Haritada göster
  • Gün 1

    Day 1 - Singapore

    27 Ocak, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    After a hectic couple of hours at the airport trying to get our last bits of work finished & handed over, we were on our way to Singapore for the first part of our trip! The flight was super easy and before we knew it we were checking into our hotel The Mondrian.

    The first stop had to be the hotel's rooftop for our first drink, overlooking the city skyline and the infinity pool. The location was perfect - right by China town. We swiftly finished our £30 round and went straight to the Metro Hawker centre for some incredible dumplings and fish cakes. Then for a stroll around the lively streets of China town, stopping off for a few more expensive rounds en route.

    We had to head back up to the Mondrian rooftop to see the view at night and it didn't disappoint. Obviously the night was still young in our eyes so we tried to get into the club in the hotel but were very politely turned away due to a strict dress code (haha). It was a blessing in disguise as we decided to polish off one final drink in the bar and had a great chat with the barman Hacton, who was extremely generous with the servings of Veuve (couldn't turn it down!!)
    Okumaya devam et