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  • Dag 12


    27 december 2017, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Decided to push on to Wanaka up over the ski mountains and winding through roads so high up. The drive was unbelievable – so picturesque. Arrived in Wanaka mid morning and stocked up on some groceries and wandered through quaint little shops. Had some morning tea by the water watching the kayakers and swimmers in the lake. Again, it was so busy, after we thought we had seen enough (you could spend a week here when it isn’t so busy), we decided to head up to Haast through the Haast pass. This whole day was spent driving but it is so picturesque, we really don’t mind. The kids are looking out the window and there is so much to see along the way. Fantail falls was a lovely stop over with rocks stacked like pancakes. Hamish loved it! Stopped off at a nice holiday park with a great laundry (am really wanting clean clothes!), enjoyed a nice BBQ, potato bake (there is an oven in the kitchen!) and another glass of NZ wine. Looking forward to some wine tasting in the Malborough region as the wines so far are delicious!Läs mer