august - september 2022
A long-held dream, a long-distance trip Les mer
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  • 1,2kmiles
  • Home

    28. august 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    The time is fast approaching when I set off to fulfil a long-held dream. A long distance solo journey. What else for a cyclist than End to End?

    Tuesday morning I head off to catch the 0710 from Bath and arrive in Penzance at lunchtime (if I can get a bike space on the train). The British train system and bikes just do not work well.

    Slightly nervous but willing.
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    The beginning

    30. august 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Early start to catch the train from Bath. Said bye to Amanda at 0530.

    Left in twilight and watched the sun rising as I passed Wellow church where Aileen and Tyler got married.

  • Dag 1

    Dawlish by the sea then Penzance

    30. august 2022, England ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    The sun is shining and my nerves are settling.

    Reaching Penzance after hearing names of places I'll be riding through. Sun is still shining and sea is blue. Just like The Med....except those swimmers in the lido by the beach look quite chilly.

    I found real Dutch liquorice at about 10 times the price I paid last week. Also had to lunch on Cornish pasty. Rather yummy.

    St Michael's Mount in the background. I'll be going past tomorrow on my way to St Austell.

    I found Lamorna Cove down a steep wooded valley. With a steep hill back but worth it. Nothing like as steep as the hill out of Mousehole (which is tiny by the way). Used what my friend Nick calls my 'granny gears' up the 18% slope. Then to the north coast and Sennen Cove. Another coast to coast achieved but this one was only 9 miles!

    Visited the tack-fest called Land's End - only £7.50 to park there and get your candy floss. Might visit again when the sun is setting. Cheap skates don't pay £10 for a photo by the signpost!
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Day 2 breakfast in Penzance

    31. august 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    A good night's sleep in a cosy sleeping bag while the wind howled.

    Broke camp when the sun came up and back into Penzance for a Lidl breakfast of vegetable pizza and tomatoes.

    Lots of old and new Cornish crosses about.

    Startled a wren in a hedge. It sat there and stared me in the eye whilst shouting at me to leave it alone....btw I was not in the hedge, just resting.
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Arsenic, the Daleks and hills

    31. august 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Those seemed to be the main themes for the day. Away from the coast via Hayle. 3 miles of golden sands with horrendous traffic going through the town. Mostly avoided by the cycle route. They are clearly prepared for all events...as evidenced by the mortar on display. Away from the traffic the estuary is really peaceful.

    I thought The Daleks were figments of Dr Who's imagination until rounding a corner I found one pointing at me. Twas necessary to put on a burst of speed at that point.

    Then into mining country. You can sense the scale by the waste and the ruins. The last time I passed the tailing lagoons in the picture they were full. A drought appears to be under way. And this is where ARSENIC appears. In the waste and the water. The Cornish arsenic was renowned for its purity. I wonder how many unwanted relatives were treated to it in their tea.

    Did I say hills? Didn't notice any. Kept my eyes tight shut all the way and used artificial intelligence to guide the bike. If you can't see them they're not there. Same with Daleks.

    And so, by chain ferry to another hill and campsite for the night.

    Another 55 miles done.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    A 68 mile bottom bracket epic

    1. september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I was thinking that one of the things that I love about riding my bike is that is silent. Hang on, what's that noise? It's getting worse. A hideous squeaking breaking the silence. Message my friend Nick for .moral support and advice. More of that later.

    Cows staring as I pass. No hills for 10 miles. I'm getting suspicious. Cornwall doesn't do flat. Except the Camel Trail. Nice. However I climbed onto Bodmin Moor via some hills. Arrived in Launcestin via more hills. Beautiful steam.train but no time to ride.

    3pm. Launceston Cycle s closes at 5 so a detour up a really steep hill. What a wonderful shop. Free flapjack for customers. And a bottom bracket that fits. 1hr later with a few other adjustments made I'm back on the road. £34 in all.

    Only another 15 miles (appparently all uphill) to Lydford to one of the best campsites ever. Wardens greet me warmly. If you need anything just ring the bell.

    In the meantime I crossed the River Tamar into Devon. One county ticked off . Many more to come.

    68 miles with 5006.6 feet of ascent (yes, going up hills). Let's do it all again tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 4


    2. september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    A day of contrasts. Quiet, slow roads. Busy 60mph roads. A lot of cycling parallel to thunderous A30. A long way along The Granite Way. Incidentally Manda and I cycled on the Granite Way on our first ever multi-day trip...the start of our cycle touring!

    Fast downhill and very slow uphills. If anyone can lend me some spare quads please let me know!

    A day of resolve (I will make it to the end) and near defeat about 40 miles in with a good half mile of over 15%. For comparison the hill up to Wellow church is 14%.

    Thunderstorm and hot sun.

    Industrial Exeter and tranquil green river spaces.

    Provision. Fantastic succulent Chelsea bun provided one of my 5 a day. Then spotted a house with Jehovah Jireh on a stone by the door. What a great statement. God my provider on the foundation stone of the converted chapel. And 5 minutes up the road the second of my 5 a day. Punnets of huge plums by the roadside. 3rd, 4th and 5th will have to come from the Soreen Malt Loaf

    Fresh milkshake from a family shop with honesty box.

    Finally a totally off-grid campsite with , rhea emus, ostrich , goats, sheep, chickens etc.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Rest a while

    4. september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    A rest day. So good to see Manda. And Theo came home to say hello as well.

    Met my first compatriot LEJOGer on the long hill out of Okehampton. We chatted and shared experiences for a few miles before parting ways.

    One feature of the journey so far is kindness and encouragement from strangers. Fellow campers saying 'Well done', 'That will be quite an achievement', 'If you want a hot drink just come over' and lots of similar comments. Stopping and chatting with other cyclists I've met (though not the Lycra clad, high intensity, only interested in me types).

    Yesterday was free food day. Homer Simpson would have loved it. Free apples, free blackberries. But no banana milk in Tesco for breakfast. I will defo be boycotting that one in Axminster from now on.

    I've done the journey between Axminster and home 3 times this summer and enjoyed the familiarity. The long flat roads round Huish Episcopi and The Levels. The first sight of Glasto Tor made my heart leap. Nearly home now.

    How do places get their names? Went through Sea yesterday . Then there was the signpost to Knave Go By in Devon. What's that all about? And I passed the street called 'Little John's Cross Hill' . What was he so cross about? The fact that there was a hill? I spent ages amusing myself having flights of fancy about Little John s crossness.

    260 miles done. Only 900 to go.

    Leaving on Monday will be hard. For both of us.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    In search of treasure

    5. september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Found this old mappe drawn on an ancient piece of birch bark parchment. It confirms that there is treasure at the spot to which I am headed. Hope no one gets there before me. Hope the map is accurate and not a fake. Hope the spot where its buried is marked by a lone pine tree and a bottle of rum. So full of hopes.Les mer