  • Dag 14

    The Royal Botanic Garden

    26 december 2016, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Today was a very busy day right from the start. In the morning me and Chris went out in search of some SIM cards which would only be the very beginning of the hunt for SIM cards. After being told my phone was still locked by at&t and that we needed a passport to buy a SIM card we gave up for the day and went into a nearby Coles for some food. We walked out with some water a whole roast chicken and a salad in a bag. We then continued on to the botanic gardens and found a nice shaded place to eat our chicken and salad. When we finished eating we kept walking around the gardens and finding such interesting vegetation and even a little pond where kids were feeding eels bread as if they were ducks. We then found the water and headed up to Mrs Macquarie's chair to get a good view of the opera house and the bridge. Once we reached the end of the peninsula we saw a big dock to walk out on and we headed over to it. After looking at all the statutes on the dock we headed back towards town and found the Art Gallery of New South Whales, went in and looked at some beautiful art from all different kinds of artists including lots of aboriginal work. We left just as it was closing and got ourselves back to our hostels to get ready for dinner. We met back up in Woolworths to buy food for the night and the next few days. We decided on some frozen pizza because it was already so late and we were lazy. So we went back to his hostel and ate the pizza before I turned in for the night and walked back to my hostel with all my breakfast food.Läs mer