  • Hari 46

    On route to Kalbarri

    19 Mei 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

    First we stopped at the oldest town in Western Australia, Northampton, that had an old convent (photo of Louisa), a tank outside the RSL (their version of the British Legion) and other 'old' buildings much like the other places around here. Before we got to the pink lake we looked around an historical site at Port Gregory where they sent convicts to wait before they were hired out. It was aslo used as the local jail and hospital, although there isn't much left of the buildings even thiugh they are only 160 years old. The land around here continues to get more red and dusty and so amazes us how they manage to farm sheep and cattle here, as grass is non existent. We are seeing many of the small windmills in fields that are used to pump the water up for drinking and road trains that are allowed to be up to 36 meters long here. We had a look at a couple of the viewpoints along the Kalbarri coastal cliffs ad were very fortunate to spot a southern right whale coming up for air and diving down a few times, as they are only just starting to migrate past this area. As you can see from the photo, the wind really got up! Then it rained, first rain here since February! At least the kangaroos were happy as they seemed to all make a beeline for the puddles on the road.Baca selengkapnya