  • 日13

    Franz Josef Glacier

    2017年12月28日, ニュージーランド ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today was Glacier day with LOTS of walking. We left Haas and headed straight to Fox Glacier. We began our walk to the lookout admiring the mountains – the sheer height of them and all the rocks that had fallen below and then all of a sudden, this huge noise – deep, rumbling came from behind us and we turned around to witness a mini avalanche – one section of a mountain rumbled and feel down 100 metres right behind us!!! We are really seeing some amazing things. Unbelievable! Of course, our surveillance guide captured it all on video so can show some footage when we get back! But that’s how all the rocks got there. Headed up to the glacier and its incredible to see how far it has retreated in recent years. This was just a taster though as we headed half an hour north to the big brother Franz Josef glacier which was much bigger and more spectacular. On our way we stopped by Lake Matheson which is the famous mirror lake where a lot of NZ advertising has been based off. On a clear and less windy day, you can see a clear reflection of the mountains in the lake. Unfortunately, it was too windy, so the ripples in the lake prevented any reflection but the forest walk was nice (another 45 minutes). Arrived at Franz Josef and took the hour and a half walk up to the look out (lucky there are lots of rocks for Hamish to throw along the way!) and saw the amazing glacier. The Maori legend describes it as a girl who has lost her lover and her flood of tears have frozen into the glacier. After a huge day of walking, we headed to a small camping ground in Okatiro which has a spectacular view of the mountains from the beach. It is so amazing that these huge mountains and glaciers are so close to the ocean!もっと詳しく