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  • Day 12

    Namche Bazar to Pangboche

    April 12, 2017 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Namche (3440m) - Kenjoma (3550m) - Phunke Tenga (3250m) - Tengboche (3860m) - Pangboche (3930m)
    I felt good acclimated and decided to skip the rest day in Namche. In the beginning it was annoying to walk in a queue with heaps of other tourists. But soon I could leave most of them behind me and enjoy the scenery, realizing that I'm coming closer to the giants with every step. After climbing up to Tengboche I had the best view on Everest so far. It's hard to imagine how high this mountain is, looking up to the summit from 4000m and realizing that it's still so much higher^^. In the afternoon I arrived in Pangboche. After the check-in I went for a walk to acclimatize again. But it was windy and clouds covered the sun, so I went back to my room. Even if I complain about all the people on the track, I often feel quite lonely in the evenings and realize how much I miss you. But using this time to study the Bible helps me to realize that I'm not alone and gives me strength again.Read more