
febbraio 2023
Un’avventura di 15 giorni di Aneesa Leggi altro
  • 37impronte
  • 2paesi
  • 15giorni
  • 312fotografie
  • 46video
  • 26,1kchilometri
  • 23,2kchilometri
  • Giorno 4

    Ended the Day in Paradise!

    8 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    We were already on cloud 9 and then the day came to the PERFECT end!! As you know, my favorite animals are monkeys. We came to cool down in the pool and one of the guests says “did you see the monkey?!” to which I feel out and start recording the monkey. Then I saw a 2nd… 3rd… 4th… and before I knew it I was surrounded by 20 monkeys! Lisa enjoyed them but from a safe(r) distance 😂 We swam in the pool with the monkeys all around us while watching the sun set. What a DREAM! We made our way up to the watch tower to catch the full sunset just in time. As beautiful as the photos are, they don’t even begin to do it justice!

    Our driver was able to get the car fixed and joined us for a delicious dinner 🙏🏽. We don’t have much wifi here so if we don’t respond to messages or calls during the day, don’t be alarmed! Off to bed now to wake up early for our first day of Safari 🎉🎉🎉
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  • Giorno 5

    Our First Safari!

    9 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    There is no way to write a short summary of this so I just have to give you the play by play 😂 I was taking all the best photos on my camera but these are just my phone photos. Will share the real ones when I get back!

    - 6:00am We left the hotel to begin! The morning is the best time since it’s still cool and the animals are waking up and on the move :)
    - 6:30 First spotting a rabbit who served as our good luck charm because seconds later we spotted a giraffe walking right next to us!
    - 6:45 As we approached the park we picked up our ranger guide Savior (pronounced Sevia) who despite the time was already filled with joy and his passion for the animals was immediately apparent. The reasons for having a ranger in your car are: the knowledge of the park (driving directions and popular animal locations), your safety (they carry a gun that they would fire into the sky to scare the animal if ever you were unsafe) and their communications with all the other rangers (when someone spots something good, they alert the others).
    - 7:00 We reached the start of the game drive and as the sun began to rise, saw our first field of kobs, oribi and buffalo
    - 7:20 Our guide told the driver to stop because he spotted one of the kobs “producing”. We didn’t understand what we meant until we looked over and saw she was in labor! We could see the head was already out and stayed and watched the entire delivery with dad nearby protecting them from predators. It was a surreal way to begin the day and we came back later to check on them and saw the baby taking it’s first steps and nursing. One thing that made it even more significant was after Savior working there for 8 years it was his first time seeing a kob give birth.
    - 7:36 Savior got a text and we started driving quickly, not knowing where we were headed. We arrived at the spot and saw the 2 hardest animals to find- a lion and a leopard. They were far so we couldn’t get a good photo but we were so excited and completely content thinking that was as close as we get. Only to drive a few more feet forward and find 4 lionesses lying 10 feet from our car.
    - 8:00 We began driving again and pulled out our breakfast to enjoy along the way. Our favorite was the Spanish omelet rolled in a chapati. The lodge so thoughtfully packs you breakfast and coffee to go since people leave so early to catch the animals before it’s too hot! We witnessed our first graiffe in full day light cross the road right in front of us.
    - 8:40 Savior knew where a lion cub may be based on their location the night before and he was right!! All on our own (no other cars around) we got to witness a baby cub and his older cousin. We learned that during the night the lions separate for hunting and his older cousin was keeping him safe until he reunited with his mom.
    - 9:30 We enjoyed a peaceful drive spitting some smaller animals and birds and arrived at the spot on the delta of the Nile where you can get out to stretch your legs and use the restroom. We poured some coffee and got to enjoy it with the warthogs, something we never dreamed of 😂 Lisa (who loves birds) and Savior spotted a stunning Madagascar Bee-eater bird in the tree! I purchased the “Wildlife of East Africa” book and we enjoyed checking the animals off as we saw them!
    - 10:15 Back on the road, we began seeing tens of giraffe at a time. It was magnificent. Pretty much at all times you can see the Uganda Kob’s and oribi. So even though rangers describe that as “nothing”, it’s really something!
    - 11:15 Lisa and I both adore elephants and coming across our first elephant we were in awe. The first few were far away at the edge of the Nile but within minutes, we had one right outside our window! We began counting out of excitement she quickly went from seeing our first to seeing 36!!
    - 12:00 Game drives are supposed to be 3-4 hours, we were lucky to stay out for 5! We rushed back to the hotel for a quick lunch, changed and got ready for our next activity :)
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  • Giorno 5

    Video of Leopard & Hyena

    9 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    It only lets me add 20 photos and 2 videos per post so here are a few more :)
    - Video 1: leopard walking in the field (sorry it’s blurry!)
    - Video 2: hyena watching the buffalo!

  • Giorno 5

    Safari Boat Cruise!

    9 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    At 2pm we went on a River Safari down the Nile! It was slow paced and incredibly relaxing. We rode 1.5 hours to the base of the Falls (our first view of the Falls) and then 1.5 hours back. Over the course we saw over 100 elephants, 100 hippos (the “rocks of the Nile lol), 2 Nile Crocodiles, and a gazillion birds. Lisa stood at the front of the boat using her amazing binoculars to get a good look at all the birds and even helping fellow passengers get a look as well :) Her favorites were the red throated Bee-eater, 3 varieties of King Fishers and the majestic African Fish Eagle. It was a blessing the wifi wasn’t working as it got us to bed by ten. We were extremely grateful but exhausted from our full, glorious day and got some good rest in order to be in the car by 6am once again.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 6

    Chimpanzee Trekking!!!

    10 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ 🌩️ 24 °C

    Despite not being a morning person, it took me no time at all to hop out of bed for my dream come true “birthday adventure”- chimpanzee trekking in the Budongo forest!! For every activity we assumed we would be with others but continued to be gleefully surprised that we had a guide (and the animals!) all to ourselves. We headed out to the trail at 8am and by 8:40 saw our first chimp! He was right in front of us on the path and began walking towards us. Instantly my eyes filled with tears as chimps and monkeys of all kind have forever held a special place in my heart. My elementary school self who wrote papers on Jane Goodall and dressed up as her for “wax museum day” couldn’t have believed that one day I would be in one of the exact forests that Jane was! Over the course of the 3 hours we saw 20 chimps, our guide was so pleased as that’s not always the case. One of the most moving parts was seeing the rangers love for the chimps. James was so committed to giving us the best experience possible, and that he did! He knew everyone by name, could tell us their story and even predict/explain their behavior. Some highlights:
    - The variety of settings we saw them in: seated on the ground, walking on the ground, seated in the trees, swinging in the trees, eating, calling to one another to meet up, scaring another male away, grooming one another- even mating!
    - Our favorite 3 who we spent a lot of time with were Jan, Jacko and Brave. Jan (named after his birth month January) lost his mother at a young age and was raised by Jacko. Jacko is older and feels especially comfortable around humans so would allow us to get close. At one point I was filming him and he started walking right towards me. James could see my fear but said “keep filming, don’t move, you are safe” and Jacko walked right around the other side of the tree I was behind. What a thrill!! Video attached :)
    - At one time Jacko and one named Brave were grooming each other and we got to just sit and watch, it was magical! Brave got his name because a while back he was caught in a snare trap and was able to escape but the trap was still on his arm. They are working tirelessly to prevent poachers/those trying to harm the animals but a few still get through. Brave hid from the rangers out of fear but they knew he would continue to be in pain as long as it was on him. They were able to soon find him, tranquilize him, the doctor (who they have on staff) removed the snare and wrapped his hand. They placed him leaning against a tree and when he woke up he looked at his bandaged arm, leaned it against the ground to test that he was no longer in pain, looked at the rangers and nodded his head in appreciation towards them. Woof, I tear up just thinking of it! So now even though he prefers his distance from humans (understandably!) they named him Brave for his courage.
    - When we asked James (our guide) how he got into this career he shared that when he was a young child his dad worked for the forestry clearing trails and he and his siblings would help his father. He said that he often wouldn’t do a good job because he would get distracted looking at the butterflies and birds, begging to learn their calls. Then when he was 12 years old he joined his school “Wildlife Club” where they would explore nature. When he learned Lisa’s love of birds, his eyes were bright and he made sure to include them as part of the walk. Within minutes of starting the trek, he was making bird calls with his mouth and using an app on his phone, even telling us to wait on the path while he went into the woods to encourage them to move towards our path.
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  • Giorno 6

    Top of the Falls

    10 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ 🌩️ 36 °C

    Murchison Falls is known for the spectacular falls! It is the most powerful waterfall in Uganda and second largest in Africa. From the boat cruise we saw it from the bottom but this time we saw the top it begins from! At every viewing point there is a stunning rainbow made by the reflection of the light in the water droplets as they spray up against the rocks. It even gave us a nice shower to cool down from our trek!

    The entire day I was also on the hunt for the Black and White Colobus Monkey (another one of my favs) and our driver Godfrey knew how much it meant to me! He was searching for it all day long and spotted it from the road!! I could have watched them swinging through the trees for hours. I was on cloud 9 :)

    We made our way back to lodge, had an hour to eat and refresh (Lisa says thank God for Yoga Nidra 😂) and headed back out for our last game drive in Murchison Falls!
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  • Giorno 6

    Colobus Swinging in the Trees!

    10 febbraio 2023, Uganda ⋅ 🌩️ 28 °C

    Sound off if you don’t like high pitch noises… not the monkeys, it’s me 😂