Vienna to Milan on Two Wheels

May 2023 - June 2024
A 6 week trip on two wheels starting in Vienna, biking across Austria, touching Germany, Switzerland and south through the Alps into Italy! Read more
Currently traveling
  • 18footprints
  • 6countries
  • 402days
  • 98photos
  • 19videos
  • 9.5kkilometers
  • 7.8kkilometers
  • Day 19

    A couple days on foot

    May 21, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    After a butt kicking ride up the valley from Innsbruck, (a very steep 10 miles) I found a wonderful campsite with views. I first thought I’d stay one night, but ended up staying three! It’s proximity to trails was wonderful, and the bus running up the valley every 30m made said trailheads very easy to get to. I spent a mellow day hopping the bus to the end of the line, which was the Stubai Glacier. It happened to be the last day of the ski season there (on the glacier!) so I ended up riding the bus with many skiers and boarders. And bonus, the bus was free! (Or so I thought) My left knee has been bothering me a bit, so I thought spending some days hiking might help. I also made a sleight adjustment to my saddle height which seemed to help. It’s feeling much better now 😎 With some sun in the forecast, I was very excited to do some hiking!Read more

  • Day 20

    Hiking with a buddy

    May 22, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    I met a nice fellow in camp my second day there. After chatting briefly as we were both about to hit the hay, he offered me a cup of coffee in the morning, which I happily accepted. The next morning we got to chatting over a cup of instant coffee, sharing our routes so far, lamenting over the rain from the previous week and a bit about ourselves. He was motorcycle camping from his home in Cologne Germany, and had started learning English 5 months ago. He planned to leave that morning but I tempted him with a hike up the valley, which apparently he couldn’t refuse. So he ended up joining me on the day hike I had planned for the afternoon! We hopped the bus up the valley, a bit of a later start than I intended, but I was happy to have some company! We were trying to make it to an alpine lake, but had set a hard turn around at 2:15 so we didn’t miss the last bus. Unfortunately we didn’t quite make it to the lake, but the views were amazing!Read more

  • Day 25

    Some Scuol Hospitality

    May 27, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    As we were in the tiny downtown of Scuol poking around maps looking for something to eat we met an older biker who stopped to ask what we were looking for. After a brief chat about where we planned to camp, offered us his garden. Ari and I briefly looked at each other and thought, why not! We thought we’d biked the last hill of the day, but it turns out his house was another kilometer up the hill. He graciously led us up the hill, himself on his E-bike while we pedaled furiously to keep up. He led us up through the village to his beautiful home on the hill. The views were amazing, and his house quite nice and full of antiques and souvenirs from his travels. Turns out he just returned from a 7,000 Kilometer bike trip from his home to Oman at the age of 75! Goals! It also turns out he’s a “warm showers” host, which is a network of traveling cyclists (which I am a part of) that offer up their homes as stops for other touring cyclists free of charge. He’s the only host in Scuol, and probably one of just a few in the whole valley. He offered us a cold beer, good conversation and the nicest breakfast we’ve had so far! As well as some good tips for what to do around town. Thanks Tommy!Read more

  • Day 26

    Ari arrives in Innsbruck!

    May 28, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    There were some hiccups on Ari’s journey here. The hiccups included him nearly getting booted off an over booked flight (greedy airlines) nearly missing connections and in some cases missing them, and his bike being ‘lost’ for a few hours. Luckily it all worked out, he got his bike and arrived in Innsbruck a couple hours later than intended! We assembled his bike the next morning and started pedaling! Innsbruck -> Imst. Imst -> Scoul! The route is just getting more and more beautiful as we go. Also a bit steeper… But worth it! We’re currently spending an extra day in Scuol. Enjoying a nice cup of coffee after having a mellow hike up above town. The views here are pretty wild! We’re well ahead of schedule so we felt this was a good place to stick around an extra day!Read more

  • Day 29

    Up up and over!

    May 31, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    We made our summit! The high point, and the highlight of the journey was two days ago when we crossed Bernina Pass at 7600 feet. After departing from St. Moritz (the ritziest town so far, and not necessarily in a good way) we realized just how darned expensive Switzerland was, so we pedaled furiously for the hills, and a land where you could get an aperol for less than 14 Swiss francs. It was roughly 15 miles to the summit, with some unknown terrain and hopefully some vistas. We were kindly rewarded with the views, and luckily not too many “hike a bike” sections. We made it well above tree line, which always fills my heart. Something about the alpine breeze, rolling yet barren hillsides and jagged peaks give me life. We busted out our extra layers and had a chilly lunch and Bianco Lake.Read more

  • Day 30

    Italy! 🇮🇹

    June 1, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We made it to lake Como yesterday afternoon. We biked through this lush valley full of small Italian towns, vineyards, castles and thick forest. A drastic change from the few days prior. Lake Como marks the end of the track for the bike tour! It has been a wild ride from Vienna to Como, roughly 700 miles excluding all the meanderings. Now to take a load off, unclip those panniers and leave em in the BnB. We’ll have a relaxing time at the lake for the next few days until we link up with Cory and Sig. There is still some biking to be had, but just day rides around town. Next stops include, Bellagio, Florence and Milan!Read more

  • Day 32

    Lake Como!

    June 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Ari and I arrived at Lake Como a few days earlier than anticipated. We spent one night at the northern most tip of the lake in a rather sleepy town whos name I can’t recall. After a night there we thought we’d enjoy a slightly larger town. We hopped a 4 hour slow ferry to the town of Como. It was a wonderful tour of the lake, and the ferry was empty when we got on. By the time we got off, people were crammed in every corner of that boat, sitting on the floor or anywhere they could find a place! We had to keep our butts glued to the seat if we wanted to keep them! We grabbed a hostel the first night in Como and ended up meeting a few very neat people to hang out with for a couple days while we awaited Cory and Sig’s arrival! 3 days in Como, and then we went to Bellagio to link up with Cory and Sig! Bellagio meant good wine, good food and great views! And some stellar hiking to boot.Read more