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  • Giorno 1

    Victoria Falls a good place to start

    7 maggio 2023, Zimbabwe ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    “Famba Zvakanaka”- Have a Good Journey ( Dusty Road )

    Victoria Falls is the perfect place to start an adventure. The grandeur and pure mighty energy of this great African waterfall enthrals both body and soul. Wherever you are in town or the surrounding vicinity you can feel it from a distance and see the spray rising high into the sky.

    We are so excited to meet Amelie at the airport and there is a band of Shona dancers beating drums and singing an African song to welcome her as she steps into the Zimbabwean sunshine for the first time.

    We spend the afternoon relaxing and catching up at Nkosi Lodge, our zen style guest house complete with rainforest garden and waterfall feature tumbling behind the pool. The next afternoon during the heat of the day we set out to explore the Falls. Nothing can quite prepare one for a first encounter of Mosi-O-Tunya, the Great Smoke that Thunders. The ground trembles, the roar fills your ears and as you approach nearer the sight of the tumbling water arched by shimmering rainbows is an unforgettable sight to behold.

    We dance and laugh and celebrate life family and friendship under the spray of the Falls delighting in the shifts of views from rainbows to lush green forest and the ever changing waves of the spray from the Falls carried by the wind. By the time we return to our vehicle we are thoroughly drenched but smiling from ear to ear.

    We complete our day with a visit to the historic iconic Victoria Falls Hotel where we watch the sun go down with the spray of the Falls in the background and then drink decadent cocktails on the elegant terrace.

    We then go on to have dinner or more like “a taste sensation” at Dusty Road, the quaintest authentic Zimbabwean restaurant located in the local township filled with colourful quirky upcycles decor, crafts and the tastiest dishes created with local ingredients. Even old bathtubs and basins have been converted into couches and chairs ! We meet the owner Mama Sarah who tells us the story of how her longed for dream and passion became reality and continues to inspire and assist the local community and leave with beautifully painted tin plates to replace our old plastic camping ones. All in all an evening to remember filled with delicious food warmheartedness and inspiration on how one individual can make such a wonderful difference in this African country full of surprises.
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  • Giorno 37

    The start and end in Vic Falls

    6 maggio 2023, Zimbabwe ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Victoria Falls. Majestic. Iconic. The heartbeat of Africa vibrating it’s energy through the Earth.

    There are no words that can really describe the experience of being in the presence of Mosi- o- Tunya the smoke that thunders when it is at its fullest and mightiest.

    We can simply say that we were blessed and baptized which was the perfect end to our time together and the beginning of the next adventure.
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  • Giorno 34

    Hwange a place of great peace

    3 maggio 2023, Zimbabwe ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    From Kasane we decide to travel south to cross the border into Zimbabwe at Pandamatenga a tiny border post where it’s easy and quick. After having long chats to the border police who have all the time of day with the last people crossing 3 days ago and paying 50 pula for him to open the gate we are in Zimbabwe and on our way to Hwange National Park, the largest reserve in the country.

    We settle into the homely historic Robins Camp with its quaint pub and insanely high watch tower which was used back in the day by the owner J Robins to detect fires started by poachers. The camp is dotted with old photos and artifacts lending a sense of place and time in its history. Apparently the original owner of this wild part of Zimbabwe gave up on cattle farming and started to protect his land and the wildlife he was surrounded with from hunters and poachers building roads so that people could come stay and be taken around to see the wild animals. The start of Hwange Game Reserve.

    We love the peace and beauty in Hwange and spend our time at the lovely hides overlooking the nearby waterholes bird watching and one incredible end of day at Deteema Dam watching a huge herd of elephants line the far bank drinking water.
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  • Giorno 32

    Cruising Chobe River

    1 maggio 2023, Zimbabwe ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    We love staying on the Chobe River. It’s is such a life force in this part of Africa for both people and animals.

    We spend time here relaxing and taking some time off from traveling in the vehicles and on the road. There is a beautiful pool right on the banks of the river at Chobe Safari Lodge.

    The best way to appreciate this magnificent river is by taking a boat cruise which we enjoy both in the early morning and again in the late afternoon until sunset. We are incredibly lucky to come close to a herd of buffalos grazing on the fresh grasses whilst wading through the water. One of them makes us laugh so much with his rasta styled grass headdress called complete with an egret sitting in his back enjoying the ride.

    In the afternoon our expert guide takes us close to a breeding herd of elephants with three tiny babies all playing and swimming in the water. An elephant’s body holds a large amount of air which keeps them buoyant whilst they bounce swim in the water. These babies are having such fun and soon the adults join in until there is a jumble of trunks tails and feet bobbing and roly polying around in the water close by. Then one after the other the adults start swimming across the river to the mainland bank from the island they are currently on and we get to watch the special site of elephants swimming trunks used like snorkels leading the way across the river !
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  • Giorno 27

    Savuti Chobe Game Reserve

    26 aprile 2023, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    The landscape of Savuti is wild and impressive with giant Camelthorn trees lining the dry river beds ancient rocky hilltops painted in lichen yellows and greens and magical marshlands with billowing golden grasses.

    When we arrive we are told there is a lioness with her young cubs at the Bushman rockart painting hill and we visit this area a few times to try spot her. One morning while waiting silently near the cave entrance in our vehicle we hear a loud squawking and out of the bush to our left races a red billed spurfowl for his life followed by a group of banded mongooses on the chase. He manages to jump onto a branch in a tree by a feathers breath and thereafter follows his frantic alarm calls echoed by his mate still in hiding. The mongoose gang of 17 sprint in a precise co ordinated unit to try and get him out the tree and then branch out to forage on the riverbed nearby totally unconcerned by our presence. In another minute they spy another potential target and are off again sprinting with such speed and focus altogether we are amazed.

    Our unfenced camp is located on the banks of a dry riverbed where a peaceful bull elephant likes to visit every evening to feast on the Camelthorn pods. One night we hear him shaking the tree and our tent is showered with pods. He carefully and quietly vacuums them all up and then moves on to the next camp.

    One afternoon we explore the famous Savuti marshes where the huge black maned lions roam and we spend time with a large group of giraffes two males sparring with their weighty necks swinging like clubs towards each other. Once it’s over they all serenely walk off through the grasslands their silhouettes gliding into the distance.

    The next afternoon we get a tip from one of the rangers and set off to search for some male lions seen near Twin Peaks hills. We spot one beautiful Lion resting in the shade of a tree close to the road and as the sun begins to set he starts roaring searching for his brothers. The sound of a male Lion roaring is like no other sound on Earth. We are close enough to feel the vibrations rumbling through our bodies ! Words that spring to mind are absolute awe, great respect and restoration of the natural balance on Earth….
    And then just when we are counting our blessings on our drive back to camp in the last after light of the sunset we see his brother lying in the road and he is roaring in response.
    Savuti we love you !
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  • Giorno 23

    The green waterways of Khwai

    22 aprile 2023, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    We feel like we have landed in a green water filled paradise arriving at Mbudi Camp set on the banks of the Mbudi river in Khwai.

    We take some time off here to relax enjoying the ever changing scene in front of our campsite, like a natural TV where elephant come peacefully to drink in the knee deep channels and hippo grunt with the ever present cry of the fish eagle.

    Matt has lessons on how to cook a potjie and we all enjoy a delicious dinner around our campfire complete with Pete’s warm home baked bread which is rapidly becoming an addition.

    We take a mekoro trip one morning which is so peaceful gliding so close to the water we become part of its very essence and can study the Painted reed frogs undisturbed at eye level clinging to the reeds. We pass through a passage of water lilies filling the water in an abundance of pale pinks and whites which is absolutely breathtaking. A brightly colored Malachite Kingfisher perches so close to us we could reach out and touch him.
    As we retrace our route back to camp we come across an elephant bull drinking from the channel directly in our path. He slowly dips his trunk in the water sucking like a giant straw and then fills his mouth water cascading down in droplets of morning light. We have such a unique perspective from water level.

    From Mbudi Camp we drive to Magotho Camp for a night arriving in the afternoon to our whole campsite filled with feeding elephants ( those Winterthorn trees with their juicy pods are just everywhere at this time of the year ). We take one look and retire to a picnic spot higher up the river for lunch and thankfully when we return later we have the space to ourselves with just the owls and the cutest Lesser bush baby nearby. We spend a noisy night with the calls of hyenas jackals owls and the chomping of a hippo in front of our tent. Just another day in Africa !
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  • Giorno 21

    Moremi the Green Kalahari

    20 aprile 2023, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    From the dry side of the Kalahari we stock up at Maun and then set off for Moremi Game Reserve where the jewel of this region the Okavango Delta lies.

    The reserve was established in 1963 by the wife of chief Moremi from the Batawana tribe living in the area at the time who was concerned about the loss of wildlife and cattle encroachment happening all around her and thank goodness for her foresight as today this 5000 km square reserve is a vital wilderness space in Africa and the Okavango Delta a green oasis of water, palms and reed pathways through winding channels where countless animals and birds have their home.

    We quickly discover that there are lots and lots of elephants here and after watching a family herd come to drink and then have a delightful mud bath we set up camp on the fringe of the Xakanaxa lagoon for an intended afternoon of relaxation. This is very short lived as soon after setting up our chairs and stretchers under the shade of the giant trees a huge elephant bull approaches and we very quickly discover that we are all under his favorite grove of Winterthorn trees which are now bearing fruit with the tastiest seed pods something elephants love and just can’t get enough of !

    What starts as a fun experience with our elephant friend vacuuming up all the fallen pods around and very close to our vehicle becomes awe inspiring watching him put muscle to the giant trees and actually shake them to get more pods to fall. Then Peter who is photographing from a distance away from the vehicle on foot is approached directly by the bull and we have some heart stopping minutes watching with held breath and sending as much calm energy as possible to the elephant before he finally turns away to another grove of trees.
    At the end of the day we move campsites as close as possible to the ablutions and are grateful that no further ellies come our way.
    Phew it is an adrenaline experience we do not wish to have again !

    The next morning we calm ourselves down completely with a tranquil boat trip in the Xakanaxa Lagoon.
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  • Giorno 17

    Under the Baobab Tree

    16 aprile 2023, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Sleeping under a giant baobab tree is one of the most magical experiences we have had so far on our adventure. Looking up at the network of branches with stars twinkling behind from our dome tent placed between giant roots and feeling the calm supportive energy of the tree is a feeling we would like to keep with us forever.

    Baines Baobabs campsite is set on the edge of a dazzling white pan with a view across onto the iconic baobabs that the 18th century explorer Thomas Baines recorded by painting and which remain unchanged through time. These ancient wise trees are over 1500- 2000 years old and sit as silent sentinels over their vast wilderness surrounds witnessing the passing changes of the world.

    Giant elephant tracks imprinted in the sun baked mud mark the passage of lone elephant bulls across the pan to browse the trees on the island and we are lucky enough to have one visiting our camp in the morning probably coming to check what we are doing in his quiet paradise home.

    In one of the oldest baobab trees fallen over and still growing we hear the noise of a chick calling for food and spy the parent hornbills flying down to feed him through a hole just large enough for his beak to open and receive a grasshopper.
    Beneath the shady canopy a paradise flycatcher hops from branch to branch and at night the call of an owl lulls us to sleep.

    The sunsets over the pan are simply magnificent and we place our dinner tables in the middle savoring the vast expanses around us and sit long after under the River of Stars.
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  • Giorno 16

    Nxai Pans a paradise

    15 aprile 2023, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Where else can you be lying on your stretcher under the trees and an elephant comes to eat a couple of meters away.

    This is Botswana where all camp grounds are unfenced and there is a feeling of freedom and close contact with Nature which our souls resonate with.

    Wherever we drive on the flat golden grasses pan fitted with termite mounds and islands of trees we see an abundance of animals and birds. Perhaps it is due to the long and late summer rains that all life is thriving and at its best during this time but we are loving seeing the animals so plump and content with plenty of food and water.

    There are so many babies around from zebra to the sweetest tiny giraffe trying to suckle from its mother. Elephants browse peacefully around the fringe of the tree islands and we spot 3 bat eared foxes foraging near a termite mound. Colorful lilac breasted rollers and bee eaters flit between the trees and Crowned lapwings fly up from either side as we drive slowly along.
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  • Giorno 15

    Makgadigadi to Nxai Pans

    14 aprile 2023, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    We set off after a scrumptious breakfast at Boteti to continue our journey through the Makgadigadi Pans Park to Nxai Pans where we are staying for the next 4 nights.

    We decide to follow the Boteti Riverside track for as long as possible and immediately notice the huge number of zebras literally everywhere spread out grazing along the green riverine belt as far as the eye can see and on either side of the track in the bushveld.

    It dawns on us that we are witnessing part of the great Zebra migration which occurs each year in a circular route from the rain filled pans of Makgadigadi during summer to the Boteti River on July once the pans dry up and then on to the Chobe Zambezi floodplain extending into Namibia. This 500km route is the longest distance seasonal mammal migration in the world and we are privileged to be amongst these zebra on their amazing journey.

    A long and very sandy bumpy track leads us on to South Camp at Nxai Pans Park and we spend time appreciating a golden sunset at the nearby waterhole where the zebra come to quench their thirst after a scorching hot day.
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