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  • Day 3

    Kanda-Tokyo Sta-Ueno-Asakusa

    May 13 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Our first full day forecast predicted 100% rain and heavy downpours. It was 100% right. We came prepared for wet weather, so our spirits weren't dampened. We canceled a bike tour and decided to familiarize ourselves with the vast metro system to ensure we could find our way to activities scheduled for the coming days.

    We ate internationally. Enjoyed a Japanese buffet breakfast, an Indian lunch, and Turkish dinner. After lots of walking and standing and puzzling over train connections and getting turned around, we needed respite. There is hardly any seating available in public spaces, so we were "forced" to get a table at a restaurant and order a chocolate cake and creamy flan. Just what we needed!

    Everyone is so polite and many signs are in English, making it fairly easy to find our way around. Our umbrellas leaked, and my hair went crazy, but per Gary's constant advice, I finally embraced the frizz. ( No choice, of course).

    It was a productive and exhausting day. Up at 4:30am, we were ready to hit the sack by 9:00pm. I love puzzles, and the metro system is a big one! By the end of the day, our brains were spent, and we were mixing up everything we learned haha!!! But it was a great first day.

    BTW, in the last photo, that bright yellow thing is called the Golden Flame. It sits atop the Asahi Beer headquarters to symbolize their passion for brewing. Supposedly some locals affectionately refer to it as the golden turd or the poo building.
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