China 2017

November 2017
A 12-day adventure by Johanne Read more
  • 44footprints
  • 4countries
  • 12days
  • 150photos
  • 0videos
  • 11.9kmiles
  • 10.1kmiles
  • Day 12

    Big Buddha

    November 15, 2017 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    The last time I saw the Buddha it was at the end of an epic ferry/bus ride. Now the MTR has been extended and you hop off that and take a 25 minute cable-car ride. Which is a high and spectacular ride over green hills covered with tropical vegetation. There is obviously a walking trail to the Buddha, far below us we saw a jogger and a strolling couple, which might not seem noteworthy but the path is tiny, remote and you appear to have to leap over a small waterfall at one point.

    As it was late in the day we got a car to ourselves and at one point we were in the clouds. Soon the Buddha could be seen on the horizon. Eventually we clambered out of the car and walked through a hideous overpriced plaza of dubious souvenirs. Bizarrely thus path took the foot traffic past a set of decorative drums mounted on a bridge... Which had sharp instructions not to tap them... Why put drums if you don't want them played..... Once through the plaza we ended up on a path marked by statues of various generals associated with the Chinese horoscope years... Didn't seem very Buddhist to me. The whole thing felt fairly awful, I really liked BB last time relatively quiet, very uncommercial but the village just seemed like another money making scheme.. Wonder if the monks had a hand in it or are fuming? On the upside the cable car must bring more visitors and more donations for them. The other odd thing were the buffalo/cows ambling about on the path to the Buddha... No explanation given. The other thing going on was that ITV / Amazon Prime were filming something there... Can't remember what it was called and we were not allowed to take photos, so chances of me ever seeing it are slim.

    Eventually we came to the bottom of the steps that lead to BB. A total 268 steps up... Slow and steady got us to the top. It is impressive even if it does only date from 1993. A very kind woman we had spoken to earlier decided that Dad and I needed a photo to capture the occasion... She spent an age lining us up. Photo on the big camera though so will try to upload tomorrow. We had a good admire of the Buddha, and a wander about and the we creaked Dad's knees back to the main temple. He took photos I lit some incense that hadn't caught and then we headed back to try to catch the last cable car.

    Huge queues but we got on after a not very long wait and were rewarded with a spectacular sunset. (big camera). The clouds had lifted and we had great views for the whole journey. Once down we ride back to Hong Kong Station to track down the Michelin starred Dim sum that I found on TripAdvisor. We had some trouble finding it... It is tucked away in the station and looks like a fast food place in many ways, but there was a queue for a table. We were lucky and got a table to ourselves... Lots of them were long shared tables and I would have felt embarrassed wielding my chopsticks so publicly. Great food esp the pork stuffed eggplant.. Reluctantly after that we decided that it was more sensible to head to the airport as the time required to get back to the Star Ferry, ride it and get back was just a bit too cosy.

    Smooth ride out, an easy passage through security and into the lounge to await our flight. Now we are at 35000 feet having dinner. The Sky Chef comes and takes your order.. 😀
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  • Day 12

    In Transit at Ataturk

    November 15, 2017 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Slightly different plane seats than on the way out, it lacked the small cubbies for glasses etc. And the was a gap between the single seat side stowage bin and the seat cushions....
    Food was good again but by the time we had been fed it was about 1:30am. Once the bed was made I stashed my glasses and phone and snuggled down to sleep. The cabin felt very blokey.. Hideously loud snoring from a couple of seats... Has to be good to be audible over the engines and across the aisle. There was also the bloke on the aisle opposite Dad who repeatedly rearranged his goolies whilst facing across towards me.. Urrrgh

    In the middle of the plane night my phone alarm went off (I hadn't reset the time or turned it off). I dealt with it and went back to sleep... When I woke 2hrs later it was nowhere in the bin.... After a good hunt round I talked to the steward.. He couldn't see it either... So he organised techs to be ready at Istanbul to take the seat apart.

    After a short fret I settled with breakfast and my Kindle, finally finished the Mandibles! The steward had told me not to move my seat to reduce the risk of crushing the phone and so when it came time to put the seat in the upright position I was stuck...
    But the steward has obviously received additional instructions and he returned and removed all the cushions /padding from the seat and then the phone was revealed down below the mechanism... He wiggled his arm through the narrow gap and my phone was returned to me 😀.

    Last time we landed at Istanbul we just went through a door into the main departure area.. No arrivals formalities. This time we were piled into a security screening area again.. More bag/shoe/intimate corners of my anatomy investigation and we were released to the lounge.
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  • Day 12

    Last leg

    November 15, 2017 in Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

    So a breather in the lounge... Time to drink water and snack on nuts and olives. We could, of course, got roaring drunk and eaten our way around the world but even for our confused body clocks it was only about 10 am and so far too early for that.

    We watched activities in the lounge including the neck massage service and generally passed the time. It's always worse on the way home... Although it is good to be home it doesn't have that frisson of excitement that flying off to a new destination has.

    On arrival at our gate lucky me I got randomly chosen for a complete search of me, my bag and all its contents, kindle out of case, tablet out of case.. Much discussion of what my few remaining Chinese coins were! But eventually they decided I was OK and I was released to join Dad. We watch sunrise over Istanbul whilst waiting for boarding to commence... About 30 mins later than we were advised so a bit more tedium.

    Eventually on to the plane and away. Another breakfast and now the clouds have cleared and I am looking at the clouds hanging just in a river valley and now where else. By happy coincidence my copy of New Humanist has a very similar photo of smoke doing the same thing. I love the maplike quality of being able to watch the ground from a great height. We have just passed a belt of hills that seem to divide a great Hungarian plateau...

    Lots of flat hedgeless fields... I can see why Debbie in the Archers likes farming here... You could drive your tractor for miles...
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