
September - Oktober 2023
Petualangan 23-sehari oleh Luke Baca selengkapnya
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  • 23,5kkilometer
  • Hari 23


    8 Oktober 2023, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Some facts about our trip!

    - 23 days long
    - 26,000km travelled
    - 37 hours total flight time
    - 5 countries visited: Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia
    - a total of 312,911 steps over the whole trip (avg of 13.6k steps per day)
    - while in Japan only, 229,487 steps (avg of 19.1k steps per day)
    - biggest time difference was -6 hours (Thailand was 6 hours behind NZ)
    - 3,322 total photos and videos (1,767 by Luke, 1,555 by Franks)
    - average temperature for the whole trip was 28°C, but the humidity made it feel a lot hotter!
    - Frankie purchased 13 handbags
    - Luke purchased 12 puzzles
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  • Hari 22

    The final post

    7 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    We spent our final night in Phuket packing our bags. Our weight limit for checked in luggage was 25kg, and carry-on was 7kg. It took us multiple hours to figure out how to get everything to fit within the weight limit! Plus my cheap handheld luggage scales broke halfway through packing, so I had to MacGyver a makeshift repair.

    Our tactic was to bin as much we didn't need (packaging, old clothes), then store all the excess weight in the carry-on luggage. Our final weights for Frankie and me were 24.5kg and 24.9kg, but our carry-ons were 10kg and 8kg, slightly in excess. Very luckily, the carry-ons never got weighed at the airports so we were able to bring all the excess home!

    Although, we did have to scoff a whole bunch of our Japanese snacks before the flight to reduce our weights. The Butterbeer from HP World was pretty gross and weighed almost 2kg so very glad we got rid of that!

    We spent our final morning getting ready and then going down to the restaurant for a final breakfast. Knowing it was going to be a long day of travelling ahead, I stocked up and had a hot breakfast, then a sweet breakfast, then a plate of fruit and yoghurt.

    The staff were lovely and took all our bags down to the boat for us. On the other side of the water, our taxi man, Mr. Superman, was waiting to take us to the airport. Mr. Superman had been our loyal taxi driver since Day 1 in Phuket. He took us everywhere we needed to go, and he was very punctual, quick, and honest. He suggested some tourist attractions too, including the Pearl Factory and the karts. It was nice to round off the trip with the same guy who picked us up from the airport at the very start.

    Then began the looooong trip home. At Phuket airport, there was some outage with AirAsia that meant no one could check in. There were over 50 of us waiting in line at the check-in counter for them to address the outage issue. We waited 1.5 hours until they decided to just manually check people in by taking photos of our passports on their phones. A bit stressful, but I knew we'd get on the plane because they wouldn't leave with us and all the other 50 people in the same boat.

    The first leg was only a short 1.5 hour flight to Kuala Lumpur. For some reason we weren't sitting with each other, but it was short so we didn't mind. It was just a small plane (6 seats across) which made it pretty uncomfortable with the limited leg room!

    At KL airport, we had a 7 hour stopover which we spent going through security, getting food, charging phones, etc. All the usual airport stuff. In fear of having limited legroom on the next flight too, we were trying to contact all the help desks we could to buy an upgrade to the exit row seats. We tried for a long time, but had no luck so had to stick with our original seats anyway. We boarded the plane and we're happy to see that it was a larger plane (9 seats across) and actually had a more comfortable amount of leg room. BUT - we didn't get any food on this 9 hour flight, and there were no in-flight entertainment screens?!?! Overall not too impressed with AirAsia so we know for next time to pick another airline. We tried to sleep for most of this flight anyway as it was now night time. Got an hour here and there, but it was pretty disrupted sleep.

    We arrived in Sydney the next morning around 10am. This was only a short 1.5 hour layover, so we literally got off the plane, walked in a big circle through security, had time for a quick toilet break, then pretty much had to get right back on the exact same plane again. We were both exhausted now after the poor night's sleep, but we were now only 3.5 hours away from home which gave us hope. The flight was much the same as the previous one. We tried to stay awake this time to sync our body clocks with Auckland time (which didn't really work in the end, our sleeping schedule was still out of whack for a few days after this!).

    Finally, we arrived back in Auckland. Baggage claim took a long time, then we had to declare our snacks and teas, but not too long after, we were ready to go home. Mum was waiting with a beaming smile for us in the parking area and we caught up on the ride home. We had to pick up my car from the Stevenson's house which had gone flat after 3 weeks of not driving. It took us a while longer to jump start the car but we got there in the end.

    Once we got home, Alfie was so excited to see us that he was shaking and whimpering. We had picked up pizza on the way home, so scoffed that and then began unpacking. Frankie took the next two days off work, and I took three days off, which was much needed!

    What an awesome honeymoon we had. It was so cool getting to travel Japan with my best friend. It was a place we'd always wanted to travel to since we first met. And it exceeded expectations! We are already thinking of going back! And Thailand was so idyllic and relaxing, the perfect way to end the trip. Every single day was just packed with so much fun and we have so many great memories that we can look back on. It's hard to pick a single highlight when every day was fun and unique. Shoutout to my travel buddy wife who made this experience unforgettable.
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  • Hari 20

    FIRE SHOW 🔥🔥🔥

    5 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    We saw the sign for a fire show earlier in the week that would be happening down at the resort beachfront restaurant. So three days ago we booked a table right at the very front of the deck on the beach. Lucky we did because it was busy! And we had the best seat in the house!

    We sat and ate buffet BBQ and cocktails for dinner, then some brownie and Thai sweets for dessert. Then almost as soon as we had finished our dinner, the fire show was ready to start.

    Two men performed for about 20 mins. They were incredibly talented! They used various props - poles, sticks, ropes, poi. The two videos shown were the two wow moments, but there were also a few more that I missed. You could see the sweat dripping off them!
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  • Hari 20

    Andamanda Water Park and Go Karting

    5 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    For our second to last day we started with some go-karting because we had missed out yesterday due to rain. It was really fun! Got a few overtakes in. But we didn't realise until the very end that our kart had dual control steering... I was wondering why it was so hard to steer!

    Then we went and spent a few hours at Phuket's main water park - Andamanda. A really fun way to spend the day. Reminiscent of Waiwera. We tried almost all of the slides, except for the ones that had really long waits or looked too scary. The best one was The Flying Eagle which had to have a minimum of 3 people, so we paired up with another couple - and it had a very sudden steep drop which we unfortunately had to go down backwards!

    Afterwards, we briefly stopped back at the Premium Outlet that we visited yesterday to pick up Frankie's glasses that she had ordered.
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  • Hari 19

    Pearl Factory, Central Phuket Mall

    4 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Another cruisey day. Just went to the mainland for a few hours to do some pottering.

    First, stopped at the Pearl Factory where we learned about the pearl farming and harvesting process, after which we perused the jewellery for sale. Franks got a nice necklace and earrings. The factory is on the mainland, but the farm is on Coconut Island where we are staying!

    Then a quick trip over to the Premier Outlet Shopping mall to see if there was anything good. It was all quite expensive here so we didn't buy anything. Except Frankie got some prescription glasses for $90! We pick them up tomorrow so we'll see if they're cheap or not.

    Lastly, we went to Central Phuket which is a huge shopping mall. They have 4 storeys, each being the size of Sylvia Park. They even had a go karting circuit on the roof! Had heaps of cool brands like Superdry, Fila, Adidas, etc., but again quite expensive so didn't buy anything.

    We did want to do Go Karting today but it was raining so not possible.
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  • Hari 18

    Crusiey Morning, then Karon Markets

    3 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Another cruisey day for us. Slept in, then got up for a lazy buffet breakfast. Chilled by the beach, went for a swim, had a late morning nap. Pasta for lunch, then caught the 3:30pm ferry to the mainland.

    We got to the Karon Markets around 4:30pm and spent 2 hrs there. There was plenty of cool stuff here! Clothes, toys, glasses, bags, wallets. And all for really cheap! I would have a price in my head of what I wanted to pay, then would ask the price and it would be cheaper. Then I could barter them down even cheaper! Got a new wallet, some shirts, and some little trinkety things. Frankie got yet another bag 😂

    Then a quick 30 min head massage for $10 each before making the journey back to our hotel. A very cruisey day overall. We are feeling very relaxed and happy 😁😁😁
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  • Hari 17

    Time to relax

    2 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Because we had done the Elephant Sanctuary so early in the day, it meant we had lots of time for relaxation 😍 started by having one of our two free massages. A 60 min aromatherapy massage to ease all the stresses of being on holiday 😉

    Then we chilled on the beach with cocktails and bar snacks (popcorn shrimp, camembert puffs, and fish & chips). After a dip in the pool, we went back to our room for an afternoon siesta.

    Our resort has a free laundry service, so we had dropped off all our clothes for washing yesterday, and they bring it to your room the next day washed, dried, pressed, and folded. For free! We'll definitely make the most of that before we leave!

    Chilled out for a bit longer, then went down to the restaurant for dinner. I had lamb shanks with massaman curry and Franks had red curry chicken noodle soup. It was too spicy so we struggled to eat it despite ordering it mild. Either they forgot to make it mild, or their version of mild is very spicy!!! Then sticky mango rice with a banana mocktail to wash it down. Yum!
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  • Hari 17

    Green Elephant Sanctuary pt. 2

    2 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Here are some of the photos that the staff photographers took while we were wet and muddy!

    Step 1. Feed the elephants.

    Step 2. Mud bath with the elephants.

    Step 3. Splash the elephants.

    Step 4. Elephant car wash.

    Step 5. Enjoy some cake!
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  • Hari 17

    Green Elephant Sanctuary

    2 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    This morning we got up early to catch the 6:30am ferry so that we could go to the Green Elephant Sanctuary by 8am. When we arrived, there was a group of about 30 people that had already started their tour, and a group of another 30 that we joined and waited for the next tour.

    The tour began with a meet and greet with the elephants. They had 10 or so elephants standing in a large sandy area with buckets of food surrounding them. We were free to approach the elephants, feed them fresh fruit, and stroke them on their sides, face, and trunks. There was one poor elephant who we were not allowed to go near because she had traumatic experiences with humans earlier in life, so she just stands in the corner watching her friends play while she eats from a pile of grass.

    Once we had run out of food to feed them, we went for a tour of their sleeping quarters. They had many large open-ended sheds for the elephants to sleep in. Apparently they spend time with tourists in the morning, then they are free to roam the jungle behind the sanctuary, and then at night time they come back to sleep in the sheds. They come back willingly because they know that the sheds are safe and they know where the food and water is.

    We also learned here that each elephant has a personal carer called a "mahoot". The mahoot stays with the elephant for the rest of their life. If the mahoot dies before the elephant, then the mahoot's children take on the role as mahoot for that elephant. So elephants become a part of the mahoot's family for generations (one family has been mahoots for 500+ years!).

    We went back to play with the elephants, this time having a mud bath with them. We could get sloppy mud and rub it on their sides. This apparently helps them cool off.

    Then into the pond where we splashed buckets of water into the elephants. There was one cheeky elephant that was blowing water onto her own back, as if to say "you aren't doing it right, splash me here", and which got us completely soaked!

    Finally, we went to the elephant shower which was a huge rain shower where we washed the elephants with brushes and got all the mud off. It was such an awesome experience being so close to the elephants!

    After the experience, we had the option to shower before having a lunch of Thai food - noodles, chicken, veges, rice. The staff brought out a celebratory cake for our Honeymoon. Not sure how they knew, must have written it on a form months ago when we booked, but it was really special!

    The elephants looked like they were well cared for. They have plenty of space to roam, they have shelter, shade, and water. The staff and mahoot look like they really enjoy looking after the elephants. They told us some cool stories about the elephants they have saved and how they enjoy being with their friends. We didn't see any forms of physical pain tools when we were there such as pins, sticks, hooks. They just used verbal instructions to guide the elephants where to go for each activity.

    They also had photographers walking around taking photos of us while we were in the pools, so I'll download them when they're available.
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  • Hari 16

    Phi Phi Islands tour

    1 Oktober 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    We spent Day 2 on a full day tour of the Phi Phi Island, which are about 40km off the east coast of Phuket. We woke up early to catch the 7:30am ferry over to the mainland. The resort staff had packed us a sweet little breakfast package because weren't going to be having the normal buffet breakfast which included some pastries, yoghurt and fruits.

    We met at Royal Marina at 9am to begin our tour. The crew consisted of a tour guide, who was a real good character, a captain, and two deck hands, then the 38 guests aboard. The tour guide was really funny throughout the day.

    Our first destination was an hour's boat ride away. The water was so calm that many people slept on the ride out, including me and Franks. Bamboo Island was the first stop, where we had an hour of free time at a lovely beach. We could snorkel on the rocky side of the beach, or we could swim on the sandy side of the beach - we did both!

    Next, we travelled to Ko Phi Phi Don which was just a short distance away. Here we stopped for lunch which was buffet style and had a mixture of western foods and Thai foods. This was the hottest part of the day, so it was nice to sit in the shade with a cocktail for a while.

    Next, we travelled to Ko Phi Phi Le. It was amazing to see the natural rock formations. We stopped in a large C-shaped bay, although the water was 5-30m deep in this area so it wasn't any good for snorkelling. But it was perfect for doing bombs off the front of the boat! A plunge into the 29°C water was perrrrfect. We chose to wear life jackets this time as it made it so much easier to relax afloat on the water.

    Next we moved to another bay on the same island which was between 2-3m deep and had a rocky bottom. We snorkeled and saw lots of fish and kina (they call it sea urchin, although these ones had really long spines), and we saw some of the tropical fish from the Finding Nemo movies. The fish were so relaxed and would come right up to you!

    After this, we did a quick drive by Monkey Bay. Our tour group didn't allow us to get off the boat here as the monkeys are too dangerous, but we saw enough from the drive by anyway. There were probably 10 boats all parked up next to each other in Monkey Bay all watching the monkeys in the trees. One tour group did get off the boat and approach the monkey, and one unlucky guy got hit by a monkey!

    Next, we went to our final spot called Maya Bay. This bay had previously been closed to the public due to the extensive damage that tourists had indirectly done to the bay. But it recently opened up, and we paid an additional 400 THB each to go to this bay. There was strictly no swimming allowed, so we could just walk through the forest and walk on the beach. The beach was incredible though. A perfect C-shaped bay with white sand and electric blue water, surrounded by massive rock formations that look like they're out of an Avatar movie. Apparently this place was the setting for a famous movie called The Beach. That's another movie for the "to watch" list.

    After that, we began our 1 hour ride back to the marina and the end of the tour. It was really fun! The water was so warm you could stay in for hours, and the snorkelling and swimming was really good too.

    Edit: we both got sunburned after the Phi Phi Island tour. Lesson learned! Re-apply!
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