Departure time.. Finally!!

Ready to roll for the first leg of our trip.. Adelaide to Doha, with Julie and Phil Luke on our first flight.
Ready to roll for the first leg of our trip.. Adelaide to Doha, with Julie and Phil Luke on our first flight.
Arrived in Doha and waved goodbye to Julie and Phil who were booked on an earlier flight to Turkey. We had 4 hours to kill so explored the huge Doha airport before meeting up with Steve and SandyRead more
Day 1 of the official Biblelands tour! Beyond excited 😮 Caesarea (the largest man made port in the ancient world) amazing aqueduct which I can't believe is still there, old Joppa.. All quiteRead more
Day 2.. Mt Carmel in the possible area where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, amazing views of the Jezreel valley, underground excavated Crusader town of Acre/Acco, all the way up to the borderRead more
Day 3 Sunrise overlooking the sea of Galilee at Tiberias. Breaking of bread at the mount of Beatitudes (a Very emotional experience reading the sermon on the mount and singing a hymn about the veryRead more
Day 4 started with a trip to Gamla in the Golan Heights ( An interesting day to be driving through this area on Israel's Election Day today given the struggle for control over this area of the stateRead more
Belvoir.. Another crusader fortress built in 1168AD
En Harod (still a bubbling spring) from where Gideon went to spy on the Midianites on Mt Moreh (Judges 7) and where God told Gideon to cull the armyRead more