  • Dag 3

    Day 3-Bayeux to Mont St Michel, 20 miles

    18 april 2016, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    (plus 75 miles by train!)

    Slight cheat day today. After relaxed morning in Bayeux the train was boarded after lunch (banana and Nutella crepes are my new favorite thing) for the 2 hour journey to Pontorson and then short ride to Mont St Michel. For anyone who has not been this is a must. Turns out it's the third most visited tourist attraction on France and you can see why. An Abbey built on a rock that gets cut off by the sea twice a day. After popping up the during the day and wandering around I went back after dinner for the sunset and for anyone that knows me im a sucker for a sun set.

    The big bonus for me today is Mont St Michel will be the 'Grand Depart' for Le Tour this year. Might not mean much to many people but to any cyclist this was a big box ticked.

    Inbetween I checked into my guesthouse a couple of miles in land in Beauvoir. Lovely place and Claude the host was very welcoming even if I wasn't sure what eye to look at!

    Great day and will be getting a few more trains to see more things as so easy and cheap. England could learn a thing or two.
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