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    • Tag 5

      Safari Boat Cruise!

      9. Februar 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      At 2pm we went on a River Safari down the Nile! It was slow paced and incredibly relaxing. We rode 1.5 hours to the base of the Falls (our first view of the Falls) and then 1.5 hours back. Over the course we saw over 100 elephants, 100 hippos (the “rocks of the Nile lol), 2 Nile Crocodiles, and a gazillion birds. Lisa stood at the front of the boat using her amazing binoculars to get a good look at all the birds and even helping fellow passengers get a look as well :) Her favorites were the red throated Bee-eater, 3 varieties of King Fishers and the majestic African Fish Eagle. It was a blessing the wifi wasn’t working as it got us to bed by ten. We were extremely grateful but exhausted from our full, glorious day and got some good rest in order to be in the car by 6am once again.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 16

      Murchison Falls part 1

      6. August 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Redelijk korte rit van Ziwa naar Red chili hideaway (onze lodge). We slapen twee nachten in een banda (eindelijk, we kunnen ook wel eens wat luxe gebruiken na al dat kamperen...)
      Emely knock-out tijdens de rit, zeer moeilijk om ze wakker te krijgen. Ken moest vlees kopen voor een ranger, dus we zijn even gestopt aan een lokaal marktje. Een beenhouwer hier is verre van eentje in België... het vlees hangt gewoon buiten, vol vliegen en wordt met de losse pols & een kapmes op een blok hout gekapt. Ook vissen ondergaan dezelfde behandeling 😱. Wij waren ondertussen wat gaan rondsnuisteren op zoek naar een leuk souvenir. Uiteindelijk alleen kleine bananen meegenomen voor onderweg 😀.
      Eindelijk onze eerste schildpad gespot! Even gestopt om het van dichtbij te bekijken, maar dat bleek nogal traumatisch te zijn voor het beestje want het plaste van schrik...
      Volgende stop waren de Murchison Falls zelf! Het was echt een warme dag in de auto, dus de gratis douche was écht welkom! Wij waren volledig onder de indruk... Het zijn weliswaar de krachtigste watervallen ter wereld! 300 kuub/sec in een breedte van 6m. Genoten van het uitzicht (de zon ging bijna onder), wat gelachen met Ken & met onze voetjes in het water nog wat plezier gemaakt. Beter kon het niet zijn!
      Vanavond zal Ken zijn eerste nacht in onze tent tegemoet gaan, want alle drivers voorzieningen waren volzet. Hij is alvast benieuwd... 😜

    • Tag 3

      Murchison Falls, der Victoria-Nil

      20. Januar 2020 in Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Beschreibung mit einem Wort?

      Wir fahren durch den Park bis zu einer Nil-Fähre, dort befindet sich auch die Ablegestelle für Boote, die Touristen zu den Murchison Falls bringen. Wir sind hier heute allerdings die einzigen Touristen, die das in Anspruch nehmen.

      Erstmal ist natürlich Pipipause angesagt, auch hier macht die Natur nicht Halt, in meinem Klo wohnt ein Minifrosch (den ich aber erst beim spülen bemerke😬)!

      Auf der Bootsfahrt bekommt man dann mal vom Wasser aus eine andere Sicht auf die Tiere, die sich hier am und im Wasser aufhalten... Giraffen, Elefanten, Massen an NILpferden (ach, daher kommt der Name), Krokodile an jeder Ecke etcpp und natürlich auch Unmengen an Vögeln, Seeadler etc., wofür Uganda ja auch bekannt ist.

      Das Boot bringt uns ca. 1,5 Stunden bis zu einer kleinen Anlegestelle, dort steigen wir aus und machen eine Wanderung entlang des Wasserfalles (bergauf!). Und, was soll ich sagen? Iloveit!!! Es ist giiiigantisch!! Nein, die Wasserfälle sind nicht hoch und auch nicht breit, im Gegenteil, der Nil quetscht sich hier durch eine 7 Meter breite Felsspalte... das ist KRAFT!! Nicht umsonst sagt man hier auch „The most powerful waterfalls in the world“.
      Soweit ich das beurteilen kann: stimmt!!
      Es ist traumhaft!!! (Und warm ist es auch😂)

      Hier lernen wir auch die interessanten Tsetse-Fliegenfallen kennen, die Viecher (die die Schlafkrankheit übertragen) werden durch die Farbe blau angezogen, fliegen dann in den Netzen hoch und Bäääm... gefangen!!

    • Tag 5

      Our First Safari!

      9. Februar 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      There is no way to write a short summary of this so I just have to give you the play by play 😂 I was taking all the best photos on my camera but these are just my phone photos. Will share the real ones when I get back!

      - 6:00am We left the hotel to begin! The morning is the best time since it’s still cool and the animals are waking up and on the move :)
      - 6:30 First spotting a rabbit who served as our good luck charm because seconds later we spotted a giraffe walking right next to us!
      - 6:45 As we approached the park we picked up our ranger guide Savior (pronounced Sevia) who despite the time was already filled with joy and his passion for the animals was immediately apparent. The reasons for having a ranger in your car are: the knowledge of the park (driving directions and popular animal locations), your safety (they carry a gun that they would fire into the sky to scare the animal if ever you were unsafe) and their communications with all the other rangers (when someone spots something good, they alert the others).
      - 7:00 We reached the start of the game drive and as the sun began to rise, saw our first field of kobs, oribi and buffalo
      - 7:20 Our guide told the driver to stop because he spotted one of the kobs “producing”. We didn’t understand what we meant until we looked over and saw she was in labor! We could see the head was already out and stayed and watched the entire delivery with dad nearby protecting them from predators. It was a surreal way to begin the day and we came back later to check on them and saw the baby taking it’s first steps and nursing. One thing that made it even more significant was after Savior working there for 8 years it was his first time seeing a kob give birth.
      - 7:36 Savior got a text and we started driving quickly, not knowing where we were headed. We arrived at the spot and saw the 2 hardest animals to find- a lion and a leopard. They were far so we couldn’t get a good photo but we were so excited and completely content thinking that was as close as we get. Only to drive a few more feet forward and find 4 lionesses lying 10 feet from our car.
      - 8:00 We began driving again and pulled out our breakfast to enjoy along the way. Our favorite was the Spanish omelet rolled in a chapati. The lodge so thoughtfully packs you breakfast and coffee to go since people leave so early to catch the animals before it’s too hot! We witnessed our first graiffe in full day light cross the road right in front of us.
      - 8:40 Savior knew where a lion cub may be based on their location the night before and he was right!! All on our own (no other cars around) we got to witness a baby cub and his older cousin. We learned that during the night the lions separate for hunting and his older cousin was keeping him safe until he reunited with his mom.
      - 9:30 We enjoyed a peaceful drive spitting some smaller animals and birds and arrived at the spot on the delta of the Nile where you can get out to stretch your legs and use the restroom. We poured some coffee and got to enjoy it with the warthogs, something we never dreamed of 😂 Lisa (who loves birds) and Savior spotted a stunning Madagascar Bee-eater bird in the tree! I purchased the “Wildlife of East Africa” book and we enjoyed checking the animals off as we saw them!
      - 10:15 Back on the road, we began seeing tens of giraffe at a time. It was magnificent. Pretty much at all times you can see the Uganda Kob’s and oribi. So even though rangers describe that as “nothing”, it’s really something!
      - 11:15 Lisa and I both adore elephants and coming across our first elephant we were in awe. The first few were far away at the edge of the Nile but within minutes, we had one right outside our window! We began counting out of excitement she quickly went from seeing our first to seeing 36!!
      - 12:00 Game drives are supposed to be 3-4 hours, we were lucky to stay out for 5! We rushed back to the hotel for a quick lunch, changed and got ready for our next activity :)

    • Tag 55

      Perfect day

      25. Februar 2016 in Uganda ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      What a day! Private driver, a 3 hour "game drive" as they call it, a 2.5 hour boat ride and an hour hike up the side of a powerful waterfall.

      We weren't thinking of doing a safari game drive in Uganda, but since the Murchison Falls NP entrance fees were 40$us, we decided to take advantage of a full day in the park. On this drive, we saw Jackson Heartbeats, waterbucks and a hippopotamus out of water - all in the first 10 minutes! The drive was absolutely beautiful, Savannah type landscapes, beautiful shining sun. By the end, we had seen waterbucks, African buffalo's, hippos, Jackson Heartbeats, elephants, Rothschild giraffes, Ugandan kobs (antilopes), warthogs (Gen! Pumba!) and a few gorgeous birds.

      As if that wasn't enough, we had a quick packed lunch and off we went on a boat tour along the Nile! 2.5 hours of wind blowing, cooling us down, drinks being served, and again all along the shores incredible animal watching! More hippos, one girafe, tons of elephants, birds and crocodiles! Beautifully sunny day. Incredibly warm.

      The boat stoped at a dock somewhat far from the falls themselves, but you could definitely appreciate their power and beauty! Jack and I were the only ones to get off as we planned to do the hike up to the falls, and the boat turned back around. Our hiking guide was waiting for us when we got there, arranged by our wonderful private driver Moses. The hike was super easy and it gave us a closer look at these falls. To be honest, they weren't very high, not the prettiest falls I've ever seen, but definitely powerful. I wouldn't want to fall in... Honestly the world's easiest walk, and I managed to fall. Yep, my first true reason to open my massive first aid kit! A bandaid and polysporin... Considering the size of my medical kit, it's kind of sad. I scraped my knee when my foot slid forward in a dry sandy downhill part. Honestly the lamest story ever. I'll be going with lion's bite from now on. This lion's bite was just deep enough to have people concerned about the bleeding, but just superficial enough to make me feel like an idiot. Meh.

      This is probably the most luxurious day we've had to this day, yet with our skills we are paying the same amount as advertised on a poster for a group of 8 people. We found a driver willing to take us for a good price. And by calculating all the fees along the way we paid the exact same amount as groups do, but we had a private driver doing exactly what we wanted... We want to stop for a photo, we ask. We want to go, we go. Easy.

      Fantastic day. Worth the pretty penny it cost. And now onto the capital! Kampala tomorrow should be quite the change of pace.

    • Tag 22

      Murchison Falls Nationalpark

      26. September 2021 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Am Samstag ging es schon um 6 Uhr früh los in Richtung Murchison Falls Nationalpark. Gegen 12 Uhr sind wir im Park angekommen und nach einer weiteren Stunde haben wir unseren ersten Stopp beim Murchison Wasserfall gemacht. Wir waren fast alleine dort und die Stimmung war magisch. Es wurde gerade der alte Zaun ausgetauscht, sodass wir bis ganz an den Rand gehen konnten. Normalerweise haben wir bis jetzt immer nur Wasserfälle von unten betrachtet, es war richtig schön das Schauspiel mal von oben zu sehen.

      Nach dem einchecken, im Red Chili Restcamp, sind wir um 16 Uhr mit Quraish zu unserer ersten Safari bzw. „Game Drive“ aufgebrochen. Das Dach war geöffnet und da wir alleine waren konnten wir uns ganz frei im Van bewegen. Wir haben Giraffen, unzählige Antilopen, Vögel, Nilpferde im Wasser, Elefanten, Warzenschweine und Büffel gesehen. Das Licht und die Stimmung waren unfassbar schön.

      Nachts sollen hier Nilpferde in die Lodge kommen, deswegen darf man sich nicht ohne Taschenlampe bewegen. Gestern Abend haben wir sie aber nur gehört und nicht gesehen.
      Sonntag früh ging es wieder um 6 Uhr los um den Sonnenaufgang im Park zu sehen und weil die Chancen Löwen oder Leoparden zu begegnen früh morgens oder spät abends höher ist. Wir hatten großes Glück und haben vier junge Löwen aus der Nähe gesehen. Nachmittags haben wir eine Boottour auf dem Nil gemacht und dabei vor allem Krokodile und Nilpferde beobachten können.

    • Tag 3

      Cruise on the Victoria Nile

      2. Februar 2018 in Uganda ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      In Murchison Falls National Park. The Victoria Nile feeds into Lake Albert. When the Nile leaves Lake Albert it is known as the Albert Nile. It becomes the Blue Nile when it gets to Khartoum.
      This is mostly a wildlife viewing cruise as many animals come to the river in this, the dry season. These pics are of birds.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4


      14. September 2023 in Uganda

      Tra un avvistamento e un altro, incontriamo un camaleonte, proprio nel mezzo della carreggiata. Ovviamente se ne accorge il nostro autista 🤣

      Freno a mano in mezzo alla strada e subito tutti a fare fotoricordo. Oddio subito, qualcuno era titubante, ma dopo qualche parola e soprattutto convinti dalla tenerezza del camaleonte dei Sofficini (oltretutto non morde, non è velenoso, quasi l'animale perfetto se solo fosse più peloso 🐱) la foto la fanno proprio tutti. Anche Noeline? No, forse lei no, vabbe però ci si era avvicinata.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 29

      Big 4

      7. September 2022 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Es ist 06:30 und Rashid, bzw. RUSHid macht Dampf, wir sollen jetzt schnell unser Frühstück to go schnappen und unsere Hintern Richtung Van bewegen.
      Früh also zum "Game Drive" im Murchison Falls, um möglichst viele Tiere zu spotten, die sich im Verlaufe des Vormittags bereits vor der Hitze verstecken.
      Rushid, irgendwie Fahrer und Guide gleichzeitig, mit Bekanntschaften aus ganz Ostafrika, wusste erstaunlich schnell, sobald ein besonderes Tier gesichtet wurde. Echten Buschfunk gibt's wirklich!
      Im Grunde waren wir immer vorne dabei. Das Glück die 5m entfernten Löwenjungen als Erstes zu sehen hatte dann trotzdem vermutlich ein kleiner Mexikaner mit Golduhr und Schlafanzug gefolgt von seinen Muchachos.
      Minute für Minute fuhren dann nach und nach vermeintlich alle im Norden unterwegs gewesene Fahrzeuge an, um sich das Spektakel anzusehen. Erfreulich hierbei, dass sich die Menge an beobachtenden Leuten dann trotzdem weitgehenst gesittet verhiehlt. RUSHid fühlte sich auf der Türe stehend offensichtlich in bester Beobachtungsposition. Türe hielt stand, Löwen hat er aber auch keine gesehen.
      Am Nachmittag hieß es dann Ahoi! Wir schipperten entspannt über den Viktoria-Nil in Richtung Murchison Falls. Dazwischen Elefanten und immer wieder Nilpferde. Ein kurzer Blick in Richtung Fälle, dann einige 100 Meter vorher die Kehrtwende. Auf der Rückreise zeigten sich dann einige Krokodile am Ufer.

    • Tag 3

      Cruise on the Victoria Nile II

      2. Februar 2018 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Besides birds, there were many hippos and elephants, including one group of elephants bathing. And some more birds. The red throated birds are bee eaters

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