South West Coastal Path

August - September 2023
The SWCP is the longest national trail. From Minehead to Poole, it takes in the best parts of four unique counties, offering 630 miles of uninterrupted paths. This is part one of my journey from Minehead to Newquay. Weiterlesen
  • 13Footprints
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  • 135Kilometer
  • Tag 11

    Morwenstow to Bude

    7. September 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    7.5 miles 26C

    The overnight stop at the Bush Inn was fantastic. Caught up with three other coast walkers who also pitched up at the pub. I had a second meal and a few pints before we all settled in for the night.
    We were all up at 0615 and I was on the path for 7am.
    It had rained overnight but all my kit was dry.
    For the next two hours, I crossed some BIG headlands. They were truly stunning. I was happily motoring on with Van Morrison on my iPod. I could see two of the guys from last night just starting their descents into the coves as I was ascending on the other side. Yesterday and todays ascents were 1,271m.
    The day was overcast and we had one brief cooling shower. Although, it was humid, you certainly could feel the heat building up.
    I passed a huge radar/listening station that dominated the landscape.
    By 1030, the two guys had caught up with me. Our energy levels were depleted but we were over the worse. We came upon a cafe and quickly demolished our full English breakfasts.
    The headlands reduced in their severity which meant an easy walk into Bude.
    The town is packed. We managed to find a small campsite on the outskirts of town.
    After quick showers, we were all into town to find a laundrette because with this heat and effort, we pose a serious health risk to ourselves and the public.
    The temperature continues to rise but early starts are the answer

  • Tag 12

    Bude to Crackington Haven

    8. September 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    10 miles 24C

    134 miles 7897m cumulative Ascent 25,912 fr

    I said goodbye to my fellow walkers this morning. We’ve enjoyed each other’s company the last few days. Although, I’m pretty sure one of them is lying low from the law.
    I decided to walk with a light pack and bus it back to Bude. I set off at 8am. There was a low sea mist all along the coastline but every now and then it cleared. This section was busy with day walkers and tourists on the path. I think that a number seriously underestimated the distance and how tough the path got.
    The path was very pleasant to Widenouth Bay. The beaches were busy with surfers and retired folk walking their dogs.
    I quickly made distance until I hit some BIG ascents and descents.
    The sea mist kept me cool but the humidity was high.
    As I approached my destination for the day, I was a stunning section called the Cleave. It was a thin precipice which was shrouded with sea mist on either side. It was amazing. I stopped for lunch on Castle Point before dropping into Crackington Haven.
    I had just enough time for a quick soda water and lime before catching the bus back to Bude.

  • Tag 13

    Tintagel - The End Stage one

    9. September 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    With suspected food poisoning and a vertigo attack yesterday, I have decided not to walk on. I only had one more full day to do.
    Instead, this morning, I caught the bus from Bude to Tintagel and found a campsite.
    After a long rest, I had a short walk around Tintagel and to my great delight met up with my two walking companions as they made their way wearily into town.
    It made a wonderful finale to an amazing walk.
    The path is simply stunning but tough. Distances take a very long time because of the ascents and descents. The toil is worth it as the coastal scenery is breath taking.
    I will be back to continue where I left off….
    Thank you all for following and your supportive messages.Tintagel