Uma 11aventura de um dia na Reto Leia mais
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  • Dia 9


    28 de dezembro de 2020, Egito ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Started the day getting abruptly woken up by the bus driver absolutely going to town on the horn and driving like a physco. Ride was 6 hours and I slept like 90% lil cold not wearing a sweater. Got some hard flashbacks to busses in Southeast Asia.
    Got off the bus and got swamped my taxi drivers, I said fuck it to an Uber and just went with one of the dudes who wouldn’t leave me alone.
    After swindling me a bit and not bringing me where I wanted I got him to drops me off somewhere and I just walked a bit.Obviously paid too much but 🤷‍♂️.

    Did a pyramid tour with Amanda, she got approached by a dude to ride a horse carriage. Ended up paying 800 EP but wasn’t the worst swindle ever. Then we checked out the pyramids. There were very few people that so that was neat. Took some touristy photos then got on outta there
    Pyramids were a real hoot to look at, I’m super into that shit

    Next went for some lunch was cheap and delicious. 30 NORTH | ICONIA got some chicken tempura sandwich

    Next we met up with Amanda’s friends Samir Elsharkawy. He took on us a little tour around and of the Mohammad Ali Mosque in Cairo. Was neat never had been in a mosque , learned some stuff about what not to do in a mosque. Was very nervous as I’m not that good at being proper.

    Next we went home to Amanda’s for a bit and chilled, had some drinks. Next we hopped on a boat on the nile to chill and have a couple drinks and watch the sunset with her friends, Lindsey, Melissa , Samir and one more dude Abd El Rahman Saleh (ali).
    It was neat.
    We then ripped back to Amanda’s and had a couple more drinks and ordered some super Egypt food. Super cheap and super good. Total was like 700 EP for 6 people. Price blew me away.
    After this most people left, Amanda ordered me some eszopiclone. I fell asleep on the couch and she went to sleep. I woke up to some dude leaving the house shortly before I had to get up 🤔. I then got up, cleaned up a bit and went to the Uber driver downstairs.

    He had to get me to fix the drop off location a bit so I didn’t get dropped off in a super sketchy spot. I tipped him double the original cost of 55 EP (2.75 €) the bus station was kinda sketchy and I got swindled a bit buying some chips but didn’t have enough fucks to give about like 30 EP (1.5€) I waited 45 minutes at the bus office. Then I walked to bus and got yelled at by a few dudes. 😂
    Now I’m on the bus and had 2/3 of a eszopiclone about 20 minutes ago so we will see what happens.
    Just re-read what I wrote and most of it made no sense, probably because of the narcotics.
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  • Dia 10

    Cairo Nd Gin

    29 de dezembro de 2020, Egito ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    After waiting at the sketchy bus stop in Cairo, I took some weird Egyptian narcotics and passed out as soon as I got on the bus. Woke up in soma bay and went to the kitehouse at ~14:30 local time. Had enough time to write the kitesurf exam and get the licence 😂. I have no idea what I am doing out there but I was able to stand up and go upwind so that was enough for my dude Charlie hahaa.
    In the evening we had a coupla drinks from a bottle of Gin that Alex and Romina provided. The gin was going down way to easy and reminded me of weekends in Invermere getting blackout. I recall Sasha, the chill German dude showing off some full nudes of himself and we were all impressed. I barely remember going to my room. Way she goes.
    In the morning I woke up to my alarm and almost immedietly passed out again. Luckily Vanessa (Ava"s mom), for whatever reason had the front desk call my room and wake me up again hahaaaa.
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