gereisd in 8 landen Meer informatie Adelaide, Australia
  • Dag 38

    Home Is Where The Heart Is

    13 augustus 2023, Australië ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Three pictures - says it all 🥰

    The adventure is over, but the memories will live long.

    Thanks especially to Tim & Mel and Gethin for everything. We appreciate that at times you probably felt your place was the local laundromat!! We thoroughly enjoyed our time with you all.

    We feel very blessed to have travelled so well. There are always going to be bumps on the road when you are travelling for this long, but as one door closed another opened.

    We are looking forward to seeing grandparents, uncles & aunts, cousins and friends again and catching up and sharing a tale or two about the road well travelled.
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  • Dag 37


    12 augustus 2023, Singapore ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    Yesterday was a very laid back affair.

    We got up and had a late big breakfast before checking out of our hotel at 11am and catching the MRT to Changi Airport. By the time we got there the consensus was we would fill in our day there as souls seemed to be wilting with the heat and travel catching up with us.

    Once we got to Changi Airport it took us about 20 minutes to get from the MRT to the check in counter and 10 mins to check in and be free from our cases. Changi is a great example of a seamless and easy airport to navigate your way through.

    From there we walked over to The Jewel which is a big shopping complex attached to the airport. It was noisy and packed with people doing yet more shopping. On the top floor you can do 'the walking net' which is a big net suspended over the four levels of shops.

    From The Jewel we went to T1 at the airport and up to the top floor swimming pool. We had a swim, read books and did a serious amount of plane spotting (well dad did) followed by a shower and bite to eat on our way to the departure gate in T3 for our 10pm flight.

    Our flight to Melbourne was scheduled to arrive an hour early, however due to air traffic control rules this was pushed back to a 7am arrival.
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  • Dag 36

    Sentosa Island

    11 augustus 2023, Singapore ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    We got up at a more civil hour of the morning, had breakfast and headed out to Adventure Cove Waterpark.

    After catching the MRT and cable car over to Sentosa Island we reached our destination.

    Not many pics today due to it being a water soaked day. However the highlight was a hydro magnetic coaster. In laymen's terms it was a technology enabled waterslide that enabled greater speeds, steeper slopes and higher rises. Very cool and a lot of fun!

    In the evening we ventured out for another look at the laser and light show before heading back to our accommodation for a good night's sleep.
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  • Dag 35

    River Wonders

    10 augustus 2023, Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    After a long overnight sleep and Maccas for brekkie (at 1pm), we headed to River Wonders which is a fantastic zoo purely dedicated to marine life.

    We then headed back via a pop-up food market and light display at Marina Sands.Meer informatie

  • Dag 34

    Arrival in Singapore

    9 augustus 2023, Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    The lure of one last Italian style breakfast was enough to ensure everyone was up early.

    Delicious pastries, juice and coffee, and then it was back for one last climb of those 90 stairs to brush teeth and collect our luggage before catching our Uber to the airport. The Uber was good value as the alternative was to walk to the taxi rank and hope that there was a big enough taxi (the majority of taxis are smaller vehicles) to take us to Roma Termini which would've been busy and then onto the bus to the airport. Navigating Roma Termini with luggage and children is no mean feat, especially when it's hot and peak hour. Nothing worse than arriving at an airport hot and sticky for a long flight.

    Rome airport was really busy but things seemed to flow well...until we found a nice quiet spot to sit...and then at 11:40 we realised our plane had boarded! A mad dash followed, and we got to the gate just before the dreaded 'paging' message was made. We quickly made our way onto the plane and 10 minutes later were pushing back from the gate.

    The flight was fairly uneventful except for a spot of turbulence around Indonesia. The only problem with leaving at midday is it's not conducive to sleeping.

    We landed early at 5.42am and by 6.30 we were at the MRT station on our way to our hotel. We arrived at 7.30 but unfortunately couldn't check in until 2pm. A change of clothes ensued and we dropped our luggage off and headed off to find an air-conditioned facility and coffee before we hatched our plan for the next few hours. Today is a national holiday in Singapore so it's probably a good day to recharge and catch up on a bit of missed sleep.

    It's amazing how time can drag when you want it to go fast. We ended up taking the MRT to the Gardens by the Bay and walking through them. Very tropical and lush. Eventually at 2pm we got into our hotel.

    We are staying in China town. Dinner was in a food hall. Nice fresh Chinese type food followed by watermelon and pineapple and all fed for $5 per person!!

    It's now 5.52pm and the next test is 'how long can eyes stay open'. By 5.56 that test was over despite the winner reassuring us only a few moments ago that they weren't tired and couldn't possibly go to bed that early (and no it wasn't dad) 😍😴
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  • Dag 32

    Addio Europa

    7 augustus 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Our last day in Europe is one of mixed emotions.

    The day started with two members of the family having pastries in bed to help the cause 🥰.

    We caught a taxi to the Vatican and did a tour of the Museum, Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica. The museum was jam packed and hot and the tour too long (apparently 30,000 visitors go through a day, up from 20,000 pre-covid). However, it was interesting to see the scale and magnificence of the place, even though it seems so far removed from the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.

    We returned to our apartment and ate a quick late lunch of cold meat and salad that we bought from Carrefour. We thought the rockmelon was quite tasteless ... until the penny dropped that we had actually bought a packet of diced pumpkin and in fact it wasn't rockmelon at all😂👍

    After lunch, Toby and Matt went souvenir shopping and to the Pantheon. The queue was long and it was quite hot in the sun so we gave that a miss and turned our attention to walking the laneways. Meanwhile Abby and Leah were out handbag shopping.

    Our day finished with dinner at a local restaurant 20 metres from where we are staying and we enjoyed our last meal of authentic Italian food and then returned home to pack up. No gelati stop tonight as we tend to loiter whilst eating it. However, desert was certainly a more than adequate substitute.

    Tomorrow we leave God willing at midday Rome time for Singapore. We arrive at 6am Wednesday local time. So sorry no blog tomorrow.

    Thanks Europe for a fantastic two weeks of really great experiences and opportunities.

    We loved Rome and it has been warm but not too hot. We wouldn't say 'no' to a return visit if the opportunity arises.
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  • Dag 31

    Roamin' Thru Rome

    6 augustus 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    A slow start to the day meant that we made it to Piazza Navona (about 250m from where we are staying) by 11.30 and it was time for breakfast.

    After a wander around the piazza we headed back to our apartment (via an art shop) for lunch and a memorial meeting.

    During the meeting we did our reading from Samuel and also read Acts 28 and Romans 16 and talked about what it would've been like for Paul and the brothers and sisters living in Rome in the 1st Century.

    After the meeting we headed out for a walk to the Colosseum and to also see the Arch of Titus and Constantine's Arch. Our Colosseum tour had been cancelled as the Colosseum is open free of charge on the first Sunday of the month. However, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

    We then caught an Uber home and had dinner at home. We have found that sometimes there is a gulf between the ideal and reality when it comes to meals. We have eaten out some nights but often eaten on the go (probably not always a balanced diet, but we have offset it with lots of walking and climbing stairs).

    After dinner we walked to the Trevi Fountain only to find half of Rome had the same idea. A couple of quick pics and we left and followed our Italian custom of finding a gelati store (it's more like they find us) and getting a gelati to finish off the day and to energise weary legs to get home (which involves 90 steps from the front door to our door).
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  • Dag 30

    Como to Roma via Milano

    5 augustus 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    When in Rome, do as the Romans do (within reason). So as I write this on Sunday morning there is only the sound of peaceful sleeping which is quite justified.

    Saturday the 5th was a long day (not as long as July 7, but more full-on). Full marks to Leah and Toby for keeping up. They have both travelled really well under what at times has not always been the easiest of conditions for youngsters.

    We got up early as the sky was clear and we wanted to see Lake Como in sunlight. Although our time was limited, as the sun came up we could see now why people love it. The morning was quite warm but mild. After a short walk we had a pastry and coffee for breakfast and then hit the road.

    We walked the 1.2kms to the station over cobblestone after cobblestone. It's okay pulling a suitcase when you are an adult but not quite so easy as a child. Then as you get to the station it's a bit of an incline or alternatively up the stairs. Anyway we made it and caught our Swiss Rail train to Milan which was a trip of 40 minutes.

    We arrived at Milan station which is a beautiful old building, but heaving with people. This was the end of our train journey. So after a couple of quick photos we navigated our way to the exit and the airport bus to make our way to Linate airport.

    Our only complaint about flying is we sat on the plane for 30 mins past our takeoff time without having any idea as to what time we would push back. It was a bit strange as all other announcements were in Italian and English. Flying involves lots of queueing, but we couldn't fault the Italians as it all went smoothly and we arrived in Rome 30 minutes behind time. The consensus was that maybe we should've caught the train...however I am not so sure we would've made the train to Rome in the 20 minutes that we would have had to change trains and that has its own pitfalls.

    We caught the airport bus into the train station and then caught a taxi to our apartment. After weaving his way down narrow cobblestone lanes our driver advised he was not allowed to go further as a taxi is a 'public car'. This was okay as we knew we were close enough to walk, thanks to Google maps. But pulling suitcases along cobblestone lanes which are not always flat is not as easy as it sounds especially when you are not entirely sure that the map is accurate. In saying that Google maps has been a great ally on this trip.

    We eventually found the place where we had to collect the keys for our apartment and then found the apartment block. It's like a fortress and once you are inside it's 90 steps to the 4th floor (no lift). However it's all worthwhile. It's such a cool place and it has a piano 🥰.

    After a quick refresh it was down to the local square for a bite to eat and then off to a concert by three tenors. The concert was held in a church. The church was beautiful and had seemingly been chosen for its acoustics. Shame about the paintings, but the concert was much better than we could ever have imagined.

    After the concert we stopped for the daily gelati and then home. It's not quite so easy navigating laneways at night!! But they were heaving with people still eating at 11pm at night so they are really safe. Into bed just before midnight for a well deserved sleep.
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  • Dag 29

    The Lure of Lake Como

    4 augustus 2023, Italië

    We arrived to an overcast Como which was better than the forecasted thunderstorms, although it felt as though the weather could change any moment.

    After having gelati we needed to work out what to do next as everybody we know who has been to Lake Como raves about it and whilst we weren't getting that vibe we also knew we only had one night in Como so we had to make the most of our limited time.

    We hurriedly booked tickets for a boat trip hoping the weather would hold out (which it did) and took a 1 hour trip on the lake. It was spectacular and quite obviously an area of excessive wealth and prestige.

    Once we were off the boat our next stop was the funicular (cable car) to see Como from above.

    As the sun started to go down the place came to life and we decided to have dinner in the old city Square which was lit up and has the Cathedral as a backdrop.

    After a later dinner we had a leisurely walk home enjoying the balmy warm weather and thankful that the predicted thunderstorms did not materialise.
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