Work&Travel in New Zealand

października 2022 - października 2023
My first adventure🥝😁 Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 92

    About time

    3 stycznia 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Trigger alarm, lots of rambling😂🙈

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Finally the day has come, I'm gonna leave Raglan tomorrow. Not that it hasn't been nice, I've just been telling myself that I'm gonna leave in a week since the first week I got here. So much about changing my habits...

    My drawer and table are actually finished and I'm so happy about them, all the work was definitely worth it. I'm gonna send some pictures of that later.
    The only thing that's really missing now are the curtains. Planning how to install them has been focking tricky because I don't have a Van with metal on the sides, hence I can't just drill some screws in it. Or maybe I could but I don't really want to😂. Anyways I'm pretty sure I've got a good idea now, gonna try that tomorrow before I leave.
    Next long term destination: Wellington.

    The last couple of weeks have been quite emotional for me. First of all my dog got put down a few days before Christmas which hit me hard. Don't know how many people will understand that but she was like my annoying little sister that I just loved on end! It's kind of weird how most dogs don't even remind me of her because I know every little detail of how she walked, growled, played around, barked. Everything is still so present and in my mind she's still playing around at home even if I know she's dead. Death's crazy, such a bitch.

    Chrsitmas Eve I had an amazing late night swim in warm water full of sea lights and a sky full of stars and a fun call with my parents on Christmas morning. Then, just a bit later, the next drama began, as I went outside and saw this little baby sparrow on the ground. It fell out of the nest that stupidly sat in the side of a hole directly through the roof. Only a few neighbors were home so I ran around like crazy trying to find a ladder to put it back up. Put the container with paper underneath it just in case and well, that wasn't the worst idea. After spending the rest of the day with Sue's family and Boxing Day with Wade and Shannon at Wade's family (who were so fucking chill and lovely btw) I found all two of the chicks, that seemed to have been in the nest, sat in that box crying for their parents.
    Sooo I took them in for the night and started worrying like a mother hen because there is sooooo much you can do wrong. Feeding but not too much and the right thing, the right temperature, cleaning them up and so on. Fucking stressed me out. But in the end it distracted me in my mourning for my dog so it was kinda good.
    Next morning I got up at 6 a clock (imagine that!), they were still well but it got clear that I shouldn't and couldn't keep them so I put them back up in a bird house and lead the mother back to their chicks with sparrows sounds from my phone. Worked wonderfully and I actually thought that was that.

    It reminded me of my long time wish to work with birds and to learn how to care for them. That's why I applied for volunteer work in bird rehabilitation centers all over North Island and got into the one in Wellington. It's the south end of North Island and I've always wanted to go there, heard a lot about the music scene down there. Am pretty exited to go there. Don't know where im gonna live but I'll see, Craig, the guy from the bird rehabilition trust offered to help me with finding somewhere I can work for accommodation and food for I'll probably won't be paid for working at the trust.

    A day before New Years Wado's been in a heavy car crash. I think that guy has had more bad luck and good luck only concerning car crashs than other people have in their whole lifes. He isn't injured seriously, just a bit bruised with a massive shock and a whiplash, luckily only that😥.

    New Years was also different then I expected, not only did I want to party but the club was full already, also the bird drama continued. After watching the fireworks from the harbour with Shannon and Wade and going for a cozy little new years swim hehe, I went home again, and what happend? Fucking Luna (the cat) jumping in the House WITH MY FUCKING BIRDS IN HER FANGS!!! One was only choking a few more times and died, the other hopped to the sofa while I was trying to drag that beast out of the house (I know it's nature, of course I do, but it was still so unnecessary!). By the time I finally threw her out, the other bird had vanished and I looked in every corner, under every sofa in every room it could have gone and even outside for nearly two hours but it seemed pretty hopeless. And no kidding, I thought I'd look under the main couch one more time before I give up and there it was. Sitting in the furthest corner. And there I was with the bird again.
    Next morning it wouldnt feed though and so I spend an hour to make the place where the bird house stood cat proof. But OF COURSE as I went to get the bird out of my car it hopped out of the box and I think under one of the cabins that are near and that was pretty much it. Tried for a few more hours to get it out or think of anything I could do but as wade told me over and over again there's only so much I could do and so I left it to die. Fuck I have huge problems letting go. Don't know why though, I know it's nature and I know there are probably hundreds of them dying everyday but still...

    That's one of those things that has been going through my head over the last few weeks. These concepts of rational and emotional. It's so weird how you can think about things, realize something but it will probably still be to no use to you. As long as you don't 'realize' it emotionally. Like I know it doesn't make a difference but it still feels wrong to leave the bird. Or how I know my dog is dead, I know that! But it doesn't fully reach me on an emotional level, it doesn't FEEL like it. And that's how it is with a lot of things you can realize through thinking or at least its like that for me. I realize consequences, probabilities and what's likely to happen in the future. But in the end things have to really HAPPEN in order for your findings to become real on the only level that can really matter to yourself, the emotional one. Although we try to seek for the laws in and around us, try to rationalize what we see and even what we feel in order to gain some control of what is happening, the way more important part for ourself, our beeing, will always be our feelings.
    We can be in love even though we are sure it's not mutual, because the rational realization can't overpower the feelings as long as there is only a bit of hope.
    We humans KNOW that we are (at least according to scince) only some kind of bio chemical machines and still we cant fully process that because it FEELS different. In this case the 'sense of I', which I would actullay kind of label as one of the main emotions/ THE main emotion, naturally defines our feeling of ourself way more than a thought, a finding, a truth could ever be able to.
    Also we know how big our world is let alone the universe and still it doesn't feel like it, does it. Living in your own bubble your own town, maybe traveling a bit you still can't get a feeling of how big this is that surrounds us. We would maybe have to see the world from a spaceship and still wouldn't be able to comprehend it. Because knowing and feeling are two, very seperate things. All of this rambling just for this little statement. But yeah sometimes I just need to get all that stuff out of my head to get it clearer and realize myself what exactly it is I'm thinking. So yeah, if you stuck with me till here, thanks😅😂.

    Oh yeah i just remembered I also tried to save a lost kitten somewhere in a forest but it ran away and I just don't seem to have any luck in helping animals. That has a lot of history actually🙄😢.

    I'm getting a bit cold now, just got out of the water and I'm sitting in my car in the car park near the beach, and I guess all of this is enough for a few weeks anyways😂 Felt good to get that out though.

    I'm exited to finally go travel in my car, feel the freedom a bit.

    So long...
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  • Dzień 92

    Just my car

    3 stycznia 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Kia Ora,
    Just a little tour of my car. I already rearranged it a dozen times but there's still sooome space for improvement😂 but all in all I'm happy with it.

    P.S.: I forgot to upload this aaaaages ago lol and I really hope my english and accent have improved since then uff🙈😂 Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 95

    Climbing Paritutu Rock

    6 stycznia 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    That was a nice climb up Paritutu Rock, a bit adventurous and wet, with a mystical view over New Plymouth covered in fog. But now I could really use a shower and my Batterie died, of course I left the lights on... Hope I'll be able to find someone with jumper leads. One would think I would have learned from my mistakes by now but of course not.

    While writing that two girls actually tried to help me but the car wouldn't start. So this other dude started trying some things and after he put his Batterie in my car to start it, it seemed to work. As I tried to start driving though every light inside the car flickered on and off and the steering automatic was out, then the motor went out without a reason and I was soooo fucking scared that I fried the chip inside my car. That would have been expensive to fix. We tried jump starting it again though and it worked and after driving a bit the Batterie must have had enough power again so the ABS and steering aid worked again. Seems I dodged a massive bullet there. Never gonna jump start my car the regular way again😅.
    Gonna go down to Wellington now.
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  • Dzień 99

    A little Song

    10 stycznia 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    I arrived well in wellington a few days ago but I don't really feel like writing about that right now. Inspiration hit me whatever for and I wrote a little song and it's surprisingly positive I guess? And I don't know, I just feel like sharing it because I think I like it and it's different from the songs I wrote before, so yeah here it goes.


    Let me mend your broken soul so you can go home
    Let me try to help you out so you can go on
    When the clouds in your eyes start shielding the sun
    Your mind's a dark place with all its warmth on the run

    I believe there's a way for everyone
    For to live and to love is what we're made for
    I belive there's a way to feel as though
    We can mend our broken souls

    Though the colors they may fade from time to time
    And the light doesn't feel as warm as you can see it shine
    Though what we see and feel is not always how it is
    And to think and ponder live will not reveal why we exists
    It feels real enough
    Now, doesn't it

    I believe there's a way for everyone for to live and to love us what we're made for
    I believe there's a way to feel as though we can mend our broken souls

    I believe that we all do not often feel whole, so let me mend your broken soul

    Oh and PS: I always love having other people's opinion on what I think and write about, may it be positive or negative or just a totally different point of view. So if you feel like it youre more than welcome to express your opinion about the song text or about my thoughts in the other footprints!
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  • Dzień 136

    New chapter

    16 lutego 2023, Nowa Zelandia

    Hmm, I feel like I should write an update again but I just don't feel like I have the inspiration. May sound a bit dramatic but I feel like without it everything I write sounds shit. Let's see how it goes...

    Kia Ora,

    It's another day in the capital of New Zealand. Nothing major happening, had a good hot chocolate and im still picking on my brownie that's delicious but nonetheless more moist dough than anything else. I wonder if if it's meant to be that way.

    Right now I'm sitting on some part of the wharf, here in Wellingtons harbour and I don't know what it is exactly I'm doing... I guess I just am and see how that feels. Not really anything left on my bucket list for this place.

    The last few weeks since arriving here, I've been working in the bird rehabilitation trust, but less than I originally thought I would. Well I had some pretty unrealistic ideas of how it would be. Of course it was mostly just cleaning up the cages hence cleaning up poopoopooandmorepoo. Some feeding for the younger chicks and some cleaning up the birds themselves but that happend fairly rarely (that can't be proper English).
    Still, it was nice being around all these birds, especially the two lorikeets, love those little minxes!

    So most of my time there was a mix between doing some paid labor work in the huuuuuuge gardens surrounding the house that Craig and Julie (the owner of the bird rehab) live in and lots of hanging around because I'm an unmotivated piece of shüt. I want this to be a new word. Sounds like a nicer swear word.

    Well I spiced it up with some hiking and exploring around makara Beach and opau bay, some surfing and amazing talks with max and ohohoh I have a new buddy now!!! His name is Lenny and we bonded really well over some mutual scratching. Im not sure though if we'll stay in contact, don't feel like he'll call me. I don't think horses are known for their loyal, long distant friendships.


    Uuh yeah and I got trapped by some pc game that just got released. But in my offense, it's a harry potter world... And when it comes to that I'm still a little child and I pray to heaven and hell that I always will be. Would be interesting what party would answer that pray, theoretically, dunno, whatever. So yeah hogwarts legacy is out, niiice graphics, action, good story in my opinion, lots of options and challenges, a free world experience and the two best things: Magical beasts aaaand flying... A-maz-ing!

    Okay, I'm straying a bit from the whole new zealand travel topic again.

    During weeding and mulching in the garden I befriended Pierre, a funny kiwi guy, who's back in Dunedin now where he's studying. Pretty sure I'm gonna go down there to visit him and also Max, who's also starting to study there. Heard they have good surf down there too.

    Next up I'll probably head north again though. The two ferry companies seem hooopelessly swamped, the next ticket I could get is for a ferry a month from now, and since I wanted to go and see the Coromandel in summer, I guess I'll head that way for now.

    Two days ago I left my cozy, lonely, little cave in the staff room of the gardeners and finally entered civilisation again. I think I wasn't far from becoming a hermit. Nah jokes aside, i know that its definitely good for me, talking to some people my age again, even though I went to the Te Papa museum with a guy who isnt reeeally my age anymore. Ali is already retired, was still chill though. He gave me some ideas of traveling to the US next, who knows, sounds intriguing!
    The museum was interesting, a lot about the nature and its changes since maoris and the British colonists started intervening.
    And about the maori culture of course.
    I was so fascinated by the moas, they were hunted to extinction by humans 500 years ago but they look like some dinosaur creatures. Kind of a mix between the feathers and belly of a kiwi and the legs, neck and head of an emu. Okay to be fair I just googled emus and they look pretty much like them😂. Still I would have loved to meet one of them. Stupid humans!
    Could weigh up to 240 kg👆 I think that's one of the only facts ive memorized from the whole museum, bummer.
    Ooooooh and there was this maaaaassive squid, uuaah disgusting and faszinating at once, fasgusting, diszinating, noo disgustinating, that's better.

    Hmyeahyeahhm I think that should be about pretty much kind of everything. I'm bored, sorry I get silly with my writing when I'm bored, but whatever people wanted an update, now there is one silly one there here now.

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  • Dzień 136

    More photos

    16 lutego 2023, Nowa Zelandia

    There's just not enough capacity for all the photos I want to share. And I forgot two things.

    I've been to Zealandia for two days, which is a fenced era shielded off against predators like the possum, a huge plague in New Zealand. It gives birds the chance to rehabilitate, while being able to fly in and out as they please. As far as I know the kiwis are the only exception, as they were brought in to further help their kind recover from near extinction. I didn't meet one sadly since they're night active and the expensive night tours are the only chance to get to see them.
    Still it was an amazing experience! Beautiful landscape, hiking tracks through the bush and loads and loads of native birds that seem so exotic to me. Way more colourful and with such different melodies than what I'm used to from our singing birds back home.

    Secondly, I have been in New Zealand for four months now and there were plenty of earthquakes and I have not felt a single one of them. I find this to be outrageous! And now there was one yesterday with magnitude 6.3, the epizentrum only 60 kilometers away from us and I have not felt A SINGLE THING. Yeah okay, I dont wanna have a house collapsing on me if that's what it takes for me to feel an earthquake but it would still be crazy interesting to experience one.
    I was just out on the street walking and I don't know, maybe you have to be inside a house to feel it with no cars and stuff around but it's said that 6.0 is apparently felt by EVERYONE and is causing a lot of fright and what not . It was even felt in Auckland and that's hundreds of kilometers away. I'm a bit appealed of my senses really...

    Yeah, so far.
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  • Dzień 136

    And one more load of photos

    16 lutego 2023, Nowa Zelandia
  • Dzień 180


    1 kwietnia 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    Sooo just a recap on what I remember from the month in Raglan...

    Shannon just came up to me one morning and said 'Hey Paula, you wanna come on a trip to taumarunui with me in liiiike... Five minutes?' so that's what I did, had a nice little road trip, a lot of fun on the flying fox (got a bit competitive there) and two great days with Shannon's dad, sister and auntie. Her aunt is nearly a hundred years old and she broke her ankle because she rode a horse bareback and jumped off of it... crazy. That woman was soooo alive and clear in the head and made dirty jokes and everything, she was such a lovely woman, loved it! 😂

    I visited the Hamilton gardens, loved the structure there. They had multiple little gardens, each one following a different style and design, connected through little pathways. They had Italien, English, Renaissance, abstracte, modern and manymany more. The illusion one was funny, with everything having much bigger proportions and branches of trees that were moving, even though that was poorly made.

    I played some of my songs for the first time in front of more than a handful of people at an open mic night. That was exciting. And I tried getting my surf videos for my surf instructor license but I still didn't get it right. Mel was a huuuge help though! She stood on the beach for hours on end, trying to catch me riding a wave 😂.

    Oh yeah, and before I came to raglan for the second time I saw the huka falls, which are part of the Waikato river. Impressive, definitely. The water looked like the moon pool from 'h2o just add water' hahaaa childhood memories...

    Uuuuh and another thing that happened before, on my way to raglan, I tried the free, natural hotsprings in Taupo. They weren't really hot but pleasantly warm and just a few metres further they were joining in, in the waikoto river. Which is cold, really, really fucking cold🙈 so that was an interesting experience! But what was even nicer, was bathing in the hotsprings at night, without any stupid tourists like me around. Just lying there in warm water, under the stars...
    What a beautiful night<333

    That should be about it...
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  • Dzień 198

    More photos

    19 kwietnia 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    And a last load of fotos

  • Dzień 212

    Down South

    3 maja 2023, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Kio Ora from South Island,

    I have arrived safe and sound in the marlborough sounds, and am staying on a fine campsite a little outside of picton. The curvy, little road from picton to momorangi bay has been a whole lot of fun to drive, no fancy sportscar necessary.
    I'm enjoying lots of luxury on this campsite, a hot shower for just one dollar, wifi, flush toilet and even a little house to cook in, with places to sit In and outside, a fridge and EVEN A FREZER!!! Definitely luxury if youre used to basicly just an outhouse and water that you have to boil to drink it, but I don't wanna complain, i love travelling in my car and being out and about so much!

    After leaving raglan mid april I intended to travel the northland above Auckland. Only got till Shakespeare Beach though, took a look at the weather forecast and was devastated to see that it was supposed to rain 10 days straight about everywhere in the North Island. So after taking a nice walk around the Shakespeare regional park I decided to work instead of being trapped in my car. Cause I really don't wanna come back after a hike, being soaked in rain and then leaving the things to dry out in my car. I'm not one for a tropical climat inside my bedroom.

    Soo I found some work near gisborne, in tolaga bay. Walking the dogs and helping around the house for food and accommodation. Was the first time I did that and I had an amazing time. Was a busy but really nice family, three wild kids and 6 even wilder dogs. I'm kind of sorry to say it but I just loved the dogs above all else. Although, they diiid give me more kisses than the family, so who can blame me, really😁

    Oh yeah, I nearly forgot😂 two days before I got to that family, I stayed on the dickey flat campsite near tauranga where I kiiinda got lost during a little hike. To cut the long story 'short' I went hiking with just my rain jacket and my phone on 50 percent. Left the path, straight through the bush, crossed a wide river, saw gloworms, got lost on a track in total darkness and rain, walked/ran the 2 Kilometer track in both directions (because without the torch on my phone it was too dark to move so if my phone would have died, I would have had to stay in the spot and spent the night there), went through a scary mine tunnel that was closed further in because of danger of collapse, climed a fence and was actually in an area with danger of collapse, saw a landslide, thought about climbing over it but luckily being AT LEAST not stupid enough to actually do THAT -
    because of course I landed on the track that was closed because of a landslide - and finally went all the way back, to the tunnel with the gloworms, which I should have gone through in the first place and that whole, stressful ordeal could have been easily avoided. But no, I was too much of a wuss to go through that damn glowworm tunnel😂 Wellll at least I learned my lesson, don't go wandering off the track and don't leave without some supplies like a torch, water and food and maybe even a powerbank😂🙈

    On 30.04. I took off to take on the loooong drive down to wellington. Cause of the cyclones there are still road closures along the east coast so I had to drive back in the direction of tauranga and take the route through taupo.
    Ten hours to drive in twentyfour hours was kinda long but good to know that I can handle it.

    (Oh yeah, just on the side, I'm trying to learn a bit of Te Rēo Māori And I thought I could try to integrate some of the words I learned. So I can practise and share that part of the Kiwi culture with all the Non-Kiwis at the same time. I'm not actually sure if you can use the words in the sentences like I will, if that's grammatically right, but whatever😂)

    It was kind of sad that it was so foggy during the ride on the ferry. The view over Wellington and ngā maunga (the mountains) was stunning but after that it got so misty you could only see a couple of metres. The ride through the marlborough sounds was really impressive, even though it was getting dark tino tere (very fast). Ngā maunga nearly seemed to be a bit threatening and hostile but in some kind of sacred and majestic way. I don't even know, but it was so quite and just a really, really special atmosphere.

    Right now it's raining a lot, and it's supposed to rain for the next couple of days as well. But I had a great evening last night with a couple from the US and one from Germany. Was fun talking to them.
    I feel like I'm finally able to relax a bit more in social situations with strangers and worry less. Just a bit less of social anxiety and that feels amazing and is kind of what the whole Kiwi attitude and vibe is all about. It's chill and open and social. Or at least that's the vibe I'm getting.

    What else, I rode again with the family back in tolaga bay, that was really fun and also scary as fuck because maaan! Maybe I'm just scared of silly things? Because I know that manymany people ride but it's quite high up there on a hōiho (horse) and if they go faster with you just wobbling about on top, you don't even have anything to grab on. Because you need the reins to guide your hōiho so there's only the stirrups left.
    Well seems to me there's room for improvement along the safety part of it, or maybe I just need to be less of a pussy and take the fall like he wahine (a woman) 😂😂.

    Also i chilled with a new buddy on some rocks here at the bay yesterday. We weren't exactly on speaking terms so he basically slept all the time with me watching him. I know, creepy. He didn't give me a name either so imma just call him Billy the seal. At least I think it's a him and it looked like a him to me anyways.
    It made me wonder though. I reckon I was most definitely a seal in a former live. Like honestly, always in and around the ocean, being silly in the water, stretching and chilling on the beach, finding some secluded rock to climb on, just watching what's happening around you and having a nap in the sun? If that doesn't sound like me then I don't know😂 damn they don't even have a seal as an emoji, I feel personally affronted right now. But they have two whales, of course they do, how ignorant.

    I always get so distracted at the end of those footprints😂

    Okay, so while I try to get over the ignorance concerning my spirit animal I wish you all a good day and just do as the seals and chill out🤙😁

    P.S.: I'm gonna do a little extra post about the time in Raglan after this footprint, because I can't fit all the pictures in one anyway and I forgot about some of the stuff I did there until I saw the pictures hehe...
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