  • Dag 31

    Cee to Cabo Finisterre

    19 oktober 2018, Spanje ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    Cee to Cabo Finisterre

    Distance 23kms (4 hours)

    There was a real snore fest last night in the Albergue. At least five were giving it rock all. Thanks to Jim Barber’s earplugs, I slept well.
    I was out the door at 8am and back on the Camino. I feel really strong which isn’t surprising after all the pain, exhaustion and distance I’ve walked.
    I arrived on the outskirts of Finisterre town and walked along the beach into the town. It was beautiful.
    As I walked into the town, I met Max from Poland. I walked with him yesterday. It was a great surprise. I then passed a hotel Al Cox and I stayed in two years ago and the pirate bar.
    It was only 10.45am so I carried on to Cabo Finisterre.
    I felt fantastic when I got to the 0.00km marker. I sat on the rocks overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and toasted my family, parents and friends with a bottle of wine I had in my rucksack. It would have been a shame not to!
    I stayed there for about an hour, shoes off, bottle of wine and soaking up the sun rays. It was very peaceful.
    I returned to the town and met some other peregrinos I had walked with on this short Camino.
    I have checked into the Albergue, collected my Finisterre certificate and am now refuelling before contemplating going onto Lires & Muxia tomorrow.
    And that was my 31st day on the Camino and my 4th day on Camino Finisterre / Muxia
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