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  • Day 7

    BCN to EAS (San Sebastián)

    April 13, 2023 in Spain

    Today we departed from Barcelona, although our first impression of the city was that it was quite dirty and a little too city/touristy for both of us. We grew to love it and honestly were sad to leave.

    We spent one last morning at our tiny hotel gym, it’s not lifetime but it sufficed. Then we packed our things which included blow drying some of the clothes that didn’t quite air dry, LOL! Kyle felt bad and went to surprise me with a pastry. After that we walked down La Rambla one last time to get a few souvenirs and got one last aperol spritz and a few tapas before heading to the airport.

    The airport security was quick and we sat in one of the lounges were we did opt to enjoy the open/self-serve bar this time. And then it happened. The worst flight we’ve ever been on. We go to the gate where we did not see our plane so we were a little confused, we had to hop on a bus that took us out in the tarmac to get onto the plane. It was a quick boarding process still, we taxi off, ready for takeoff and then we go full speed to ascend and all of a sudden the plane comes to a violent stop screeching the breaks, we were both sweating buckets. The pilot came on and said something in Spanish, we assumed we were going to be delayed or transferred to a different plane. The man across the isle kindly translated that the pilot was going to “try again” and that there was a software problem. This did not make us feel good. The turbulent flight was 1000x more sketchy. We had never been more relieved to step foot on land.

    Our first impression of San Sebastián is that it is a quaint and cozy place. Our hotel room at SANSE Bay sits right on the marina. We plan to sleep with our balcony door open tonight as it is a cool night and the sound of the waves is quite soothing. Unfortunately the weather is quite rainy and Molly is pretty much out of clothes for this weather so we headed to Zara for a rain jacket and got Kyle some socks (less expensive than washing his). We also bought an umbrella that the wind took and broke almost two minutes after the purchase, we’ll try again tomorrow!

    We grabbed some dinner where we learned not many will speak English here (see Kyle trying to translate) and then stopped near our hotel for a bottle of wine and oysters. With the weather we decided to head back and drink some wine in our room, early night and ready to explore tomorrow!
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