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  • Day 15

    Early evening promenade in Nice

    March 13, 2023 in France

    Had a delicious lunch, and looking forward to eating more of it in a bit for my dinner. I really liked the balance today of about three hours work in the morning, then some wandering and cooking and reading and more wandering.

    I have really fallen for Nice. And I know I keep saying everywhere is somewhere to come back to, but Nice has gone right to the top of the list. It just has a feel to it that I love. A busy city, but kind of feels calmly busy (I appreciate that can also very much be the luck of where you end up staying, and there are probably not so nice parts of Nice like there are not so nice parts of Oxford and Edinburgh and Bristol (some of my favourite UK cities). And it has the sea. And I can speak the language. And some narrow streets. And beautiful tall old apartment buildings. And a lovely really long park. And trams (I didn't go on any, though).

    So, I will be sad to leave Nice tomorrow morning, but I need to get moving again.
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