  • Dag 9

    One night in Ashram

    5. december 2017, Indien ⋅ ⛅ -2 °C

    Last stop for us a as a group. Amritapuri ashram. Famous place, base for hundreds of volunteers and place of relaxation and meditation. Home of hugging Amma.
    After entering the gate to the community I had quite weird feeling. I don't know what was it maybe the first impress of unknown. Nevertheless, at least one night for experience. After check-in I had to find my room. Quite hard when you're staying in the other side of community. But I found it!
    So let's discover what is here. The first thing, lunch. Nice start. The feelings were getting better immediately. For the food there's a place with plates and everyone is taking it, using it and also washing it after use! So everything is ready for next use. Who wants to work and help, it's possible to join as a volunteer and just help to the others. With garbage, cooking, painting, everything. So nice! Everyone is working not because of reward but because they want to. We had only one night so we couldn't join to work...
    In the evening we took guided tour around all facilities as Amma's home, temples and also Main hall where we ended up for singing Bajans (for us just listening but we were part of it). I have to admit, they have really good food there, its all cooked by volunteers (also served) and is...
    The next day it's time to try how is the normal day here according to schedule. Thanks to my Japanese roommate, who was snoring whole night so loudly that I didn't have any proper sleep, we got up around 4:20. For me it was useless because morning chanting starts at 4:50, so much time to sleep! But still. Around 5am I was in Main hall listening chanting of Lalita Sahasranama. One hour of vibrations and relaxation. And where do you wanna spend the meditation after this experience? On the beach. With sunrise, just sit down for one hour and listen and watch the ocean... Yes and one think, between chanting and meditation there was a tea at 6am. Separated lines for men and woman and in 10minutes everything was gone. 4 big pots were empty and everyone has tea in cup.
    The perfect morning I ended with 1. series of Ashtanga yoga on the top of my building with the Sun in my eyes!
    Well, time is running and after breakfast was time only for the tea, packing things and leave. Sadly, both, the shop and juice shop were closed so we just left the community filled with feelings.
    Just wow.
    And...Time to say goodbye, Julian and his girlfriend are going back to Kochi so again it's time for traveling alone.
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