InterRail 2022

July - September 2022
After fixing a pile of software bugs it’s about time to chase the travel bug. Once again I’m on the road. Read more
  • 29footprints
  • 87days
  • 278photos
  • 12likes
List of countries
  • Greece
  • Croatia
  • Slovenia
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Spain
  • France
  • Show all (10)
City trip, Photography, Sightseeing, Solo travel, Tours, Train
  • 17.1kkilometers traveled
  • Flight3,748kilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 29footprints
  • 87days
  • 278photos
  • 12likes
  • 17.1kkilometers
  • 3.7kkilometers
  • Day 1

    Ignition day

    July 1, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Rain at 5:45am. Let’s leave this place.
    Chop chop.

    Oops I probably should have read that in beforehand. ⬇️

    Travelling in your country of residence:

    We want our Passes to be as flexible as our travellers, so if you're travelling with an Interrail Global Pass, you can now use it to travel in your country of residence during one ☝️outbound journey and one ☝️ inbound journey that occur during travel days at any point in your trip (outbound and inbound journeys are not extra travel days). If you need more than one outbound and inbound journey, you can always buy additional point-to-point tickets from your country’s rail carrier.Read more

  • Day 2


    July 2, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    I had a Käsekrainer aka. die Eitrige which is a sausage filled with cheese even more cheese than any Swiss equivalent.

    In the evening I ordered the Figlmüller original Schnitzel which was the same my Papa had when my parents both went to Vienna.Read more

  • Day 7

    Train journey to 🍕

    July 7, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Before you start a trip, it’s crucial to eat some decent Swiss food. Ivan invited me for a fondue which was the perfect fuel for my upcoming trip.

    I took the train on Thursday evening and on my way do Naples I had to change the train in Milan which meant as much as walking from Milano Centrale to Porta Garibaldi. While I was crossing the Parco Biblioteca degli Alberi, loud music was banging from some speakers and distributing the whole park. I quickly stoped in front of the music and watched the concert before I had to make my way further to Garibaldi to take my night train.

    The overnight journey was just as expected not really comfortable and the AC as always too cold.
    Anyhow I found some rest and on Friday I had enough energy to do some sightseeing.
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  • Day 8


    July 8, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    After a long sightseeing day I went to L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele where I had the best Pizza in Italy, at least that is what my Italian colleague told me.

    After i finished my Pizza I started thinking about what else can life offer me. I have been to so many places, seen such beautiful things and now also eaten the best Pizza in Italy, which a actually implies to have had the best in the world.

    Now I have seen it all. And yes to bring back a bit of this delicious Marinana I put some on my shirt, as we no cotton fabric is a good material of conservation.
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  • Day 9


    July 9, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    With a passenger ferry I made it from Napoli to Sorrento where I walked towards the bus station while I was appraising the beautiful scenery of Sorrento. Old beautiful houses were built at the very edge of the cliff and the stairway led through the cliffs up to the top.

    I was also lucky when I tried to catch the bus to Positano. The queue at the bus station was unbelievably long. I asked a bus driver who was just on the way to leave where to buy tickets. He pointed to the direction and I started walking there. Two Italians hold me back and told me that they bought too many tickets. I bought their ticket and whoosh I was with them standing in the front of the queue. I entered the bus and was able to pick an amazing window seat. I certainly started feeling a bit guilty when I saw that not all people fit inside the bus and that they had to wait another 30 minutes for the next one.

    Nevertheless I made it to Positano and after less than one hour I wanted to leave this overcrowded tourist trap hole. I waited 30 minutes for the bus to Sorrento where I took the train to Pompei. Already a bit tired a waked through the archeological site of Pompei and later on I took the train back to Napoli for my second Pizza in another famous place.
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  • Day 29


    July 29, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    The Bordeaux adventure started on Thursday 28th. Within 8 hours one can make it from Baar to Bordeaux. Just keep in mind to do the TGV reservations in beforehand. Otherwise you will pay a first class upgrade from Paris to Bordeaux owing to the high number of travelers during August. But what will you do, either you are stuck in Paris and you miss one night in the hotel in Bordeaux which you’ve already paid for, or you you pay the upgrade price and make it on time to your amazing fille insulaire who awaits you in Burdeos.

    After the arrival I just wanted to sleep. So Friday was the first day of action.
    Sightseeing in the morning, sightseeing in the afternoon and then a well deserved dinner. After this day I could finally cross out snails from my bucket list.
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  • Day 30


    July 30, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Saturday party fever. Time to get wasted.

    After another day of sightseeing, which was actually all designed and written down to paper from my amazing company, we decided to open the Rosé bottle in hour room which came as a present of the hotel. That was actually around 6pm. when everything went south 😋.

    Not all islanders are used to drink, I suppose. I came across a totally new situation, where you have to decide if the person is poisoned and needs medical attention or is still able to process the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream.

    Anyhow the day ended at 6pm and maybe it was for the best, two days of sightseeing did already empty our fuel gauge for a good bit.
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  • Day 31


    July 31, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Sunday funday.

    Do you remember when I mentioned how crucial it is to do the TGV reservation days in advanced. Well on Sunday I stepped once again into the same trap. The train to Dijon was fully booked. The reservation of my hotel in Dijon was not refundable and there where literarily no more trains out of Bordeaux on this day as it appeared on the InterRail reservation platform.

    So in the morning we quickly went to the train station to see if I can buy a first class ticket to Dijon and behold, the machine showed me, that there is still tickets available so I entered birthdate, email, mobile number, full name and clicked through 7 layers of pre-settings until I was asked to pay. I held my phone on the contactless payment system witnessed how it failed.

    We sadly returned to the city center bought a souvenir, cheered ourselves up with an iced cream and maundered through the streets. An hour before the train departed we returned to the train station to buy the crazy overpriced first class ticket to Dijon but…
    No more tickets were available. I started looking for a train to Montpellier, but InterRail told me that there is no free slots anymore. Narbonne the same and the worst nightmare was Paris. There was not one available seat to Paris.

    In the end I decided to go to Nantes since the train towards Paris allowed me to book a seat from Bordeaux to St. Pierre de Corps and then a connection train to Nantes. I paid the overpriced ticket and booked an accommodation. I said goodbye to my amazing islander girl, since she had to catch a flight back to Menorca. I sat down in Bordeaux dirty and hot train station and waited the 1.5 hours until the train was supposed to arrive. It did not. First it showed a 30 minute delay which turned into a 1h 20 minute delay due to an accident on the railroad. Due to this delay I was not able to reach the connection train in St. Pierre de Corps so I just decided to stay in the train, inside the fist class voiture and I continued my journey to Paris. Luckily not one single ticket inspector appeared during the entire trip from Bordeaux to Paris.

    I arrived in Paris at 11.30pm where I had to find for a second hostel option, the one I found earlier in the train was not available anymore. With an eScooter I drove to the hostel and at the reception was a nice Chilean guy who let me check in even after the official check-in hours. I had a cold beer at the bar which was attached to the hostel and then I dropped my stuff in the dorm and took a eScooter to La Tour Eiffel. I booth two more tiny beers from a Indian street vendor and enjoyed the view. Around 1.30am I went back to the hostel and fell asleep in a undercooled dormitory.

    I got up around 8 in the morning, took a shower, checked out, had a croissant and a cappuccino, hopped into the metro towards Concorde, walked through the square and took a train to Disneyland where the TGV which started in Nantes was stopping. Since I already had the reservation from Nantes to Switzerland I thought it would be best to take this train and not loosing once more some money.

    La fin.
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