  • Jour 3

    421 meter high date

    11 janvier 2017, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    After a hot morning in the Batu caves we made our way to the KL Tower where I reserved a window seat for us to celebrate 101 days of traveling.

    The restaurant is called Atmosphere360, the floor of the restaurant rotates 360° around the tower and gives you the best possible unobstructed view of KL. The majority of the food in the buffet was Indian food which is the 4th type of asian cuisine we had in the last 3 days.

    The funny thing is the middle of the restaurant where the buffet is located don't turn with the floor, thus after dishing up its interesting to find you table again as it will have moved from where you last left it.

    This is one of the amazing things of traveling is that we have basically been able to spend so much time together that everything is really a date. We do fail to realize it and take the time together for granted. But its worth standing still for a second and saying to myself, wow another great date with my best friend and woman that I love more than life itself.
    Having said this, so much time together is a blessing and also a curse. Absence make the heart grow founder.

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