T2T’s 2020 PhxCruiser Journeys

dicembre 2019 - giugno 2024
Our 2020 motorhome travels in the Phoenix Cruiser ... exploring Colorado and a road trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Leggi altro
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  • Lathrop SP Camping ... Cutting It Short

    15 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    When we set out on this camping trip, we intended to stay until Friday. Today is Wednesday and we're already home. A couple of things played into our decision. Chief amongst them ... the weather.

    There was the hot temps, of course. The forecast for Walsenburg was 90F ... cooler in Colorado Springs. In fact, it didn't even reach 80F at home. And once the daily rains came through, our temp dropped like a rock, cooling down into the 60F range. So refreshing.

    The rainstorm — complete with thunder, lightning, hail, and high winds in the mountain — was the other reason we decided to call it quits early. The storm was forecasted to be impact 4 ... on a scale of 5. That was going to make going into the mountains in search of cooler temps iffy. Visiting an indoor museum — requiring advance reservations — and wandering around with who knows how many others in an enclosed space held no appeal either. Best to go home.

    The good news? The gals at the park office agreed to refund us for the two nights we would not be staying, so no $ loss from our decision to leave early.

    We're considering some changes to our camping plans, so not sure when we'll be taking the Cruiser out for a spin again, but most likely it will be before the end of July.
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  • Solarized

    26 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    When we were living in the Phaeton — our condo on wheels — during our full-timing years, two of the early upgrades we did were to add solar panels and switch-out our house batteries from wet to sealed (AGM). Both served us well during those seven years.

    It goes without saying that Mui wanted to do the same upgrades for the Phoenix Cruiser. This time, however, he did the installation himself. The work was completed late last week. So far so good.

    We’re heading out tomorrow to dry camp for a few days and test the systems fully. 🤞🏻
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  • Dry Camping @ Prospector Campground

    27 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    We were on the road by mid-morning ... excited to test the Cruiser's new dry camping set up ... even if it was in a campground setting rather than out in the boonies somewhere.

    Our destination was the Prospector Campground in the White River National Forest ... near Dillon Reservoir. A relatively straightforward 139-mile drive from home — about 3 hours or so — was easily accomplished

    Since we'd driven I-70W to get to Carbondale a few weeks ago, we were familiar with the steep grades along the way ... especially the section coming out of the Eisenhower Tunnel, which is at 11,158 ft. Familiarity, they say, breeds contempt. In this case, it eased the stress that can accompany driving in mountainous terrain ... particularly because there was so much more traffic today than we encountered over the 4th of July holiday weekend.

    Prospector Campground has only 3-4 sites with water views. They get booked up six months ahead of time. In fact, that's pretty much the case for all of the sites at all of the campgrounds in the area. So, for this late-planned trip, we ended up booking one of the few available sites in Loop E ... #81.

    Though the site has a distinct hump in the center, it turned out to be surprisingly level when we backed-in. So much so that we did not have to deploy our leveling system. Great privacy all around and long enough to accommodate the toad. When you're dependent on solar panels to float your house batteries, you don't want shade trees. There are none at this site.

    No hook-ups to connect meant that setting up camp was easy. We were settled into our site in no time. Summer days are long with plenty of daylight. Time to get out and play ... time to become familiar with the area.
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  • Prospector D1 ... Breck and More

    27 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    Part II of today's story finds us exploring the area ...

    First up, we drove around the loops at Prospector Campground to check out the sites and note our preferences for a future stay. Rimmed as the area is by tall mountains with green-clad slopes, the scenery is nice pretty much everywhere ... the air redolent with the scent of fresh pine .... except when the campfires are burning. Privacy-wise, however, the sites on the outer edge of the loops are the better choice.

    Next, we drove down Swan Mountain Road to Frisco, one of several towns in close proximity to Dillon Reservoir. Seeing the construction traffic, we skipped checking out the downtown area. Instead, we crossed the Dillon Reservoir by way of the Dam Road. This gave us a chance to check out the Heaton Bay Campground, which has FHU sites. What surprised us the most about this campground is that none of the sites have water views! And they are fairly close together. That definitely was not the impression we got when we spotted the campground from the overlook on our way back from Carbondale a few weeks ago.

    A brief drive into the town of Dillon followed ... then another one into Silverthorne. Seeing the heavy traffic in both towns, we decided to skip any in-depth exploration. It was too early to go back to the Cruiser, however, so we decided to drive up to Breckenridge — aka Breck — instead ... maybe get some ice cream 😉

    When we arrived in town, we were pleasantly surprised to find Main Street blocked off to traffic to create a pedestrian way with one side affording restaurants a place to set up tables for al fresco dining. Even better, though there were a number of people out and about, there was no problem social-distancing. And everyone was obeying the MANDATORY requirement for face coverings.

    Parking in Breck is inexpensive considering it's a resort town — $1.50 bought us two hours to wander up Main Street; get some expensive but delicious ice cream at Higgles where the ordering counter was set up outside the shop; stop to check out the sculptures and smell the brilliantly colorful flowers hanging from baskets on the light poles; stroll along the Blue River Rec Path while being serenaded by the gurgling water.

    It was a perfect late afternoon wander ... until the sun went into hiding and it suddenly cooled down considerably. Add to that an uptick in the number of people finding their way to Main Street. It was time for us to leave.

    One of the reasons we opted to test our dry camping set up at Prospector instead of a campground closer to the house is because our friends, Sonia and Boris, are in Breckenridge for a few weeks ... to escape the heat in Denver. On our way back to the car, we called to let them know that we had arrived. After a brief chat, we ended up going over to their place for a bit. We'd last seen them in December 2019, so it was great seeing them again and catching up. We have plans to spend time together in the next couple of days.

    It was after 8:00p when we returned to the Cruiser. The solar panels had done a good job of floating the batteries in our absence ... even though we forgot to switch the fridge from electricity to propane. Oooops! Won’t make that mistake again! We ran the generator briefly to use the microwave and warm up our dinner. And now, time to settle down to a quiet night of reading.

    P.S. One of the photos in this footprint is of Tom's Baby ... the story associated with the sculpture is here ... https://eenusa.smugmug.com/PhxCrzr/CO-Day-Short….
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  • Dry Camping @ Prospector ... Day 2

    28 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    Woke up to a temp of 51F ... a little cool, but nothing that could not be rectified by running the propane furnace for a couple of minutes to break the chill. The best news ... the batteries were still near the 13V mark.

    The plan for today was to head over to Breckenridge to spend time with Sonia and Boris. So, off we went after breakfast for our 9:00a date to walk around their neighborhood ... 4 miles @ 9,600 feet of altitude. Though our route was paved all the way, it was also uphill ... until we got to the turnaround point of the loop. A good cardio workout made all the more pleasant because we had great company.

    After our walk, we returned to their digs and enjoyed catching up for a while. Mui and Sonia had agreed that she'd be cooking today ... and Mui would be doing so tomorrow. A light lunch consisting of a delicious pumpkin soup and a very tasty pasta salad left us all comfortably sated.

    After lunch, Sonia and Boris followed us back to the campground so they could see our home on wheels. As luck would have it, the heavens opened up on the way there ... and it didn't stop until after they left!

    Normally, we're out and about during the day and return to spend a quiet evening at home ... reading, writing, watching a little TV. Since we have no electric hook-up on this camping trip, we decided to jiggle things around so that the solar panels have time before nightfall to top off the house batteries after whatever power we drain using our electronic devices.

    With that in mind, after the Gelmans left, we watched a couple of episodes of a TV show I had downloaded from Netflix (no TV signal with the roof-top antenna), and then I did a bit of journaling on the laptop .... and a bit of web surfing (excellent T-Mobile signal). That done, we left our electronics to be charged up, and went off to explore the area.

    The afternoon rainstorms that are prevalent in the mountains were done for the day. The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds more than it was hiding. The temperature was quite comfortable. Perfect conditions to take a walk.

    Driving a short distance down Swan Mountain Road, we went to the Sapphire Point Overlook. There are a number of trails from here that go to nearby towns, but it was too late in the day to attempt them. Instead, we walked to the overlook — where we witnessed a young man proposing to his sweetheart ... so charming and romantic. Then we continued down the trail a short distance. The peek-a-boo views of Dillon Reservoir were lovely ... but would be even more so in the morning when the sun shines on the mountains. Methinks we'll need to return to do some of the hikes in the area.

    We would have walked further, but suddenly there were carloads of people showing up ... probably to catch the sunset. Most were not wearing masks and the trail was narrow. So we opted to call it a day.

    When we returned to the Cruiser it was after 7:30p. Time to run the generator for a bit to warm up our dinner in the microwave. Afterward, we settled down to a quiet evening. I bundled up to sit outside, but unfortunately, the smoke from the campfires drove me indoors. I have a feeling it will be another early-to-bed night for us.
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  • Dry Camping @ Prospector ... Day 3

    29 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

    It was a little colder this morning at 6:00a ... only 42F. We had to run the propane furnace a bit longer to break the chill, but soon we were cozy. Unlike yesterday's mostly cloudy skies, today we expected full sunshine .... with nary a hint of rain. Yeah right ... that just ain't going to happen in the mountains!

    We again left early to meet up with Sonia and Boris around 9:00a. The plan for the day called for us to drive to Blue Lakes — about ½-hour away — and do a short hike. All went well ... at first.

    Boris managed the heavily-rutted Blue Lakes Road well ... even if we did all feel well and truly shaken by the time we reached the parking lot. We got out of the car, collected our hats and water bottles ... and decided to wear our jackets. At 11,710 feet, it was downright COLD! And the wind wasn't helping those temps.

    In the end, it was the wind that put paid to our hiking plans. We made it as far as the overlook for the Lower Blue Lakes. Stopped to take a few photos and were nearly blown over. But we persevered ... for a few more minutes. The wind was just too strong ... and getting stronger the higher we went.

    Returning to the car, we made our way to the parking lot at the bottom of the Lower Lake. We'd come down a little ways. Surely the wind would be a little lighter here. It wasn't. We walked down to the edge of the lake, took a couple of photos, and quickly returned to the car.

    Calling it quits, we returned to Sonia and Boris's digs. Though it was still windy in Breck, it wasn't so bad that we could not sit out until Chef Mui called us to the table.

    Our plan had been to have the Gelmans over to our place for lunch. But the picnic table at the site was in such sad shape that we moved the meal to their place. The menu was, therefore, planned accordingly ... with nothing requiring heating up. Heavy hours d’oeuvres basically — shrimp cocktail, salad, hummus, and guacamole with a variety of chips and crackers ... wrapping up with vanilla ice cream and blueberries ... or, in the case of Sonia, blueberries only.

    Once again, no sooner were we in the car to return to the campground that it started pouring. But when we got to our site it was bone dry ... at least for 30 minutes. Then we heard the thunder and before long it was raining. On again. Off again. No matter, our dry camping modus operandi called for us to spend the early afternoon relaxing in the Cruiser anyway. A nap ... reading ... a few downloaded episodes of a TV show.

    By the time we left for our afternoon outing, the rain was gone, though distant thunder and grey clouds kept us on alert. Instead of hiking down to the Dillon Reservoir shoreline, we decided to take another drive in the area ... checking out a bit of this and a bit of that. Nothing exciting. But beautiful scenery and peek-a-boo sunshine made for a delightful afternoon drive.

    Once again, it was after 7:30p when we returned to the Cruiser. Not very hungry, we had some snacks and wine while we read and relaxed. I did a bit of writing, not too concerned about using up the battery on the laptop since we'll be going home tomorrow.

    My one regret about the afternoon ... there was too much smoke from the campfires, so once again I was unable to sit on the patio to enjoy the great outdoors and watch the ground squirrels running around.
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  • Back Home from Prospector

    30 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

    Another camping trip is wrapped up.

    We left the Prospector Campground around 9:30a and arrived home a little after 1:00p. The traffic coming back on I-70E was much lighter ... an uneventful, easy drive.

    We had a wonderful time with our friends and enjoyed their company as we explored a bit of the area. That said, there was a purpose for this camping trip that went beyond visiting with friends — trying out our dry camping systems. The test went off without a hitch.

    It's not that we've not dry camped before. We did so while we were full-timing in the Phaeton — our one-bedroom condo on wheels. But it was just for a night here ... a night there. Mostly overnight stops going from one place to another.

    We've now proven to ourselves that the upgrades — solar panels and sealed house batteries — will sustain us comfortably on longer dry camping outings. So, we’ll be adding some boondocking opportunities to our plans. Where and when? Well, that is still TBD.

    Our next camping trip is scheduled for the week of 10 August ... at a state park where we will have electricity. We won't have to travel nearly as far to get to our campground this time 😉
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  • Bed-in-a-Box

    31 luglio 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    Our Cruiser has twin beds. One is slightly longer, so there was no question who would get that one!

    The two beds came with different types of mattresses. A spring mattress in one and a foam mattress in the other. I'm guessing the previous owners switched one of them out for some reason.

    Anyway, the spring mattress had a definite sag in the middle. Mui didn't appreciate waking up with a backache. The foam one was so firm that it felt like concrete. I like a firm mattress, but this was beyond the pale, causing me to toss and turn all night.

    So, we switched them out. Mui picked up a couple of bed-in-a-box foam mattresses from Costco, sized them down, and tucked in the excess fabric cover securely. Voilà! Comfy beds once again.
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  • We've Got Sat TV

    3 agosto 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    We all have things that we like to do to relax. Mui likes to watch TV before going to bed. He says it's his "sleeping pill." True enough ... he more often than not falls asleep in front of the TV. He also likes to catch the news to stay apprised of the goings-on around the world. Add to this the need to be aware of weather conditions wherever we happen to be.

    When we're out camping, we can sometimes get TV off the air via the rooftop antenna. Or if the data signal is strong, we can stream online. More often than not — as has been the case on a number of our camping trips this year — due to our locale, neither is an option.

    Enter the Winegard G2 satellite TV antenna. It's a portable antenna, but Mui wanted to have it permanently installed. When he was on the Cruiser's roof to work on the solar panels a few weeks ago, he pulled the cable for the satellite TV connection as well. Then, once the antenna and the bits and pieces arrived, it was easy enough to finish up the installation.

    Today, Mui brought the Cruiser to the stix and brix, and a tech from DirecTV came to connect a DVR satellite receiver to the sat antenna. Voilà! We have satellite TV. Mui's a happy camper.

    So far, everything is working as expected ... in an urban setting. We'll get to test it out fully on our next camping trip when we head out to a state park.
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  • Camping @ Mueller State Park

    10 agosto 2020, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    A 47-mile drive + a 1:00p check-in = a quiet morning at home before we set off for our camping trip to Mueller State Park in Divide, Colorado.

    The drive on US-24 was an easy one ... pretty much uphill most of the way, but with comfortable grades that we were familiar with from having driven to Woodland Park previously. Light mid-morning traffic from our house to Woodland Park gave way to negligible traffic once we were through the town. After we turned onto CO-67 for the short stretch to the park's entrance, there was no traffic at all.

    The brochure welcomes visitors to the state park, which is located on the western foothills of Pikes Peak, with the following words … "You are surrounded by over 5,100 acres of spring-fed meadows, mixed forests and massive rock outcroppings of Pikes Peak Granite."

    And that’s exactly what we found here. Our site — #132 in the Grouse Mountain Campground … the only one that was available at the time we made our reservation — is set in a forest … with enough sky peeking through to charge our solar panels and give us a view of the southern sky for the satellite antenna Mui recently installed. The half-moon pull-through site is electric only — 30A. Water spigots for those who need to fill up their tanks are plentiful and there is a dump station as well. Our patio is spacious … facing the forest. Plenty of distance between us and our neighbors, and with the site situated parallel to the road, the Cruiser serves as a buffer for additional privacy. Perfect.

    We were settled into our site by 1:00p. No sooner had we decided on an al fresco lunch that it started to rain, so we had a quick bite to eat indoors instead. Of course, had we known that the rain would be over and done with minutes later, we would have waited. Oh well!

    After lunch, we decided to check out the nearby area. Divide and Florissant are both census-designated towns with populations well under 200 people. Turns out that neither town offered anything that caught our eye. Except that Florissant is just a couple of miles from Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, which we explored in depth in 2015.

    When Mui said that his memories of the national monument were a little fuzzy, we decided to head over there next. As it was just past 4:00p and the gate closes at 5:00p, we had just enough time for a quick look-see and a walk to where a collection of petrified redwood stumps rise out of the ground. Short though our visit was, it was enough for Mui to have his "aha, yes, I remember now moment."

    This national monument doesn’t get the numbers of visitors that others do ... maybe 300 people per day ... less these days. I remember noticing the lack of crowds last time we visited. Today, arriving late in the day as we did, there were maybe a total of 3-4 couples wandering around. A good place to go for social distancing during a pandemic.

    [Photos from our 2015 visit to FFBNM, including the excellent visitor center exhibits that were closed today, are in this online gallery: https://eenusa.smugmug.com/WeGoA-Rollin/Fulltim….]

    From here we continued on the Teller One Road, which is one of the four routes that make up the Gold Belt Tour National Scenic Byway. The drive was indeed scenic, though places to stop along the way were few and far between. We did manage to find a spot overlooking a particularly scenic section where there were large outcroppings of the pink Pikes Peak granite that was created by magma cooling deep inside the earth.

    Arriving in Cripple Creek, a historic gambling and mining town, we drove through the old town. Where once there was a rush to gold, today the rush is to the one-armed bandits and roulette and card tables in the many casinos that line the street. The rush has diminished since the pandemic and today we found a town that was ghostly quiet. Though there were a few people wandering around, there was no sign of the donkeys that are a popular photo subject for tourists. Seeing no outdoor dining opportunities, we decided to continue on without stopping.

    Returning to Mueller State Park, we drove the road up to the campground slowly, keeping our eyes peeled for wildlife. No sign of black bear, fox, eagles, hawks, or elk ... but we did have a friendly encounter with a mule deer buck that was grazing roadside.

    We were back to our home-on-wheels in time to enjoy the warm afternoon sunshine — at some 9,600 feet, the park is at least 10 degrees cooler than nearby areas that are at a lower altitude — and have happy hour on the patio. Small birds were flitting from branch to branch, joined by Steller's jays hopping around the base of the trees. Golden-mantled ground squirrels were not shy about scampering around the site ... looking for a handout that they went without today. A great way to wrap up our day.
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