Van life

Januari 2022 - Jun 2024
I started living van life in 2020 after the 1st covid lockdown was eased.
I’d got an eviction notice when covid broke and I just thought if I don’t do it now I never will. So me and Sam dog embarked on a van life adventure.
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  • Hari 13

    Foxhole aires Wakefield

    11 Februari 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Yorkshire adventure day 8

    Moved along the canal today to another aires
    Shortly after I arrived at foxhole moorings on the river Calder.
    Another blue Caravelle turned up As I was sat having a coffee they could have been twins apart from the other was a lwb.! Chatting to the driver it turned out he lived in his for 3yr and was local so picked his brain for nuggets of useful information.
    Great guy and as I’ve lost my water ways key to access the toilets showers etc he has ordered me one to his and is going to bring it down when it arrives. So staying put for a few days .

    In This afternoon sam and I walked along the canal to the next lock gate and back round the other side. , not far about 4 miles ! Stopping to chat to some of the barge owners as Sam tried to make them play.

    One used her barge as a tea room and meditation / healing room.
    The other was a folk musician.

    And just as I got back to the van another barge was arriving unfortunately I didn’t catch it come through the locks.
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  • Hari 18

    Moved to pontefract

    16 Februari 2022, England ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

    Whilst waiting for a parcel of a lamp wick and a British waterways key to be delivered to the local post office I spent a few days hiding out from Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice to pass through the uk. I had a few slow days down by the canal hiding away from the wind and the rain.! Then in between a break in the storm I braved it and Walked in to castleford via the canal greenway and collected my parcel !
    I couldn’t be happier 😍🚿the key worked and I could have a nice warm shower when I got back to the van. After a shower and some lunch I decided to visit pontefract town and the castle as it wasn’t far away and on my list of places to go on arrival the castle was closed as some branches had come down in the grounds during the storm so I walked round the town which has some nice antique shops on cobblestone roads. And a giant harribo shop. And as I didn’t manage to get in the castle I decided to stay the night outside the old priory at the bottom of the castle hill hoping it’s open tomorrow
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  • Hari 20

    Yorkshire adventure day 11 Leeds

    18 Februari 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Yorkshire adventure day 11

    The day started off windy and rainy early in the morning but by the time I got out of bed around 8.30 it wasn’t a bad day so had some breakfast and took Sam out for a walk round Leeds city centre then back to the van for a coffee before heading to Leeds armoires museum. A very interesting day out. Lots of exhibits and roll players telling the history. It was hard to get photos as most were in glass show cases. After the museum I decided to go back to the town centre as I didn’t have Sam with me so could get in a few more shops. Lots of funky places to look around tucked away on the old cobblestone streets. And indoor markets But didn’t stop out long as the rain and wind started and with a storm brewing headed back to the van to take Sam out again before it arrived.Baca lagi

  • Hari 21

    Thwaite mills

    19 Februari 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    Yorkshire adventure day 14
    As the storms pass through and the snow began to fall i moved out of Leeds city centre to visit thwaite mills !
    The mill would produce. Chalk and oil seed rape putty It is a fully restored working water-powered mill built in 1823-25, harnessing the power of the River Aire, and claims to be "one of the best last remaining examples of a water-powered mill in Britain.
    The staff where surprise to see me when I walked in the door As it’s snowing but as most of its inside it wasn’t a problem. It was great I was the only one there I had free roam so I thought I’d be cheeky and ask if I can stop in the carpark the night. There’s a couple more vans here so don’t think I’ll be on my own.
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  • Hari 22

    Down by the river

    20 Februari 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    After an early morning walk I spotted a unusual sight a dog flooded on a barge doing flood defence repairs so Parked down by armley marina I had a knock on the door. the police to tell me they were shutting the bridge in case the digger floated away. I did when any sensible person would do and went to sit and wait for it to happen. First spotted the floating digger at 11am the police knocked around 1300 and the digger broke free at 1730.Baca lagi

  • Hari 28

    Yorkshire adventure days 15-19

    26 Februari 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Yorkshire adventure day 19

    After breakfast I was up and out as the warm sun came through melting the gentle frost from the night. I set off through the grounds of conyngham hall and gardens and along the river nidd heading towards nidd gorge and ripley viaduct. After the rains and floods from the weekend before the footpath was wet and sloppy which Sam enjoyed immensely. I arrived at a fork in the river with a floood defence. As it was wet and boggy I had the place to myself pretty much. So I ventured out to the flood island for a photo opportunity before heading up to the knaresborough greenway and over the viaduct into Riply.

    Riply is a strange place it’s a little tourist village situated in the grounds of what they call a castle but I’d say it’s more a grand stately home as it not particularly castle like other than the grand towers that stand as the entrance gateways
    In the courtyard is a selection of country shops, cafes and and a gin distillery where you can do gin making classes and tasting.

    Before walking the 5 miles back to the van I grabbed a famous ripely ice cream 🍨 for me and Sam. Sitting in the sun watching the world go by as sam inhaled the creamy treat.

    Heading back down the knaresborough greenway this time avoiding the boggy river section I headed back to the van in knaresborough getting back to town stopping at the worlds end pub just in time for the sun to set behind the castle and viaduct unfortunately not picturesque sky’s as I sat on the outside terrace overlooking the river.

    Yorkshire adventure days 17-18

    Day 17 stated off wet and windy so I let Sam out to roam around and do his business as I sat in the van mad a strong coffee put the radio on and did some reading plotting The next part of the journey.

    In the afternoon came some sun and with that I walked along the Leeds Liverpool canal towards Dobson locks at Apperley bridge. 2 locks dropping down to the canal below. And to my surprise a boaters facility block. I tried my key in the door and it was open. Back to the van I headed to grab my towel and sponge 🧽. As I needed to refill my water tanks I decided to drive to the locks and spend the night. I spent the afternoon trying to recalibrate the drone but it kept failing. I turned to social media for help and a top man named robin who was 30 min down the road in knaresborough offered the use of his laptop so I could do it hardwired.
    Knaresborough wasn’t on the list of places to visit originally but I had a search and it seemed an interesting place so I accepted his offer and plans to go the next day.

    Day 18

    Waking up to snow gently falling at Dobson locks I had a shower and headed towards robin in knaresborough. Spent the morning trying to calibrate the drone to no avail. The screen was to small (size does really matter 📐 ) with that I left robin to have day and headed to knaresborough itself. Id spotted a free parking place next to the river nidd that was walking distance to town.

    Knaresborough itself is an interesting place full of history with castles,caves,tunnels,viaducts all scattered between cobblestone streets and passageways. Lots of interesting antique and art shops some with murals showing the history of the area some of which are peoples front rooms converted and as you wonder round the shop their chatting to you from the kitchen.

    Yorkshire adventure day 15

    After waiting out 3 storms over the weekend and watching a digger float away and sink there was finally a break in the weather and managed to get out for some fresh air so moved out of Leeds town centre to the outskirts and visited Armley mill and industrial museum then Kirkstall Abbey and park across the road. Whilst I hade the drone up in the air I spotted a strange structure hidden in the woods so landed the drone and went to investigate. It turned out to be an commemorative archway built to welcome queen Victoria to Leeds in 1858. Then moved on to Rodley as I’d heard there’s a few others that are full time in vans parked next to the canal again unfortunately this time there no boaters facilities to use
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