Ready to Go

Finally, our long awaited trip to China is starting! It's just about time to go, and I've already got our bags waiting outside. We're ready to leave!
Finally, our long awaited trip to China is starting! It's just about time to go, and I've already got our bags waiting outside. We're ready to leave!
Chris is taking us to the airport this morning. We're starting off at LGA this time, since our first stop is going to be Detroit. The sun hasn't even come up yet but I don't mind. I prefer getting anRead more
Thanks to it being an early Sunday morning, there's no traffic at all. I guess that everyone is still in bed fast asleep. If we'll didn't have a flight to catch, I'd still be in bed too! Right nowRead more
Checking in was quick and painless since it's still so early. There wasn't even anyone ahead of us on line. The worker who checked us in was telling us that he had gone to Beijing last year and lovedRead more
I guess the airport seemed so empty because everyone is on the TSA security line. We got on the line expecting the worst but it moved a lot faster than we thought it would. Even going through theRead more
It's just about time to go and people are starting to line up to get on the plane. I hope that we don't have a problem finding a storage spot for our bags! It seems like everyone likes to carry onRead more
Kathy's taking her exit row responsibilities seriously. Right now she's studying the safety cards in the seat pocket. If the time comes, she'll be ready.