United Kingdom
Mid Sussex District

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    • Day 51

      Stanmer Park/House/gardens

      June 11, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Stanmer Park seemed like a good outing and walk in a forest today. Just a bus ride from Brighton passing the massive University of Brighton and some other parks on the way. Built in the 1700s Stanmer house is now used for offices, a bar and restaurant. And event centre.

      It is said that a daughter of king George 3rd, princess Amelia would often visit, gone are the days! Again I got lost and it was always the climb up....but eventually found my way down and around to the walled garden. some photos are where I was lost up in the forest on the hill!! A lovely morning out of the city. 😊🌳

      You'll see I had some toast and marmalade with a pot of tea here at the tea rooms, and, tho, served pure anchor butter, opted for peanut butter instead!!
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    • Day 15


      August 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Dernier jour.
      Pèlerinage 43 ans après ..... eh ben je n'ai rien reconnu 🤭
      Ce soir, on dort à haywards heath ou j'allais aussi. Pareil rien reconnu mais on a bien reconnu la bouteille de prosecco offerte 😂😂Read more

    • Day 2

      Ein bisschen was fürs Herz

      May 7, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Wo befindet man sich, wenn man 100x am Tag freundlichst begrüßt wird. Wenn Leute sich gemeinsam über den Sonnenschein freuen, sich gegenseitig einen wunderschönen Tag wünschen, sich beim Busfahrer bedanken, wenn sie aussteigen, sich einen Haxen ausreißen um einem die richtige Information zu geben, einem die Tür aufhalten, sich in einer Reihe anstellen beim Ein/Aussteigen, sich entschuldigen, wenn man mit dem Rolli vorbei will, einem immer ein Lächeln schenken und sagen: yes my love, egal wie alt sie selber sind. Wo befindet man sich, wenn man sich einfach unglaublich wohlfühlen darf? Wenn man ohne Einschränkungen so sein darf wie man ist...
      Stimmt. 100 Punkte. Man ist in Südengland.
      Und darum war es immer und wird immer mein Sehnsuchtsland bleiben.
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    • Day 25

      Bye to the EU (and an annoying yank)

      August 11, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      “Did you enjoy your time in Europe?” asks the border police as I leave the EU. “Yeah I had a great time thanks.” “That’s great, have a good trip home.” I’ve always had good interactions with border police at Amsterdam airport. The Dutch are friendly folk. Last time Thom and I came through here we had 2 very hot friendly Dutch men who made us consider why we were leaving 😈. Once in the non Schengen part of the airport I headed to the KLM lounge.

      It’s a big lounge with heaps of seating across 2 levels. The bar and restaurant where you can buy a full meal upstairs were closed, but the free bar and buffet downstairs were alive and pumping. I wasn’t that hungry after my big feed in the last lounge and good food on my flight so I grabbed a glass of bubbles and charged my phone while I chilled on quite a a comfy high backed chair.

      A slight delay to departure and a gate change but nothing too bad. Or so I thought. Once at the gate I see that the bags are being loaded and then we’re told it will an other 10min delay. After that group 1 is asked to board, but wait in the aerobridge while they fix a technical issue. That issue, the captain comes to inform us, is a water leak and everything is wet. Fair enough. Waiting for engineering to stop the leak and cleaning to clean the plane.

      This is where it starts to get fun. I do love eavesdropping on a complaining American who is not in his beloved America. He is behind me on the phone explaining a conversation he had with a “horrible border guard” when leaving Amsterdam. For background, it seems he got robbed and lost his passport so was travelling on an emergency document. “When did you enter Europe”. “I entered London on (insert date here)”. “The UK isn’t in the EU, when did you enter the European Union?”. “Well that’s debatable that the UK isn’t in Europe.”

      Like seriously dude, what rock have you been living under. Even despite Brexit, the UK was never in Schengen! Anyway, he continues the rant apparently explaining the difference between an airline ticket and boarding pass to the agent when asked to produce evidence of when he entered the the EU. Clearly all the border guard wanted is to ensure he hadn’t overstayed his 90 days, but this American guy was just being a jerk.

      He concludes his conversation with “I’ll finally be on American soil when I get on board American flight 57 tomorrow.” Umm yeah, that’s no how it works bro, but you do you! He’s got to enter the UK tonight before he boards his American soil containing flight tomorrow, so I hope UK border force also give him hell. While I’m quite entertained by this conversation, it turns out that while this has been occupying me, the crew realise this plane isn’t fixable so quickly. We’re deboarded and moved to a new gate.

      I have a look at our new estimated departure time of 10pm, and compare that to Heathrow’s curfew of 11pm. With the time change it should be ok. Just in case I start looking at alternate flights from here to Singapore in the event this flight doesn’t go ahead today. While I do this, boarding commences, so looks like I won’t be needing an alternative today. I wonder how my bag is going with all these changes 🤔.

      With no leaks in sight, I board this newer 737-800, and settle into my newer seat in 2F. Euro business again. We taxi to the furthest runway at a good speed (aka - we floor it to the the runway that is half way to London) and zoom off for a 45min flight to Heathrow.

      The meal box is the same design as last time but swap the nuts for banana chips and the meal for an Asian noodle with raw tuna. I push the tuna aside (gross) and enjoy the meal with another glass of the French wine. The macaroons are again delish. I land into a very quiet terminal 4 at Heathrow, my first time in this terminal.

      While waiting for the bags I get to listen in to our charming American’s critique. “There was never a water leak, they just said that because really what happened is the crew timed out.” Yeah, cause they’d load one plane full of bags, unload it, tow a new aircraft to a different gate, reload the bags just to make it appear there was something wrong with the plane… sure… believe what you want man.

      A 50 min Uber ride with a lovely Românian man who had partied a bit hard the night before and was a little sleepy and I was at Gatwick ready for a short sleep. Thanks KLM for the great flights bring me and my bag to London.
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    • Day 2

      Farm Camping

      July 13, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      In England ist frei stehen nicht so gern gesehen, deshalb wollten wir uns einen einfachen Stellplatz suchen. Hier bieten Bauernhöfe oft ihre Wiesen an für einen günstigen Preis und oft auch mit Toiletten und Spülbecken. Es gestaltete sich etwas schwierig, weil an dem Wochenende einiges voll war. Später fanden wir heraus, dass es einen Feiertag gab und es vermutlich deshalb so war.
      Aber wir hatten Glück und fanden etwas abgelegen einen sehr netten Platz, wo wir uns dann noch mit einem Lagerfeuer belohnt haben. 😍
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    • Day 4

      Brighton Day (Teil 1)

      December 18, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Hüt bi i uf Brighton gange. So nach 15 Jahr es weder mou noche gsi ou dere Stadt e bsuech abstadte. I ha vor 15 Jahr döte wunderschöni 6 Woche dörfe verbringe, binere mega liebe Familie. Leider hei si Hüt kei Zit ga für nes wedersehe🥺.
      I ha s Meer und s Pier so rechtig gnosse u bi natürlech ou nochli go spiele ufem Pier.
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    • Day 17

      Exciting day at Diddly Squat Farm.

      June 7, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After our morning at Diddly Squat ended, we headed for Cambridge, my birthplace and home for the first 13 years of my life. We took the scenic route as we drove through some of the most beautiful and cutest towns/villages we've seen. There is so much history, so much character in these places.
      We are staying at the Hilton in Cambridge City. The hotel is again so nice and close to everything. Arriving in midafternoon we decided to go for a walk around town and find somewhere for dinner. We come across Parkers Tavern (Parker being my nickname for Al). This turned out to be a very classy, up-market establishment. We felt slightly uncomfortable as we were in track gear for walking and everyone else was dressed to the nines! Care factor (0)! Another sensational meal. We had fresh local river trout, then steak pie with veg., oh so nice. Good comfort food.
      The evening ended with a long walk through Parkers Park then sleep.
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    • Day 1

      So was von "besser geht's ned"...

      May 6, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      London Gatwick, super Service! Wir waren so schnell vom Flieger... dann riesige Schilder zum Bahnhof und trotz Gewurrle sitzen wir im richtigen Zug. Überall Staff, super hilfsbereit und freundlich! Begeistert!Read more

    • Day 2

      Tag 2, Sonne, Blumen, Überraschungen

      May 7, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Durch einen landesweiten Streik bis 11.5. fahren keine Züge. Also nehmen wir den Bus um endlich die "bluebells" zu finden. In Wakehurst Manor und Kew Gardens sollten wir diese englischen Schönheiten finden.
      Der Bus dahin, so wie alle bisher, barrierefrei, kostet 2 Pfund/Person. Billiger und schöner reisen geht nicht. Wir cruisen vorbei an wunderschönen Häusern, Weiden, Bäumen, Orten.... alles ist so sauber und hübsch.
      Viel Fachwerkbau, dunkelrote Ziegel, überall Grün und herrlichen Blüten.
      In Wakehurst befindet sich die größte Samenbank für Pflanzen der Welt über 2 Milliarden aus 190 Ländern wird dort atomsicher, brand- uberschwemmungssicher aufbewahrt.
      Und endlich finden wir sie: die blauen Hasenglöckchen, für die England so berühmt ist. Den ganzen Tag streunen wir in diesem wundervollen Park herum und entdecken immer noch schönere Plätzchen.
      Als der verspätete Bus, eben durch den Streik, endlich 45 Min später kommt, ist bereits ein Rolli an Board. Sofort wird ein Taxidienst für uns organisiert. Inklusion hier??? Kein Thema. Es ist wahrlich unglaublich wie selbstverständlich eine Behinderung hier sein darf.
      Als wir endlich zu einem Essen gelangen, haben wir wieder richtiges Glück. Ein supergeniales Pub. Unsere 1. Fisch und Chips könnten nicht besser sein. Dazu 2 kalte, feine Bierchen bzw Guiness und ein großartiger Tag bleibt.
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    • Day 1


      May 6, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      GsD gibt es diese Kette. Günstig, jedes Hotel barrierefrei. Sehr freundlich... wir sind pitschenass angekommen, weil es Schusterbuben regnet!
      Trockenstation eingerichtet. Und, wenns so weitergeht, sieht Crawley uns heute nicht mehr... was aber schad wäre. Wor wollten gern noch nach Wakehurst fahren... mal sehen, ob es morgen besser ist.Read more

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