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  • Day 48


    January 29, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    I woke up at 12:00 today despite going to bed rather early. After a shower and breakfast I headed out to the Auckland Domain, a big park with live music,ponds, and gardens. The mile walk to the park didn't take very long and soon I was walking through gardens and ponds and eventually ended up on a rainforesty walk. After walking around in the forest I continued up to the war memorial. It was quite a building but it was pretty expensive to walk around inside so I continued walking through the park. Once I popped out I headed to the supermarket in search of a reusable cooler bag. After I winded my way back through little streets until I arrived back at my hostel. I waited a little bit and then had an early dinner before heading to bed.Read more