Four Go Cottaging in Ireland

августа 2019
Simon, Jackie, Angela & Chris on a 2 week holiday in Southern Ireland Читать далее
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  • День 1

    Day 1 - Driving to Wales

    1 августа 2019 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    At 10.45am, a grey Audi pulled up outside our house. It was Chris & Angela, only 15 minutes early! We were about to embark on a 2 week holiday in Southern Ireland 🇮🇪.

    We loaded up the rucksacks into Chris’ car, I donned my motorcycle helmet & we were off. The plan was to drive to Chepstow, then the following morning continue to Pembroke Docks to catch the ferry to Rosslare Harbour. Jackie would travel in the car with Chris & Angela, whilst I would ride my bike.

    We decided to take the scenic route, the A272 from Cuckfield to Winchester, then stop for lunch. We set off in convoy, but within just a couple of miles, we were stuck in a 10 minute traffic jam for tree surgery. It was then a slow procession westwards to all the way to Petworth.

    After negotiating the narrow streets lined with Antique shops, we then hit one of my favourite stretches of road, Petworth to Midhurst. We even actually were able to make some overtakes, until we came to a grinding halt on the outskirts of Midhurst. The town was in total gridlock, we believe due to a lorry unloading timber in the High Street.

    Eventually we were back on our way, through Petersfield, then we circled the huge Boomtown Fair site to Winchester. After 2 hours into our journey, we stopped for lunch at Sutton Scotney Services on the A34, giving me a chance to rest my aching buttocks & catch up on the Cricket score.

    Boomtown Fair is a massive 3 day event, with literally 100s of bands on 17 different stages. The headliners include Ms. Lauryn Hill, Chase & Status, The Streets, UB40 & 2 Sick Monkeys. Who? Some of my favourite bands are also playing, including Killing Joke, Slaves, Pennywise, Subhumans & my particular favourite, Zounds.

    After a coffee & half a sandwich, we agreed to meet up again at the hotel in Chepstow. I put the address into the SatNav, then filled up with petrol. The SatNav then took me on a slightly circuitous route, through Andover & Marlborough, so I pulled over & discovered the settings on my SatNav were to avoid Motorways, Tolls, Ferries, etc etc. Not very helpful in the circumstances!

    With the settings amended, I joined the M4 at Swindon & cruised along past Bristol, over the Severn Road Bridge into Chepstow. On an A4 bridge near Bristol was a message ‘BORIS IS A HELCH’. Apparently, it previously read ‘BORIS IS A COKED UP PERVERT’.

    It was just after 4.00pm that I rode down the driveway to the St. Pierre Marriott Hotel & Country Club, which Chris had very kindly got for us at the bargain price of £40 for the night including breakfast!

    Outside reception, I was met by Chris & the girls, who had already checked in. Jackie took me to our room to sort out my ‘helmet head’, then we joined Chris & Angela in the sunshine for a couple of much needed beers for the men & Proseccos for the ladies. Most of the other residents seem to be a large mixed Polish contingent, who had played a round of golf.

    St. Pierre Marriott Hotel & Country Club is renowned as one of the UK’s finest golf courses. There are 2 courses, the Old Course has played host to Curtis Cup, the British Masters and the Solheim Cup. Chris & I were sad we hadn’t got our clubs to ‘tear up’ the course.

    The hotel itself is posh, it is built round a 14th century manor & has an 11th century church in the grounds. There was in fact a wedding fair also taking place in the hotel, Angela & Jackie, posed as ‘partners’ to sample the free wares on offer, well, mainly Prosecco. Chris & I received just a doughnut each!

    Around 6.00pm, we tried & failed to get a taxi to take us the 2 miles into Chepstow. Chris drove & we parked up in the shadow of the imposing Chepstow Castle, that sits on the River Wye. Unfortunately the castle was closed for the day, but we were able to walk around the outside.

    Construction of Chepstow Castle began in 1067 by William Marshall & the mighty Castle Doors have been dated as being no later than 1090, making them the oldest Castle Doors in Europe!

    At the top of the hill, we stopped in The George PH to take advantage of ‘Happy Hour’, unfortunately we didn’t ask what ‘Happy Hour’ consisted of & we paid full price for our drinks. Not a bargain!

    We then hunted around for a suitable dinner spot & settled on the very pleasant & reasonable Lime Tree. Between us we had a Curry, Steak Sandwich, Fish & Chips & I had Mac & Cheese, all washed down with local beer & a bottle of Prosecco.

    I can only put it down to the fresh air on the motorbike, NOT the company, but I felt ridiculously tired in the Lime Tree. When we got back to the hotel at 9.30pm, I went straight to bed & was asleep within seconds.

    Song of the Day - Motorcycle Emptiness by Manic Street Preachers
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  • День 2

    Day 2 - Sailing to Ireland

    2 августа 2019 г., Уэльс ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    It came as no surprise that I woke up at 4.00am. After reading for an hour, I had failed to get back to sleep, so I got up & started writing a new blog, Four Go To Ireland. Three cups of coffee later, whilst looking out over the golf course, I had finished the blog for Day 1.

    At 08.30am, Chris & Angela gave us a knock & we went to breakfast. It was an extensive selection of delights. We all ate way too much, well I did, but in my defence I hadn’t eaten a Full English for the last 4 months.

    45 minutes later, we waddled out & visited the petite, but beautiful 11th century chapel for a couple of photos. Angela gave a sermon at the lectern & Jackie signed the Visitor’s Book.

    It was then back to the room, pack, load up the car & bike 🏍 & off we headed in convoy. We picked up the M48, then the M4. We stopped at Welcome Break Service Station at Sarn Hill, where I filled up with petrol & Chris cleaned his windscreen & in the process managed to trash his windscreen. He did manage to repair it.

    We continued at a steady 70 - 80mph along the M4, then took the A48, A40 & finally A477 into Pembroke. We arrived around 12.30pm & stopped at Pembroke Harbour as we were a bit early for the ferry. My buttocks were aching again, hopefully they will get used to the saddle! We watched our ferry arrive & dock.

    Angela had emailed me the booking document for myself & my bike. At the harbour I got to examine it on my phone & to my horror noticed that the bike registration was wrong. It read ALX, when my bike was KLX. Brilliant, I had visions of my bike not being allowed on the ferry & it was bound to be Jackie’s fault. It wasn’t!

    At 1.30 we joined the queue at the dock. When I got to the check in booth, I stopped & dug my phone out hoping they wouldn’t notice the ‘misprint’. As I struggled to find the email, the girl in the booth asked me to move forward so she could read the registration number. Damn, I wasn’t going to get away with this!

    Suddenly, whilst I still struggled to find my booking document email, the girl handed me a boarding pass & told me to proceed. Strangely the boarding pass has my name on it, which makes no sense to me at all. Never mind, I wasn’t going to argue.

    I pulled up with the only other motorcycle in the queue & said “Hello” to the persons with it. They reluctantly gave me a half hearted nod of acknowledgement. The driver was bald headed & covered in tattoos & later when we disembarked I saw he was wearing a Vikings Motorcycle Club jacket, who are similar to the Hells Angels & have a reputation for violence.

    I joined the others at the car & we waited in the sun to board. I got chatting to an elderly Irish couple in a red VW Beetle Convertible & I bored them with our misadventures in America in the same car. They gave me a tip of where to visit in Baltimore, near to where we are staying for the first week.

    When I returned to my bike, several other motorcyclists were also in line. I chatted with a guy from Portsmouth who was on a Moto Guzzi, who told me that it was his 4th bike & he had recently just completed over half a million miles in total on them. I also discovered that he & most of the other motorcyclists were heading to Cork, for the Irish equivalent of the Isle of Man TT being held on Sunday.

    Eventually we boarded the Irish Ferry, us motorcyclists first, where we had to secure our bikes to the floor using ratchet straps. I then made my way to the Club Class Lounge on Deck 11, apparently it was only £20 extra.

    We took our table & seats beside the window & even before the ferry had set off we tucked into the free food & drink. It is fair to say that during the 3 & a half hour crossing to Rosslare Harbour we got our money’s worth. The girls certainly did with the wine!

    At the start of the crossing, we were able to watch the Ashes Cricket on my iPad, but as we got out into International waters we lost the signal. I decided to give my Mum & Dad a quick call, which turned out to be a mistake, the most expensive call I have ever made. Luckily I only spoke to my Dad who likes to keep phone calls short, otherwise it could have been a lot worse. After making the call, EE sent me a text saying that I was connected to a maritime network and my call cost £2.40/minute!

    On the way out we passed Skokholm, Skomer& Grassholm Islands, which I later read attract an abundance of wildlife including dolphins & killer whales. I will pay more attention on the return crossing .

    As we approached Ireland, we passed the minuscule Tuskar Rock Lighthouse, before docking at Rosslare around 7:00pm. I unstrapped my bike & disembarked. I was asked by the Garda what my Nationality was, but interestingly at no point did I produce any documentation to prove who I was etc etc.

    I met up with the others at the Rosslare Port Lodge, our accommodation for the night. It can probably best be described as functional, the rooms are more like Police section house rooms. We will probably cancel our booking here for the return journey!

    After dumping the bags in the room, we went straight out to the nearest pub, the Kilrane Inn, which is the 1st Pub in Ireland or Last Pub in Ireland depending on which way you are travelling!

    We all had a pint of Guinness, when in Rome, except Jackie who had a cider from Somerset! After just two drinks we walked back to our motel about half a mile away. En-route we stopped at a Memorial for those who suffered & died in the fight for Irish Freedom in the Wexford Rebellion of 1798.

    We then stopped for a couple of portions of chips (& a battered sausage for me) to eat on the walk home. By 9.30pm we were back in the room, showered & I would probably have been asleep if it wasn’t for the snoring on the other side of the wall. I’m not naming names!

    Song of the Day - Sailing by Rod Stewart
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  • День 3

    Day 3 - Driving Rain

    3 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Woke up at silly ‘o’ clock to write the blog for yesterday at my section house table & chair. Luckily I was able to nip along the corridor for complimentary coffee.

    After deciding we would skip the €5 continental breakfast, we hit the road around 8.30pm. The plan was for me to ride solo to Cork, where Jackie would then ride pillion with me to our final destination.
    We headed up the N25 towards Wexford, then started to bear left around it when it started to drizzle. Good start to the day!

    A short while later, I followed Chris up an overgrown road & parked up in a tiny little car park at Browne Clayton Monument. We walked up the 100 metre track to the foot of the monument only to discover that there was a locked gate across the entrance barring entry to the internal staircase. Looking through the gate, I was glad, the spiral staircase was tiny as it would have been a tight squeeze, particularly in my motorcycle attire.

    General Robert Browne Clayton commissioned the monument in memory of Sir Ralph Abercrombie, his commanding officer who died in 1801 at the Battle of Alexandria during the Napoleonic Wars. Surely it should be called the ‘Ralph Abercrombie Monument’! The granite Column is 94ft 4in tall and is the only Corinthian Column in the world with an internal staircase.

    After the usual photographs, we returned to the car park & I donned my waterproof trousers for the impending inclement weather. I was glad I did as we travelled through rain & drizzle pretty much for the entire next two hours. We continued along the N25 passing the towns of New Ross, Glenmore & Slieveroe before arriving in Waterford. We took a detour through Waterford town centre mainly to avoid the toll bridge.

    Our detour took us over the River Suir and in doing so we we left County Kilkenny & entered County Waterford. Eventually we negotiated our way back to the N25 & continued west towards Cork. Chris & I (the workers) stopped at a little garage to refuel our machines & our bodies by sharing a pack of 5 sausage rolls!

    Onwards through ‘heavy’ rain, passing the towns of Dungarvan, Youghal & Midleton, home of the Jameson Distillery. A hot toddy wouldn’t have gone amiss! Maybe another day.

    Around 1.00pm we rolled into the City of Cork, which was celebrating ‘Pride’ weekend. There wasn’t much evidence of it apart from some rain sodden stripy flags. We mooched around the damp shopping centre & settled on an Internet cafe, WEBWORKHOUSE.COM for a spot of lunch. The girls & I had a roll, whilst Chris had an enormous pizza.

    The Internet cafe was a bit of an eye opener. It was full of geeks & potential (no,definite) perverts. We fitted in well! Some were playing video games, but a couple of saddos in tracksuit trousers were looking at photos of fat black women in underwear, whilst ‘rummaging’ around in their laps. It doesn’t bear thinking about!

    Due to the weather we didn’t hang around in Cork, but instead headed south on the R600 in driving rain passing Riverstick & Belgooly to the apparently pretty harbour town Kinsale. I’d like to confirm that but the rain ☔️ prevented clear vision.

    Despite the rain we parked up & explored the harbour, where an RNLI raft race was in full swing. The participants, looked cold & miserable, probably just like me. We watched them for a few minutes. We then strolled around the brightly painted shops in the town centre, then hurried back to our vehicles to complete the final leg of our journey.

    The R600, which doubled up as the Wild Atlantic Way, took us along narrow country & coastal roads through the villages of Ballinspittle & Timoleague to Clonakilty where we got stuck in a traffic jam!! Possibly a horse & cart had crashed up ahead. Out of Clonakilty, we picked up the N71 & raced through the towns of Rosscarbery & Leap, before arriving at Skibbereen, the nearest town to our cottage.

    We stopped at the Euro Spar & bought a few essential provisions, minced beef for a chilli con-carne & beer, wine & non alcohol Nosecco. Luckily we realised before we drove off & changed Nosecco for a couple of bottles of Prosecco! We also bought some ‘Scratch my Pork’ snacks!

    Around 5.00pm, we drove into Meadow Cottage, our home for the next 7 nights. It is a very attractive looking Cottage looking out over Roaringwater Bay. We can also see a castle owned by Jeremy Irons. The lounge area has a random spiral staircase in the middle of the room taking you up to a very small mezzanine with a single chaise longue.

    We had our dinner outside in the setting sunlight & had a couple of drinks before calling it a night around 10.30pm.

    Song of the Day - Driving Rain by The Memphis Strange

    Bonus Song of the Day :-

    The Staircase (Mystery) by Siouxsie & the Banshees.
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  • День 4

    Day 4 - Skibbereen & MORE Rain

    4 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Woke up after 7.00am having had the best sleep for a long time. I did my blog whilst everyone else took their time in getting up. Breakfast consisted of Weetabix, toast & bagels.

    Around 11:00am, we were all finally ready & we set out in the car to Skibbereen, primarily to visit the Tourist Centre to plan our week with places to visit. Luckily for us it doesn’t open on a Sunday or on Bank Holidays, which it is tomorrow. We walked down to the Skibbereen Heritage Centre, but it was also shut. The Heritage Centre has an exhibition about the Great Famine of 1845-47, but that would have to wait for another day!

    It wasn’t a wasted visit though. We had a walk around the town centre of Skibbereen, that one guide book described as a traffic-choked market town. A bit harsh! The girls went in to a Church of Ireland church that had just finished a morning service & were thanked for coming by the Deputy Rector. Chris & I sat outside.

    The posh looking Church Restaurant had opened, so we went in & booked a table for Friday evening to celebrate Jackie’s Birthday. Next we visited Field’s Supermarket, where the girls bought food for a Sunday Roast. Chris & I had a coffee. We returned to the car & it started to pour down.

    We then drove 12 miles south, down to the village of Baltimore, with it’s ruined Dun na Sead Castle that overlooks the harbour, to sus out boat trips. The boat & ferries didn’t seem to be running, but the pubs were heaving & lots of yachts were competing in a race.

    Baltimore was raided by pirates from Algeria in 1631 & they carried away 200 of its inhabitants. The remainder fled to Skibbereen. One of the pubs in Baltimore is named the Algiers Inn. It requires a visit on a sunnier & less crowded day.

    The weather was just holding out, so we returned to the car & drove down a ridiculously narrow lane to The Baltimore Beacon. The Baltimore Beacon is a white painted stone beacon at the entrance to the harbour, that was built at the order of the British Government following the 1798 Rebellion. It is known locally as ‘Lot’s Wife’, after the Biblical woman turned into a pillar of salt.

    We somehow avoided the easy route to The Beacon, but instead chose a path that led us a ‘near’ rock face, resulting in at least one of us resorting to scrambling up on hands & knees. At the top we were afforded fantastic views of the rugged coastline, which made the tricky drive & climb well worth it. We took an easier route down!

    Next stop was Lough Hyne, which is a landlocked salt water lake that has been a marine reserve since 1981 and apparently has many unusual species. There were 3 kayakers & one hardy swimmer, but it was lashing down with rain so from the shelter our car I just took a photo of a Shag. This caused me some difficulty later when I tried to confirm its identity on google & for the record it turned out to be a Great Cormorant! Lough Hyne is surrounded by steep wooded shores & I’m sure it would be beautiful on a nice sunny day.

    Afterwards, we decided to head back to the cottage for a bite to eat & have an early Sunday dinner. Before doing so we drove past our turn off to the end of KilKilleen to Cunnamore Pier to sus out the ferries to Heir Island. We are planning on doing one, maybe two, boat trips when the weather improves. We also passed our local pub, Minihanes Bar, which looks more like someone’s house.

    We returned to the Cottage & the girls set about preparing dinner. After a sandwich, Chris & I had a stroll down the road to the mussel farm, where a fisherman was preparing the floats for the mussel beds.

    At 5.30pm, we had a delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, washed down with a nice bottle of red. That evening we played various games:- we reminded ourselves of the rules of Cribbage, played Tenzi & Balderdash. During the excitement (& alcohol consumption), I somehow accidentally managed to ring the Emergency Services on my phone. Luckily we terminated the call before it was answered.

    It was a fun packed & laugh a minute evening to end a good day.

    Song of the Day - Rain in the Summertime by The Alarm

    Bonus Songs of the Day :-

    Skibbereen by The Dubliners
    Gravelwalks by Skibbereen
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  • День 5

    Day 5 - Jeremy Irons' Castle

    5 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Today was an Irish Bank Holiday.

    Got up to write my blog, Angela got up around 7.00am, made a cup of tea & went back to bed. Chris got up & wandered around in his boxer shorts, then returned to the bedroom. Jackie then got up around 9.00am!

    We all got out around 10.30am & piled into the car. First stop was to try & get close to Jeremy Irons’ castle, Kilcoe Castle that was only a couple of miles from our cottage as the hooded crow flies. After driving down a series of narrow overgrown lanes we stumbled across a sign for a 12th Century Medieval Church & Graveyard overlooking Roaringwater Bay.

    We went to investigate and found it to be an ivy strangled ruin and a graveyard that still has approximately 2 burials a year. A couple of photos later & we walked down the lane passing a field full of cows towards Kilcoe Castle.

    The ruin of Kilcoe Castle was bought by Jeremy Irons in 1998 & started a 6 year restoration that cost €1 million. The castle consists of 2 towers, a thick one & a thin one, which are painted in terracotta. It is now Jeremy’s family home.

    Towards the bottom of the lane & at the end of a driveway was a sign telling us about Kilcoe Castle and that it was private property, but it didn’t say we couldn’t walk down the driveway to get a better look. Three of us strolled down to get a nice close-up photo, whilst Chris tentatively ambled behind fearing that we were trespassing.

    With a now perfect scenic advantage point we took several photos & hung around in the hope that Jeremy would come out & invite us in. He didn’t. Eventually we walked back up the driveway & were back at the sign when a car drove past us. The male driver, not Jeremy, did wave but didn’t stop, but instead drove through the wooden gates into the castle.

    We continued to the end of the lane where we found a couple of unoccupied holiday cottages at the waters edge. It felt slightly like we were trespassing again so we didn’t hang around after realising we couldn’t get a better view of the castle. We returned to the car, having failed in our mission to meet Jeremy, but Chris was resolutely determined. He changed tactics & exposed himself in a bush......he claims he was having a wee!

    He still failed, so we drove on to the little town of Ballydehob. We parked up in the shadow of it’s famous 12 Arch Bridge, formally a railway bridge over the estuary. We walked around the estuary, over the 12 Arch Bridge & back to the car. On the way we saw the rather ugly 14’ mermaid on a little island that is known as the ‘Lady of the Sea’.

    We cruised up Ballydehob High Street & passed the statue of Danno O’Mahony, Ballydehob’s very own world champion wrestler. We continued to the harbour town of Schull to sus out boat trips.

    Schull Harbour was a bit of a disappointment, it was small, but a huge,ugly, out of keeping restaurant dominated, spoiling the vista. We walked along the foreshore path & we were amazed to see people sunbathing & swimming in the sea without wetsuits. We then walked up to the High Street & found the Banratty Inn to be a suitable venue for lunch.

    Whilst waiting for our drinks & sandwiches to arrive, Chris & I visited the local lothario who ran the Tourist Information Office. A steady stream of middle aged women visited ‘Terry’, but he did have time to assist us with where the girls could go pony trekking & the best local places for live music.

    After lunch, we continued west to the end of the country through wild & rugged countryside. Less than 5 miles west south west of Schull at Toormore Bay, we stopped at Altar Wedge Tomb, a wedge shaped gallery grave AND National Monument. I don’t know what possessed us, but Jackie, Angela & I climbed up on to the Tomb for a photo opportunity. We then rushed back to the car & sped off before we got arrested for desecration or worse!

    At Goleen we took the scenic coastal route that followed the coast, passing more tourists shivering on wide beaches, round to Mizen Head & it’s Signal Station. The sun was out, but it was pretty windy.

    At Mizen Head we parked up, paid our €7.50 each & entered the Visitors Centre, which is an award winning Maritime Museum and Heritage Attraction. Mizen Signal Station was one of Marconi's first telegraph stations & in 1931 had the first Radio Beacon in Ireland.

    We walked down the path to Mizen Bridge, an arched bridge over a deep gully below, then climbed along several paths to get different views of the bridge & signal station. We then visited the signal station on a rock jutting out above the swirling Atlantic Ocean below, where there was information about Marconi & the Fastnet Rock Lighthouse, 16.5 kilometres out to sea.

    We climbed the 99 steps back up towards the Visitors Centre, then I bravely decided to walk down another long path to see the sea caves that apparently featured in the movie ‘Return of the Jedi’. The other three waited at the top for me. I took a selfie at the bottom & puffed my way back up to join them.

    We then headed back home, but not before stopping at a stables near Schull to enquire about pony trekking & then Field’s In Skibbereen for more provisions, wine & cheese mainly!

    It was gone 6.00pm when we finally returned to the cottage. We sat outside with a cup of tea & cake for 10 minutes before it got too cold, then we returned inside & spent the evening just chilling & chatting & occasionally drinking.

    It had been a really great day. The weather had also been kind to us. We didn’t encounter any rain, just sunshine & a lot of cloud.

    Song of the Day - Bank Holiday Monday by The Stereophonics
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  • День 6

    Day 6 - Feast AND Famine?

    6 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Overslept & was awoken about 8.30am by a WhatsApp message dinging from Craig Boswell moaning (unlike him!) that I hadn’t posted yesterday’s blog yet. I think he was struggling to get to sleep on the train.

    As planned we had a leisurely morning & a hearty breakfast of cereal & toast. It wasn’t until about 11.30am that we ventured out for the day. We headed to Skibbereen to the Heritage Centre to learn all about The Famine Story. Skibbereen is synonymous with the Great Famine, particularly because it was frequently visited by James Mahony of the Illustrated London News who documented the plight through graphic records and stark drawings.

    We parked up in the car park next to the pair of high-heeled ladies shoes, presumably abandoned after a good night out! We paid our €6 admission & entered the Famine Story exhibition which consisted mainly of headphones providing verbal accounts of the horrors of life & death during the famine in Skibbereen occasionally narrated by Jeremy.

    Prior to 1845, Ireland relied on a diet of potato, because it yielded three times more per acre than other crops. On average, men ate 6.4kgs of potatoes per day, women 5kgs & children 2.3kgs, but in September 1845 they were struck by The Blight. It was a new airborne infectious fungal disease that had arrived from America that rotted the potatoes causing the loss of a third of that years crop.

    The Blight quickly resulted in severe poverty & starvation, because most Irish people had to provide potatoes they had grown to pay for the rooves over their heads. People were so poor they pawned literally everything they owned including their clothes, despite having to work in the fields in snow & ice. People were dying on roadsides through starvation and/or hyperthermia and people sought shelter in workhouses that had been set up. One workhouse in Skibbereen became so crowded that 500 people were crammed into a school room to the extent that they each were allowed a floor space of just 2 square feet. The deaths in the workhouses & town of Skiberreen averaged 25 per day & the majority of the bodies were buried without coffins.

    Between 1845 & 1850, one million people died in Ireland & 400,000 births did not take place. One & a half million people emigrated during that period. No wonder there is an Irish Pub in every town in the world!

    The population of Ireland went from 2.6 million in 1750 to well over 8.5 million in 1845 which was the fastest growing population increase in Europe during that period, possibly due to their contraception methods! Ireland then lost 45% of her people in the half century after the Great Famine. Today, Ireland is the only European country that still has a population lower than in 1841.

    Among the horrors told in the exhibition was the story of 3 year old, Tom Guerin, who in 1848 was thought to have died & spent two days in a mass grave at Abbeystrowry before being found alive. His feet pointed in opposite directions, because his knees were broken caused either by his mother trying to force him in a makeshift coffin or by shovels at the mass grave. Tom was rescued & lived to the ripe old age of 65, but he was a cripple for the rest of his life.

    Before leaving the Heritage Centre, we watched a short film about Lough Hyne that we had visited two days previously. It should have been really interesting to the extent that it inspired us to return, it wasn’t & Chris fell asleep during it. Maybe it was because he was sat next to Jackie!

    Afterwards we commenced the Skibbereen ‘The Famine Story’ self guided walking tour around the town using our €.25 maps we had purchased. The walking tour took us to various buildings & locations of interest from the Great Famine, including Soup Houses, Workhouses, the Town Square, Windmill Lane, Abbeystrewry Church, St Patrick’s Cathedral, the Court House & the scene of a riot.

    This may sound easy, but only the Irish could have the apparently same 2 walking tours, only each in a different order, which caused some confusion. Also some of the plaques were missing or were on the opposite side of the road. We identified most of the things we were supposed to be looking at.

    During the walk, Angela & Jackie somehow managed to get into a conversation with a little old man with no teeth, but pink hair. He had a handbag, dungarees, a floral skirt & doc martens with roses on them. Funnily enough, he had a good knowledge of Brighton.

    Now having worked up a decent hunger, we settled on the Paragon Bar & Restaurant for lunch. Chris had a cottage pie, Angela had fish chowder, Jackie a prawn sandwich & I had chicken breast with black pudding wrapped in bacon with lumpy mash & veg.

    After our ‘Feast’, we took a much needed walk, the mile or so, to Abbeystrowry Burial Pits, which has mass graves that hold some 10,000 unidentified Famine victims. It was a serene place to sit & reflect on the horrors of the Great Famine. The only thing that subsequently annoyed me was a sign at the entrance gates that talked about the Famine being Ireland’s Worst Single Disaster, then at the end added “A CHILLING REMINDER OF MAN’S INHUMANITY TO MAN”. Really & I thought it was The Blight or was it?

    We walked back along the river into Skibbereen to the car, the drove to Fields for more wine & mussels, farmed on our doorstep. Unfortunately they only sell mussels on a Tuesday & Thursday, but not this Tuesday because it had been a Bank Holiday yesterday.

    It was around 5.30pm when we returned to the Cottage & relaxed for an hour or so, before setting off on the mile & a half uphill hike up a country road to the local pub. En-route we encountered a rather disturbing signpost that had us giggling like little schoolgirls!

    Eventually we arrived at Minihan’s Bar, which is not much more that 2 rooms on the side of a house & the only pub for miles around. There were half a dozen locals in one room so we sat in the bar area & ordered 3 pints of Guinness & a cider from Brian, the young barman. Brian grew up locally & was full of chat. He told us about the local way of life & that unless you were a farmer or fisherman you were likely to move away. Skibbereen U18 rugby team had just won the National cup, which was a big achievement. The sky was clear & he pointed out the Fastnet Rock Lighthouse that was 4.5 miles out to sea. We enquired about live music in the pub & were informed that music & singing starts up about 10.00pm every Thursday night once enough Guinness has been sunk. We would be back.

    Just before 9.00pm & after 3 pints of Guinness each, except Jackie who has a whisky, we strolled back home. Luckily it was all downhill!

    After a quick game of Logo with cheese & biscuits & a bottle of wine, we called it a night after another cracking day AND virtually rain free again.

    Song of the Day - Famine by Sinead O’Connor
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  • День 7

    Day 7 - Bantry & Mussels

    7 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Another slow start to the day. We had breakfast & set off for Bantry up the west coast around 10.30am. We drove to Ballydehob & missed the turning for Bantry. As a result we took the coast road to Toormoor (the scene of our desecration), then drove almost back on ourselves up the the coast to Durres.

    We then picked up the N71, the road we should have been on, to Bantry. We stopped at Bantry House & Gardens, parked up & paid our slight hefty entrance fee of €11 per person. Bantry House is the private estate owned & lived in by the descendants of the Earls of Bantry, but is also now a Bed & Breakfast Hotel. It sits in a fantastic location overlooking the bay.

    We started in the House, which if I’m being kind was probably spectacular in it’s day, but now looked a bit tired. We walked around the first 2 floors of the house looking at the rather strange eclectic mix of furniture & decor, plus numerous portrait paintings on the walls.

    We then walked out into to Gardens at the rear of the Stately Home that were created by Richard White, the 2nd Earl of Bantry between 1800 & 1865. First stop was the Fountain & Parterre which consisted of a square of ornamental hedges surrounding a fountain. We then scaled the 100 steps, known as ‘Old Ladies Walk’ to the top of the garden, which gave us a spectacular view of the garden, the house & Bantry Bay in the distance.

    We made our way back down & to the cafe for tea & cakes. We then wandered around the sunken garden, which was stuffed full of flowering plants that were attracting a healthy number of butterflies. We then headed up a path to the Walled Garden, which was so ruined that it was hard to know when we were in it. Afterwards we returned to the car & drove into Bantry town centre.

    Bantry was not much to shout, about we walked around the main streets, but there was not much that attracted our attention. It was all a bit disappointing!

    We continued north, passing through Ballylickey & on to the attractive coastal town of Glengariff. We parked up & pottered around the High Street. I tried to find a birthday present for Jackie, without success.

    We then took a walk down a path to Blue Pool Park & the ferry. We continued to Seal Point, which was very picturesque, but alas no sign of any seals. After returning to the car, we drove back south to Ballydehob for a very late lunch or was it a very early dinner.

    We selected Vincent Coughlan’s Pub & Seafood Restaurant, where Chris & Angela had a large bowl of mussels & chips, Jackie had breaded Langoustines & I had a cheeseburger. It wasn’t as it sounds, it was a breaded Camembert in a bun. This was washed down with Guinness, Murphys, wine & gin & tonic. It was a very enjoyable meal, apart from ‘chipgate’.

    We arrived back home around 7.00pm & sat out in the setting sun. We could hear Mr Hegarty, our landlord, down at his little mussel factory. I couldn’t help myself & went to investigate. Mr Hegarty and 3 employees were loading up bags of mussels into his refrigerated transit van.

    Mr Hegarty informed me that the mussels took approximately 2 years to grow, then they lift the beds out by crane & drive them up the road to his factory. In the little factory, he has machinery that washes the mussels, grades them & then bags them. During the process it still requires humans to sit at a conveyor belt & pick out any mussels that have been damaged.

    Mr Hegarty’s mussels once loaded on the van are driven straight to Dublin for onward transit through the UK to Dover & then shipped to the France. He fears that Brexit could seriously affect his business. It was all very interesting stuff & just for good measure Mr Hegarty gave me a kilo of freshly bagged Roaringwater Mussels.

    I returned to the others at the cottage & we had a very chilled evening, ending in a quick game of Logo, that incidentally I won.

    Song of the Day - Pulling Mussels (From The Shell) by Squeeze

    Bonus Song of the Day :-

    Cockles & Mussels by Ian McCulloch
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  • День 8

    Day 8 - Island Hopping

    8 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Overslept & woke up in a panic at 9.00am. Jackie & I had volunteered to go down to Skibbereen on the motorcycle to get some more provisions for a picnic.

    It wasn’t until 10.15am that Jackie had finally done her make-up............and washed some clothes & put them out to dry. We scooted down to Skibbereen and abandoned the motorcycle outside a pub. In Field’s Supermarket we rushed around & picked up 5 bottles of wine, 10 large bread rolls, ham, sausage rolls, another kilo of mussels & some fruit. We stuffed it all into the panniers & headed back.

    It was about 11.10am when we returned to the cottage & made our picnic up, a selection of ham, egg & cheese rolls. The picnic & coats were stuffed into rucksacks & we set of in Chris’ car to Cunnamore

    At midday we boarded the Thresher, the Cunnamore to Heir Island, that only departed every two hours. Luckily we weren’t the last to arrive at the harbour because the last 2 people had to be left behind as the ferry could only carry 12 passengers.

    Four minutes later we disembarked the ferry at Heir Island. The ferry captain collected our money of €3 each and gave us a map of the Island. A single road ran from one end to the other and just one other road ran off it down to the main beach. Before we left the harbour, Chris contacted a telephone number on a poster to establish the ferry times over to Sherkin Island.

    That sorted, we walked for about half a mile to the main beach, which was a small but clean & sandy beach. We sat on a wall & ate half of our picnic basking the faint sun. I even dipped my toes in the water & was surprised that it actually wasn’t that cold. Half an hour later, we were heading back to the harbour to catch our next ferry. Chris & I stopped & spoke to a man who was from Cork, but was doing a grand job of rebuilding an old family home. He warned us that the rain was due to come in around 4.00pm.

    At 1.40pm, we boarded the M.V. Boy Colm, the Cunnamore, Heir Island & Sherkin Island ferry. The captain resembled the Ronnie Barker character in their famous Fork Handles sketch. This journey was much longer, about 20 minutes, and we passed 2 seals. Our 1st decent wildlife spot of the trip. This ferry trip cost us €5 each, much better value!

    Upon docking at Sherkin Island, which was directly opposite Baltimore, the wind started to get up and the temperature dropped. We arranged for ‘Ronnie’ to collect us at 3.00pm, hopefully to stay ahead of the rain. We walked up the hill, passing the ruins of Sherkin Friary, which was built by the O’Driscoll clan in 1449. However, in 1537, the residents of Waterford burned the Friary down in retaliation for acts of piracy committed by the O’Driscolls.

    We only had an hour, so we marched up to The Jolly Roger Pub, voted Best Costal Ireland Pub, somehow! The barmaid was not a very welcoming sole. Chat was not her thing & the only thing on the menu was chips. They had sold out of everything else.

    We bought a pint each & took them outside to finish off our picnic in the blustery wind. From our elevated position, we saw ‘Ronnie’ returning to pick us up, having refuelled at Baltimore. We drank up & returned to the harbour for our return journey back to Cunnamore. We did have a chat with ‘Ronnie’ as we disembarked, but we couldn’t understand a word he said. I think it was something about fishing, but he could have been just insulting us!

    We took a couple of minor diversions to Turks Head & to Killeen Beach, but nothing to report. We returned to the cottage & I went to bed & slept for 2 hours. The others also had varying amounts of sleep.

    I woke up at 6.45pm & half heartedly started todays blog. Jackie cooked up 2 kilos of mussels in a white wine & tarragon sauce. I had a bread roll! At 9.35pm we headed out to our local pub. Angela chose to drive as the weather was so awful.

    We arrived at Minihane’s Bar around 10pm & ordered 2 and a half Guinness’s & a wine for Jackie. The barmaid, Teresa (Tess) & her sister, the landlady Josephine (Josie) were very welcoming. Almost as soon as our drinks arrived an old boy sat in a chair burst into song with a sea shanty, followed by a tune on his squeezebox. After a few minutes of silence, an old woman next to him started singing with a lovely haunting voice.

    This was repeated a couple of times until 2 large families turned up. Three youngsters, who were French & from one of the families got their musical instruments (2 fiddles & another squeezebox) out & joined in with them. A young lad sang a solo song & an old guy at the bar also did his bit.

    It was a great atmosphere, made all the more so by thunder & lightening rumbling & flashing outside.

    At midnight, we made it known that it was Jackie’s Birthday, which prompted the landlady Josie to bring out a Mars Bar with a candle in it & we sang Happy Birthday to her. Josie then ordered some young lad to sing a song, which he did in front of all of his mates. Josie then sang a song at our table.

    Angela, who had nursed just two half’s of Guinness all night, then bravely sang several verses of Hallelujah on behalf of us English contingent. Thank you Angela.

    The final song of the night was by Tess, which was a treat, because apparently she rarely sings!

    It was the perfect end to a fantastic evening.

    Song of the Day - Don’t Pay the Ferryman by Chris de Burgh
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  • День 9

    Day 9 - Is it Someone's Birthday?

    9 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    It is Jackie’s 53rd Birthday, which came as a bit of a surprise, because she hadn’t mentioned it.

    It was a miserable day outside, so after opening her cards & a present from Angela & Chris, Jackie cancelled the pony trekking that she was supposed to be doing with Angela. We had another leisurely start to the day & we didn’t venture out until pretty much midday.

    We didn’t have any other particular plans, so we drove into Skibbereen, then decided to visit Drombeg Stone Circle which was just east of the village of Leap. Drombeg Stone Circle, also known as the Druid’s Altar, are 17 tightly packed stones in a circle just 29ft in diameter.

    It was pouring with rain as we walked the 100 odd metres to the Stone Circle from the car park. The Stones were more impressive than any of us had expected and there was a steady stream of visitors. The site is thousands of years old & is believed to be a place of worship & possibly sacrifice. In the middle of the Circle was a stone upon which people had left a donation or an offering. In the mist it was very atmospheric, almost eerie.

    At the site there were also the remains of a Fulacht Fiadh, which was an ancient cooking place that would have been inside a stone hut. The Fulacht Fiadh was an ingenious way to cook food. Recent tests show that it was able to bring 70 gallons of water to the boil in just 18 minutes simply by dropping red hot rocks into it. The water would then stay hot for several hours.

    We drove back through the coastal village of Glandore back to Leap. We stopped to see its ‘Historic’ Waterfall, if there could be such a thing. It turned out to be a nothing to shout about waterfall, with a number of tacky ornaments with a fairy theme scattered around it. Thank god it was free to see it.

    After a couple of false starts we plumped on the Leap Inn Bar & Restaurant for lunch. We all chose the sausage & mash dinner, probably because the sausages were Guinness & Leek. It was a lovely, but massive dinner, with a big bowl of vegetables & a bowl of chips. I was happy because I was buying dinner that evening, so the more everyone ate at lunch, the less they’d want for dinner or so I hoped!

    Having finished our dinner, we went back out into the rain & decided there was nothing else for it but to go back to the cottage & play cribbage. We ventured into the realms of playing Cribbage in pairs, but it started to verge on it all getting a bit too competitive. Jackie & I won by the way!

    At 6.30pm, we set off back into Skibbereen. We parked up & as we had 10 minutes to spare, we popped into a dive bar, called Fairfield House. It was basic to put it politely, there were 4 scruffy oiks sat at the bar. We had a quick half of Guinness each, the girls had a large wine.

    At 7.00pm we walked into the Church Restaurant & were allocated a nice little table by a stained glass window. We ordered a varied selection off the menu ranging from fish soup, Brie, black pudding, monkfish, pork, lamb & chicken stir fry, plus wine & a couple of Murphys. The food was very good, however the young waitress failed to give us some bread which was slightly unsatisfactory.

    We were back home by 9.00pm for a nightcap & a quick game of Logo, before calling it a night. We had an early start in the morning.

    Song of the Day - Atmosphere by Joy Division
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  • День 10

    Day 10 - Blown Round the Ring of Kerry

    10 августа 2019 г., Ирландия ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    The alarm went off at 8.00am, too early if you had had a dreadful night sleep. I struggled out of bed & made Jackie a cup of tea. The wind was blowing a hooley, I later looked it up & discovered that it was gusting at 30mph, perfect for motorcycling!

    We got ourselves ready & packed our rucksacks & loaded them in the car. We were all moving out of Mr Hegarty’s Meadow Cottage to pastures new. Around 9.30am, we said goodbye to Chris & Angela & climbed aboard the motorcycle. We were heading to the Ring of Kerry, Chris & Angela were heading to our new cottage for the forthcoming week.

    Jackie & I headed west on the N71, then headed north just before reaching Ballydehob. The windy was gusty to say the least & we took it easy particularly because the roads were also damp. When we arrived at Bantry Bay, we stopped & got off to look at the monument to all those that lost their lives in the Bay, which stood in front of the Cemetery. When we returned to the motorcycle, we found Jackie’s helmet in the entrance to the Cemetery, several metres from the bike. It would appear she hadn’t attached it the bike securely & it had fallen off & rolled down the road.

    We drove through Bantry to Ballylickey, where we filled up with petrol. We then continued through Glengarriff & on to Kenmare, where we parked up to get some sustenance. After walking around the very busy town, we stopped at Cafe Mocha, where we ordered a Full Irish Breakfast & a Mini Breakfast. I won’t say who had which!

    Pleased with our breakfast selection, we continued onwards & upwards to Molls Gap. Unfortunately we shouldn’t have been there, I had missed the Ring of Kerry turning, so we did a U turn & drove the 10kms back down the mountain to Kenmare. Luckily it was only raining & blowing a gale!

    We picked up the Ring of Kerry road (N70 & Wild Atlantic Way) & rode through Templenoe, Blackwater Bridge, Derreenamacken, Tahilla & Parknasilla to Sneem. At times it was damn frightening as every so often we were sideswiped by a vicious gust of wind.

    Sneem, a small village, was heaving with tourist coaches. In addition to this a wedding was taking place at the local church & a stag party was in full swing with the groom to be dressed in a leprechaun outfit. (We saw them at another pub along the Ring of Kerry).

    We stopped & had a mooch around. It was nice but way too busy. We got back on the bike & continued clockwise around the RoK. The most bizarre sight of the day was seeing as erected tent on an island just metres off the mainland, with 2 people sat in deckchairs in front of it as if it was the perfect summer’s day.

    We continued to Waterville, where it has capitalised on the fact that Charlie Chaplin & his family holidayed there for many years in the 1950s. Apparently he first visited the town upon the recommendation of his friend, Walt Disney. As a result of this connection, there is a Charlie Chaplin bronze statue, a Charlie Chaplin Walk & a Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival, which later this year is going to attempt the World Record for the largest gathering of Charlie Chaplin Lookalikes!

    We had a stroll along the seafront (or Charlie Chaplin Walk) & I used the Ladies Public Toilets, as the Gents were out of action. The weather looked to be getting worse, so we continued on to Kells, our home for the night. We stopped at Cahersiveen for a bottle of red , the drove on to Kells House & Gardens, arriving just as the heavens opened.

    Kells House & Gardens are owned by Billy & Penn, his Thai wife. Penn greeted us (although she hardly speaks English) at reception & took us up to our room. Kells House & Gardens are open to the public & for €8 you can visit the house, but of more interest take the walk around Billy’s world class fern garden.

    Our hotel room is wonderful, spacious & posh. Thank you Chris for getting such a superb discount for us. We stripped out of our damp clothes & watched Final Score. Jackie had a brown bath which looked wrong, but was the soil in the water. It is harmless, but not drinkable.

    At 7.00pm we went down to dinner in their Thai restaurant, Sala. We had a very nice, albeit a little expensive, meal of crispy Aromatic Duck, red Thai curry & Pad Thai.

    By 9.00pm we were back in our room giving me time to catch up on my blog & Jackie to watch Casualty.

    Song of the Day - Charlie Chaplin by Perry Blake

    Day 10 Part Two - the Michael Collins Experience

    After we had said our farewells to Simon and Jackie we set off to our second cottage in Tallow, Waterford County. Our first stop was Clonakilty where we stopped for a stroll around the pretty town and for a coffee and cake, coffee cake for me, lemon and poppyseed for Chris. We came across a Seasalt, Cornwall shop and Angela couldn’t resist a bit of retail therapy!
    Our next stop was the Michael Collins Centre in Castleview on the outskirts of Clonakilty. We paid our 5 euros each and went in. The museum is owned and run by Timothy Crowley who is a distant cousin of Michael. Michael Collins was an Irish military and political leader, fondly known as the ‘Big Fella’ who came to prominence during the Irish Revolutionary Period 1916 to 1922. He moved to London in 1906 to become a clerk for the post office savings bank. He became a member of the London GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) through which he became associated with the Irish Republican Brotherhood. He returned to Ireland in 1916 and fought in the Easter Rising. He was imprisoned in Frongoch, Wales as a prisoner of war and was released in December 1916. Timothy Crowley’s grandfather was a prisoner of war at the same time as Collins.
    Collins rose through the ranks of the Irish Volunteers and Sinn Fein and became a Teachta Dala for South Cork in 1918. He gained fame as a guerilla warfare strategist, planning and directing many successful attacks on British forces and assassinations of British intelligence agents. After the ceasefire in July 1921 Collins went to London to negotiate peace terms, the Anglo-Irish Treaty established the Irish Free State. A provisional government was formed under his chairmanship in 1922, this was soon disrupted by the Irish Civil War in which Collins was Commander in Chief of the National Army. He was shot and killed in an ambush by anti-treaty forces on 22nd August 1922.
    The museum had an excellent presentation, several exhibits and a mock up of the ambush scene. There was also an assassination area which had a pole you could stand against and have a replica gun pointed at you - nobody fancied doing that! We made a stop at the Diamond Bar where the tip off came that Collins was on his way through and to Beal na Bla which was the ambush site, there is a memorial there.
    We than made our way to Bride Valley Fruit Farm and our second cottage. We were greeted by Willie McDonnell who lived in the farmhouse as a child. He now runs the farm with his son Paul. They have sheep, suckling cows and grow apples which they sell to Bulmers. Once we figured out how to work the oven Angela roasted a chicken which we had with a salad and some red wine.

    Song of the day - Michael Collins by The Wolfe Tones
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