Leichardt Falls

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    • Leichardt Falls (East Side)

      July 18, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The crossing of the Leichardt River above the falls is a long narrow cement track. A low bridge spans the channel where the water flows across.

      We stopped at the beginning of the road across a d were greeted with a huge noise of little corella in groups of thousands.Read more

    • Leichardt Falls & the Birds There

      July 18, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      A short walk from the road we are rewarded with amazing views of the river below the falls. They are not flowing at the moment and one has to consider how amazing it would be to witness the river while in flood.

      Birds we saw at Leichardt Falls

      Little Egret
      Willie Wagtail
      Whistling Kite
      Magpie Lark
      Little Corella
      Fairy Martin
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    • Day 17

      Day 17

      June 13, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Left Croydon at 8:30 heading west to Normanton to stock up on supplies and fuel, went to the bakery for morning tea, coffee and custard tart which was very good so we got a couple of pasties to go for lunch. Out of Normanton and west towards Burketown wasn't long before the black top ran out and we are on the dirt, about 120kms of dust and pretty good Road with lots of dips crossed over the little Banone, the Banone and the Flinders Rivers before we got to the Leichhardt River and falls, decided to stop here for the night as it is such a great spot to camp along the river. We went down the track to the falls and found a camp spot over looking the river and the falls absolutely magic, WikiCamps said it was extreme 4wd down the falls track but we pulled the van in easy, very interesting place with some weird rock formations from water flow. Spotted a fresh water crocodile basking in the sun on a rock in the river, a few other caravans here but vey peaceful, happy hour overlooking the river just another piece of an amazing Australian natural wonder well worth the time to get here 🥃😊👍Read more

    • Day 59

      Leichhardt Falls - Bog #1

      June 15, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      What an incredible free camp. We will stay 2 nights at least.

      There is no water falling at the moment - it is the Dry after all. During the wet season the entire rock shelf where our van is parked would be flowing water trying to find a way into the river bed below. It would be great to see, but it would be such an effort to get here as kilometres of the road in both directions would be under water.

      Out by the causeway there are vans of 4 or 5 fisher types on the upstream side of the falls. It’s funny how many cars/van have boats up here. There are also a few Nomads who tend not to venture far from the road and gather close together. Three campers including us have ventured across the rock shelf a few hundred meters with outlooks into the Gorge. With this view I reckon it was the right choice.

      We are on the Savannah Way, 62k from Burketown and 152k from Normanton which we left Tuesday morning. The road was mostly gravel of excellent condition.

      This is such a cruel place. Beautiful sandy beach, big rock jump off into a deep pool. The real and present Crocodile danger that stops you from getting wet. Aaaargh.

      Today we got bogged briefly for the first time. Lesson learned about maintaining momentum in soft sand before a tight turn with a caravan in tow. Luckily it’s winter so we are digging with the mercury is just under 30°. We are grateful for the generosity of strangers who helped out. It’s a pay it forward system so we will look out for someone else who will need a hand. We took some beers over during Happy Hour triggering a fun exchange of stories.

      The evening last night was sensational. A dinner that would be hard to beat, temperature in the high 20°’s, neighbours out of ear shot and perfectly clear, star blazed sky. It’s truly like we were in the cosmos and alone. (Really - quite alone - no internet connectivity). I do have an app to help identify stars/constellations - so much fun. Crocs are unlikely to visit us up on the cliff top.

      Wednesday, we breakfasted on the very edge of the escarpment, then walked north from the camp along Leichhardt River. So many birds, so many critters and their tracks. Temperature heading above 30° again so long lunch and lazy afternoon is demanded. (You might guess that has contributed to this lengthy post)
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    • Day 23

      A Parrot at the Waterfall

      June 22 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Before we departed Karumba we had to experience another sunset and another barramundi and prawns dinner. A full moon added to the beauty of the night.
      The peace this morning was interrupted by the alarm Carolina has set to ensure we woke early enough to get underway by 8am. Why the early start? Because today we are heading for Leichhardt Falls and the free camp that overlooks the waterfalls. It’s a very popular camping area that requires a 4WD to get into the campsite and with limited campsites available we were advised to get there early to get a good camping spot before it fills up. So we hitched up and got underway as planned at 8am.
      We were again driving on the Savannah Way towards Burketown. The Falls are about 200km away and are about 80km before Burketown. Along the way the bitumen ran out and the last 100km was red dust and a gravel road. The gravel road was corrugated at times and the dust a little thick so the first task was to pull over and reduce the tyre pressures. The lower tyre pressures help cushion the corrugations and help provide a smoother ride for the caravan, as well as giving more flexibility for the tyres to cope with the stones that can puncture or damage the tyres. On bitumen highway driving we run 40psi in the caravan tyres and the car front tyres and 45psi in the rear car tyres. On gravel roads with medium corrugations we run 30psi in the caravan tyres and front car tyres, and 33psi in the rear car tyres. On gravel roads with bad corrugations we run 20psi in the caravan and front car tyres and 23 psi in the rear car tyres. As we knew the 1km entry road into the Leichhardt Falls free camp was soft sand, lower tyre pressures would be required anyway.
      The gravel road today also required several fairly shallow water crossings left over after the recent wet season flooding.
      As we arrived at the Leichhardt Falls the narrow entry road opened up to a large sandy and rocky camping area overlooking a magnificent scene of the Falls and several associated pools. It was a truly lovely sight that took our breath away. Well worth seeing!!
      We then found a good camp spot directly overlooking the falls. It involved a tricky bit of driving to get the caravan into the right spot but we were rewarded by having the whole vista of the Falls laid out right in front of us.
      About 6 other caravans were already there and we chatted to some of them while taking in the views. It was at that time that we found out that across the other side of the main pool were two freshwater crocodiles basking on the sand bank. So at last Carolina was able to see crocs in the wild and to realise that they were some distance away and not able to get to our campsite to eat her, and she found out that yes it was actually safe to observe crocs in the wild, although she says she does not want to see any more!!
      Shortly after we arrived a Nissan Patrol arrived with an unexpected passenger. On the back of the car perched outside on top of the Maxx Trax was a beautiful large macaw parrot!! Carolina was fascinated! She went over to chat to the couple in the car and found out that their parrot travels everywhere with them perched on the back of the car!! When they set up their camp overlooking the waterfalls the parrot perched on a branch just above the car. Quite a sight!!!
      As the evening approached some of the other campers invited us to join them for drinks around their campfire, and this ended the day on a nice social note.
      Having an off-road caravan parked in an off-road remote outback location requiring 4WD access and overlooking a spectacular scene of natural beauty is a special experience that leaves lasting memories.
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    • Day 59

      Our neighbours two crocs on a rock

      June 15, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Leichhardt Falls. Great spot overlooking the gorge and a couple of crocs enjoying the sun.

    • Day 55

      Leichhardt falls....

      June 22, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Both of us are C19 positive so we are here for a few days. Feel pretty ordinary actually!
      Are taking it easy for a few days.

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