute dining experience so ended up staying up till 2am!
    BA isn't as hot as last week, so walking around was much more pleasant. The dining experience was a 5 course meal with wine pairing and the food was delicious! They adjusted the courses for baba so he had veggie and salmon. We were sat next to a Canadian couple and two couples from the US, all very nice! We got along so well that we decided to go out for cocktails till 2am. We might see the Canadian couple in Mendoza later when we get there. We really enjoyed the social interaction, we'll try to plan more things like that (even though waking up today at 7:30 was a struggle!).
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