Camp home

Last camp Calais. Left a very wet Boullion after a nice walk up to the castle which was unfortunately closed so couldn’t venture to far in. This would be a lovely spot in summer though, and theRead more
Penultimate camp on the edge of a very rainy Semois river park up. Had a good run up, called at a vets to get the dogs passports updated, bargain 99 euros for 2x health check up, 2 x tape wormRead more
Camp 34 Lac De Madine. Had a short stop enroute when we saw a sign at the side of the road pointing to Trenches Allemagne Down a little track. Drove down for a mile or so and found the German worldRead more
Camp 33 Belfort After a really scenic twisty 4 hour no motorway route from Lauterbrunnen over numerous passes, via a village called Moron Village, didn’t get a sign picture sorry Nathan, arrived atRead more
A fabulous day taking the cog wheel train from Lauterbrunnen to Jungfraujoch at 3454m. Dogs behaved impeccably although Benji was a little uncomfortable on the train at first but soon settled into aRead more
Camp 33 Camping Jungfrau, Lauterbrunnen based at the foot of the famous Staubbach waterfall although not a huge amount of water at present due to its frozen state high up. Great drive from ChamonixRead more
Camp 32 Chamonix after a slight detour from our last camp up to a small quiet ski area Passy -Plaine Joux up a great twisty pass where we planned to spend the night, we were pretty high up in theRead more
Camp 31 Le Fournil de Saint Pierre de Chartreuse in the Chartreuse National Park mountains. Parked up in a super aire with water, waste and electric inclusive based in a small ski resort. Looks likeRead more