Ignition day

Rain at 5:45am. Let’s leave this place.
Chop chop.
Oops I probably should have read that in beforehand. ⬇️
Travelling in your country of residence:
We want our Passes to be as flexible as ourRead more
Rain at 5:45am. Let’s leave this place.
Chop chop.
Oops I probably should have read that in beforehand. ⬇️
Travelling in your country of residence:
We want our Passes to be as flexible as ourRead more
Todo list Vienna:
Wiener Schnitzel ✅
Oh there was only one entry on my todo list. What’s next? Mozart? Opera? Palace perambulation?
Bye Vienna. In a nut shell, I ate too much Schnitzel. Time to do a lot of exercise when I arrive back home.
Before you start a trip, it’s crucial to eat some decent Swiss food. Ivan invited me for a fondue which was the perfect fuel for my upcoming trip.
I took the train on Thursday evening and on myRead more