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  • Day 4

    servant leader!!

    May 12, 2023 in Greece

    Q6: Describe one act of a servant leader that you have witnessed in Greece

    This has easily become my favorite question because I saw so many ample opportunities to write about which was amazing. I loved looking out for acts of servant leadership because I grew to see them everywhere. The person I am choosing to write about is Martin Rude. I don’t know if Cheryl has just trained him very well over the years or if he reads The Journey to the East every night, but he is the person who stood out to me as a servant leader on this trip. As soon as we got upstairs inside Kayra’s art studio, he saw a task with his name written all over it. This wasn’t Martin’s service trip, and honestly, he might’ve done the most work out of all of us. He stepped into a role that not even Kayra had thought of and took it in like it was his own project - directing people where their skills would be most useful while taking on a lot of the grunt work himself. The first day he didn’t even know we had lunch downstairs because he was so caught up in this project that didn’t have to be his. He was always the first one getting to work and the last one working. Not only did he work hard and selflessly but he also did it with a positive attitude. It felt like he was eager to do that work and always went up and came down with the same smile on his face. I feel like Martin’s actions really lead the group in a great direction because it is always easy to follow the lead of someone confident and positive.Read more