  • Hari 10

    Hobbiton and Kerosene Creek

    7 April 2016, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    So today I got to sleep in just a bit. Got up around 9 and by 1015 myself and the 7 Americans set out for Hobbiton. Obviously we blasted the lord of the rings theme all the way there. We arrived around 1120 and unfortunately I didn't purchase my ticket properly so I didn't get to go on the same tour as my new friends. I was still able to catch the next bus and it was so worth it. The rolling hills were so wonderful. The hobbit holes were all varied sizes so that they could shoot the tall actors in front of the small hobbit holes and the short actors (those who were acting as hobbits) in front of the large hobbit holes which I found quite brilliant. The most beautiful thing I saw was the party tree. It was so enormous and alive. I can't explain it but it just absolutely took my breath away. Finally the tour ended at the green dragon which was the pub in the films and I had A free alcoholic cyder that was so sweet it didn't even taste like alcohol. After the tour I met back up with the guys and we headed back into the city.

    After we all changed we set out on our second adventure of the day which was kerosene creek. It was about a half hour drive from Rotorua on quite windy roads. The creek was heated naturally by geothermal activities and was just the perfect temperature. It was essentially a huge hot tub with a small 3 meter waterfall flowing into the pond and then continuing down the creek. We spent about an hour there enjoying the relaxing afternoon.

    After we came back to the hostel we all had showers because our skin all had remnants from the creek all over it (it was slightly nasty). After we were all cleaned up we checked out the night market which had all kinds of cultural food from sushi to empanadas to wurst, and desserts as well. We ended up deciding to go to abracadabra. It was a pretty sweet Moroccan and Mexican fusion restaurant. I just had beer cause I had free noodles back at the hostel.

    Overall pretty awesome day! Tomorrow off to Wellington to stay with my friend Chris that I met in Europe! I'll be there for the weekend and check I need again soon!

    -Terrence out
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