  • Día 14


    6 de enero de 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Our last day together 😭😭 but a good one 🤗

    Started the day with our surfing lesson!! As my lovely colleagues at Virgin Trains had given me money towards surfing and yoga lessons we splashed out on a private lesson (€40 each for 2 hours). Both of us had only ever done a lesson once before a long time ago so we were essentially beginners..! Our aim was to stand up, nothing more than that!

    We started with the classic surfboard on the beach practice before had to paddle out to the break which was probably about 50m - that was tiring enough 😬 we then took it in turns to go into the break with the instructor where he would help us try and catch the wave and stand up. The first few were absolute disasters (think belly flops all around) before Fran managed to master it! I wasn’t so great- managed to stand up for a couple of seconds but that was all. We messed around until we got too tired and then our instructor basically pushed us back to shore! Safe to say I’m not sure surfing is the sport for me!

    Had some breakfast when we got back which was much needed and then changed etc and headed up to the shops. We had decided one last massage was is order so we stopped in a place nearby and booked one for 5.30. We then headed to a beach club we had found online (El Kabron) which was about 30 min walk away. It was beautiful and a great way to spend the afternoon. Headed back for the massage which was dreamy and then had dinner and packed and set alarms for 4.30am 😱
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