Rally start

Team 55 sponsored by #intragen about to start.
Team 55 sponsored by #intragen about to start.
Stage 1 almost complete. Crossing over to Denmark.
Not camping tonight. Bed and breakfast near Rødby, Denmark.
From Rødby, Denmark to Roskilde to Copenhagen to Malmo and now time to absorb some viking culture.
Viking monolithic monument Ales stenar is pretty cool.
Tents are setup, team 55 camping out at an unknown lake.
Lake with pretty views.
Traveling on the b-roads all day. Setup camp with teams
44, 70, 10 and 04 and prepared for some rain.
What's here?
And a shuffle.
(One of teams claimed that there was a moose in the woods.)
Assisting team 10 with a quick fix on the turbo.
Hurray! The journey is about to start. Good luck, guys! Love from all us of at #intragen
Have fun!!!
Go Alex & Chris!