  • Dzień 29

    W trek 4- The bloody long slog

    19 marca 2017, Chili ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Today we were more prepared, up and ready to go just after sunrise. We had a lot of kilometers to cover all in a general uphill direction from Camp Frances all the way up to Campamento Torres.

    The walk started again in blue skies with no wind, so as we walked along the side of a lake it looked like a mirror reflecting the great mountains above. We ambled along rolling hills in peace and quiet until a ranger on a horse burst out of the wilderness followed but two timid Americans. How not to do the W trek.

    The skies staterd darkening and a light rain fell for the rest of the day. I was thankful as it helped cool me down. We reached a sign declaring a short cut up to our destination. It really didn't feel like a short cut! Through boggy fields we trekked, getting our shoes soaked in mud more than once and when trying to find footholes my trekking pole wouldngo more than half a meter deep.

    Passing a British couple we warned them of the bog to come and in return I asked how far the next camp was. They replied miles and miles with smiles. Having already done miles and miles, I doubted them very much and set off to prove them wrong.

    A gruelling constant uphill later we joined the normal path and soon could see an alpine hut with inviting smoke poring from its chimney. We had made it to what a few had dubbed "Disneyland". We had been warned that this camp entices you in with warmth, beer and food. A honey trap, if you stay to long you won't be able to make it to your own campsite further up the valley, and they charge you extortionate prices to stay!!

    As we were making good time (take that British couple!), we had a quick sandwich and a drink before escaping up the valley to our last campsite at the base of the towers climb. A free campsite it was basic but quite picturesque in a sheltered forest with a stream running through the middle. We set up camp and ate early knowing that we had to get up very early the next morning to see the sunrise.

    Number if blisters= Still 0!!
    Number of km= 23ish
    Number of holas= I stopped counting
    Number of expensive sandwiches=2
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